Soft Token FAQs
- Do I have to use a soft token?
Transition to the soft token is optional at this time. Users who have a compatible mobile device, either personally owned or government furnished, are encouraged to transition to the soft token app.
- Can I have more than one soft token, or a physical token and a soft token?
No, each ED user account can only be associated with one token (physical or soft) at a time.
- Can I use the token for websites other the ED/FSA websites?
Yes, refer to for a list of other organizations that use the VIP soft token solution.
- What if I replace my mobile device?
If you replace your mobile device, your VIP Credential will probably change. Before you can use your soft token, you will need to register it using the “Register/Maintain Token” link on the login screen. Choose the “Replace and Register” option in the self‐service menu and follow the prompts to register your new soft token.
- What if I update the iOS or operating system on my mobile device?
Updating the operating system should not change the VIP credential ID. If it does, choose the “Replace and Register” option in the self‐service menu and follow the prompts to register your new soft token.
- What do I do with the old token?
ED/FSA Users ‐ Keep your physical token in case you need to switch back to a hard token. You will need to re‐register the hard token using the Replace and Register option in the TFA Self Service menu. Your soft token will be disabled when you register your hard token.
Contractors are to return the token to their company's property manager for use by another associate. If the Vendor’s contract is terminated, then the company's property manager is to return the tokens to the ED contracting office.
External Partners. End users at schools are to return the token to their organization's Primary Destination Point Administrator (PDPA) for use by another associate.
- Can I share my token with others?
No. This is expressly prohibited; refer to the Rules of Behavior for accessing ED/Government Systems.
- What if I no longer need to access FSA systems?
ED/FSA users are to return the physical (hard) token to the ITPOC for use by another associate. For soft tokens ‐ no action is required. You may continue to use your soft token for other organizations that use the Symantec VIP solution.
- Where can I find more information about TFA?
Contact the TFA Support Center – or 800‐330‐5947 for assistance with token registration.