Tuna pasta salad

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Serves: 6

What you need

250g/10oz Pasta shapes

300g/12oz tin Tuna chunks in spring water or brine, drained (OR pre-cooked chicken, cut into chunks)

Chopped salad vegetables of choice: tomato, onion, cucumber, sweet pepper, celery.

Small tin of Sweetcorn

About 100ml reduced calorie Mayonnaise.

What You Do

Cook the pasta in accordance with the instructions on the packet.

Drain and rinse pasta in cold water to stop it cooking and to cool.

Wash and then chop your salad vegetables into bite size pieces.

Add to pasta with tuna chunks and stir through till evenly distributed.

Stir in enough mayonnaise to lightly coat the pasta mixture.

Cover and chill until ready to eat.

Nutrition Information

This recipe is low in total fat, saturated fat and salt