Software Release Notes / Version 1112.1 / 4-30-2012 - Page 1 of 31

Software Release Notes

RollMaster Retail System / Version 1112.1

Sales Processing:

  1. The PartialInvoicing feature has been updated to allow partial invoicing of a material line that does not have 100% of the material assigned. Previously, in order to partial invoice, material lines had to display “JC” in the Status column before you could create a partial invoice. With this update, you can now create a partial invoice up to the amount assigned, and the system will move any remaining assigned quantity—including pointer records—and any “on order” quantity, to a new line on the job for further processing and the Status column will reflect the applicable designation
  1. In the new Graphical Order Entry and Quotation Entry programs, when you first enter these programs, you will see a new sort column to the far right titled “Install Date” as follows:

When you first enter this screen, the default sort lists all jobs in order of job number. However, with the addition of this new column, you can click on the Install Date column button and the system will re-order the display to list the jobs in order of the Install Date furthest out as follows:

Alongwith the Install Date, the column will also display AM/Any/PM, which is selected when an install date is entered on a job. When more than one job appears for a specific Install Date, the system will automatically list AM jobs first, followed by Any jobs and then PM. The AM/Any/PM listings will also now export to Excel on reports where Install Date is listed. The “Selected Job Detail” box is thinner, but contains the same information as before and also now displays the “Customer PO #”at the bottom of the screen.

Also, a “Refresh” button has been added to the top left of the Order and Quote screens once you enter a job. You will see this button located to the right of the E-Docs button once you are in a job or quote. This functionality was added so that when changes are made in the “Find and Add Line Items” feature, upon exiting, you can click the Refresh button and the system will automatically run all Job Costing and totaling routines as well as remove any blank lines to update the job or quote in preparation printed reports or additional processing.

Also, in the “Ship To” box on the job, the Code field is now a button rather than a drop down menu option. This was changed to prevent tabbing through this field and making a change inadvertently. When you click on the new Code button, the system will bring up a list of all existing “Ship To” Codes for this customer. If you change the code on a job, the system will continue to prompt “Are Your Sure” before allowing you to proceed.

Additionally, if the Customer is changed on an existing quote or order, the system will now prompt the following message:

If the Salesperson ID’s need to change as a result of the Customer change, this option will automate that process if you click “Yes” at this prompt. You should only click “Yes” if the Sales ID(s) need to change to the Salesperson ID(s) tied to the Customer Maintenance screen for this customer. Otherwise, click “NO” if you wish to keep the Sales ID(s) the same or change to an ID other than the one(s) tied to the customer. Please Note: If a User ID is set to not be able to change a Sales ID, they will not get this prompt.

Please Note: If you change the Customer on a job, you will need to click on the Code button in the “Ship To” box in order to read in the new data for this job to match the customer’s ship to address information. There should at least be a “0000” default code for each customer. If this is the case, you will need to click on that default code to read in the new customer’s Ship To address information into the job. The system will then prompt the following:

Click “Yes” to read in the default code. If there are multiple “Ship To” codes under the new Customer ID, when you make a selection other than the “0000” default code, the system will promt the following:

If this is the code you want to select, click “Yes” to continue. Otherwise click “No” to make a different selection.

  1. In the new Graphical Order Entry and Quotation Entry programs, all credit control features are now working in these programs, including the display of the Credit Limit field and the Approved field (if the Credit Control features have been enabled in the system). These fields will appear as follows:

If you would like more information on how the Credit Control features work in the RollMaster System, please refer to Appendix J in the Appendices section of your documentation. Also, the Special Instructions field now displays up to 30 characters.

  1. In the new Graphical Order Entry and Quotation Entry programs, the Find & Add Lines feature has been updated to make the process of changing style and/or colors within a product code quicker. Previously, you would need to delete the line and re-enter to make these changes. Important Note: If you need to change product codes on the line, you will continue to delete the line and re-enter from scratch. The only restrictions to making a color or style change to a line are that the line must have a blank Status in order to make a change, and if it is a Labor line, if any portion of the labor quantity has been updated as paid, you will not be able to make a change. Special Note: If a user is not allowed to change job lines because of user control options, they will not be able to use this feature.

To change the color or style name on an existing line, make sure you first click on the Find and Add Line Items button to bring up the following screen:

In the example above, Line 001 cannot be changed because the Status shows “Job Costed.” However, Line 002 has a blank status, so you can place the cursor on the line and click to highlight, and then right click on the mouse to pull up the following menu:

The new option that allows you to make a change appears at the bottom of this menu as follows: Reset Results for Item Replacement. The selected item will be searched by product code and then display in the Results tab screen below. You will then locate the style and/or color you wish to use instead. Please note: since the search is built based on the existing line item, the new item may have been excluded if it appears before the selected item alphabetically. If that occurs, you will need to go back to the Select from Catalog tab, and rebuild the results with no style name, provided you stay in the same product code. Once the new style and/or color are selected, you will need to once again right click on the existing line item above to access a new option that will appear as follows:

Now you can click on “Change Style and Color from Results Section Below” to complete the process of making a style and/or color change to the line. This was intentionally created as a two-step process to make sure it cannot happen by accident. It must be a deliberate action in order to properly take place. If the style and style number changes during this process, the system will display the following: Resetting the Unit Selling Price on changed line. Please note that the Old Price was xxx.xx. In addition, if the calculated price in the re-price routine is “0.00,” the system will replace the current price, because the system is treating the reset line as if it was added new and so will display the default pricing for the catalog item.

With regard to Private Labels by Branch, an update was made to this version that will no longer allow you to see Private Label items that are set up in a specific branch if the system is set to not share the catalog between branches.

Another new feature now available in the Results box of the Graphical Order Entry module is the ability to view the “Stock” field, which is tied to the Catalog Maintenance screen. That field now appears in the Results box along with the other existing catalog information above the “Colors in Catalog” section as follows:

  1. With regard to the E-Docs functionality, the system will now indicate that E-Docs exist in all the programs in which the E-Doc program is relevant. In the Property Management/Builders Templates module, an “*” will appear beside all template names where an E-Doc exists in the Diagram folder. Additionally, when you use the F1 Print all existing templates function, the system will now prompt the following:

If you click “Yes” at this prompt, the system will only print those templates with Diagram E-Docs. If you click “No” at this prompt, all templates will print, but the system will still display an “*” to the left of the template name if a Diagram E-Doc exists. Additionally, when working in a template, in the Select Option box, the (F2) Electronic Documents option in that menu will display an “*” if any electronic documents exist for that template.

In the system Work Order program, at the (F2) Electronic Documents option prompt during the print process, if a Diagram E-Doc exists, an “*” will appear next to that function prompt. Additionally, if a Diagram E-Doc exists, a new function key will display as follows: EDOCS – Diagrams. This option will pull up the View Files menu for all existing electronic documents as follows:

And finally, in the Graphical Quote and Order entry modules, if any E-Docs exist, the E-Docs button at the top left of the screen will display an “*” on the button tab as follows:

  1. This next section of the documentation only applies to customers who sell carpet or carpet remnants in the state of California and must track jobs for CARE assessment. With proper setup in the system (see System Maintenance section below) all jobs containing carpet or carpet remnants to be sold in the state of California will display the following field at the top left of the screen, just below the “Order No:” field as follows:

This field will also display in applicable quotes. This field can only be accessed and changed by users with permission in the system. In the majority of cases, the field will not need to be accessed, but in the case of carpet being shipped out of the state of California, this field should be changed to “N” for no. Another aspect to point out with regard to CARE in the Job Entry screen is the breakout of the CARE assessment from any sales tax being charged on the job. At the bottom of the Order Entry screen in the “Charges” section, if you click on the magnifying glass icon, the system will prompt the following detail for the Tax/Fees line amount:

On the printed Receipt, Sales Agreement and Invoice, the system will automatically display the following on each: CA CRPT STEWARDSHIP ASSESSMENT. Next to that line the system will display the amount being assessed to the customer.

With regard to selling carpet remnants on CARE applicable jobs, when you first enter the material line for the remnant, if proper setup has been completed, the system will prompt you to enter an “Estimated Square Yards” for each remnant and the initial CARE fee will be calculated on that square yardage amount. That line item screen should appear much like the following:

Then, when the actual remnant inventory item is assigned to the line, the system will look at the Piece Size field from the Inventory Item screen and use the actual width and length to calculate the exact square yardage and override the estimated CARE fee with the actual CARE fee.

  1. For customers using NEBS forms for the system Invoice, changes have been made so that all relevant fields on the NEBS form are utilized, thereby improving the functionality of using the NEBS forms. Also, RollMaster is now compatible with the NEBS Sales Agreement form. The printed NEBS form will display “Work Order” and the printed fields have been updated to match the required fields. If you need contact information for ordering NEBS forms, please contact RollMaster customer service.
  1. When converting a quote to an order, the system will no longer carry over any “Deleted” lines form the quote into the new Order, so that only valid lines will appear.
  1. In the Property Management/Builders Templates module, when using the (F1) Print All Existing Templates option, a new prompt will appear as follows:

This prompt will allow you to only print templates that have been sent to the Web Portal program, or print all existing templates, or Cancel the process without printing.

Inventory Control:

  1. This next section of the documentation only applies to customers who sell carpet in the state of California and must track CARE inventory. In the Product Code Maintenance module, when setting up new Product Codes, you will see a new field just below the “Inactive” field as follows: CARE. This field should be set to “Y” for yes on all broadloom and modular carpet product codes. Where this field has been set to “Y” for yes on the product code, the system automatically knows what amount to assess on each applicable CARE job. Important Note: Synthetic grass products do not fall under the CARE guidelines and should not be sold under a CARE enabled Product Code. Additionally, for Remnant Product Codes, the CARE field should also be set to “Y” for yes, and any non-carpet remnant items, such as vinyl, should not be mixed in under these Product Codes.
  1. In Catalog Maintenance, you can now use the standard Prod/Style Name lookup and the (F1) Wild Card Lookups feature to locate Private Label items that have been added to the system. In the standard search, once a Product Code has been selected, you can type the first couple of letters of the private label style name and hit enter to select it from the Catalog Lookup box. Similarly, in the Wild Card lookup, you can enter the first couple of letters of the private label style to perform a similar search.
  1. In the Inventory Maintenance module, users who previously could not transfer inventory because they did not have permission to edit inventory, can now do so with this update, provided they do have permission to perform inventory transfers. Though this change allows for inventory to be transferred, no other editing changes can be made to inventory by the user.
  1. This next section of the documentation only applies to customers who sell carpet in the state of California and must track CARE inventory. In the Inventory Item display area of the screen, there is a new field to the right of the “Remnant Y/N” field that appears as follows: CARE. For most inventory, this field will default to “Y” for yes, unless it has been changed to “N” in the “Review PO History” screen of the A/P Open Item Maintenance module for a legitimate reason, or unless it is a piece of inventory that was received into the system prior to enabling the CARE procedures or added directly via the Inventory Maintenance module, which should rarely, if ever, be the case. This field can only be accessed and changed by users with permission to make changes to CARE inventory, and should only be changed according to CARE guidelines.
  1. A new print option for programmed special pricing has been added to the Special Price Mtc. (Date Range Pricing) module. That option appears in the “Enter Special Pricing” section of this module under the (F2) Print Existing function key. This option pertains to any private label items you have set up in Catalog Maintenance that also have special pricing programmed. You can now include those items on this report. When you hit the F2 key, a Select Print Option box will prompt with all the existing prompts that you must enter through to sort the report. At the very end of that list of items, you will now see the following prompt: Print Private Label Info. (Y/N): N. If you wish to include Private Label items with special pricing, type a “Y” for yes at this prompt.
  1. In the Special Catalog Mtc. (By Product Code) module, you can now update Freight and Overbill amounts by Product Typerather than by Product Code. In order to use this feature, when you enter either the “Enter Freight By Product” or “Enter Overbill By Product” options, you will need to leave the first Product Code field prompt blank and hit enter. The system will then prompt the followingEnter Product Type box: