Eastern AlamanceHigh School

Lesson Plan 2012-2013

Teacher: A. Merritt / Department: Fine Arts / Course: Choreo and Dance Beg-Adv / Semester: 2 / Block: 1, 3, 4 / Dates:2/18-2/22
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Common Core/Essential Standards / Understand how to use movements in dance
Understand cultural, historical and interdisciplinary connections with dance.
Use Choreographic principles, structures, and processes to create dances that communicate ideas, experiences, feelings and images. / Understand how to use movements in dance
Understand cultural, historical and interdisciplinary connections with dance.
Use a variety of thinking skills to analyze and evaluate dance. / Understand how to use movements in dance
Understand cultural, historical and interdisciplinary connections with dance.
Use Choreographic principles, structures, and processes to create dances that communicate ideas, experiences, feelings and images.
Use a variety of thinking skills to analyze and evaluate dance. / Understand how to use movements in dance
Understand cultural, historical and interdisciplinary connections with dance.
Use Choreographic principles, structures, and processes to create dances that communicate ideas, experiences, feelings and images.
Use a variety of thinking skills to analyze and evaluate dance.
LEARNING TARGET / I can demonstrate proper modern technique while implementing choreographic tools.
I can demonstrate variations in my choreography. / I can demonstrate proper modern technique while implementing choreographic tools.
I can use text and literature to enhance my choreography. / I can demonstrate proper modern technique while implementing choreographic tools.
I can use text and literature to enhance my choreography. / I can demonstrate proper modern technique while implementing choreographic tools.
I can use text and literature to enhance my choreography.
ASSESS/ACTIVATE PRIOR KNOWLEDGE / 17-Did you like using Cunningham’s chance choreography methods? Explain.
Music journal / 18-Did your group run into any issues yesterday? How did you overcome them?
Journal 1.5 / 19-What does your group need to accomplish today?
Write a short story, something that has happened in your life. / 20-Relfect on this project. How did it go with your group, what was easy, what was difficult?
Do you like working with text? Explain.
TEACHER INPUT / Journal discussion, introduction to project
Introduce variation, class discussion / Journal discussion, monitor projects
Notes, lead improve, introduce mini study / Journal discussion, monitor projects
Reflect on mini study, pair up groups, Introduce study / Journal discussion, reflection of projects
Journal, warm up, monitor study
Warm up
Journal, good things
Warm up
Variation / Journal, good things
Warm up
Journal, good things
Notes, improv, mini study / Journal, good things
Warm up
Journal, good things
Present mini study, begin study / Journal, good things
Present Project
Journal, good things
Warm up, study
Closure / Reflection
Bring poems, books or quotes / Reflection / Reflection
Written reflection / Circle reflection