Socratic Seminar/Inner-Outer Circle Preparation and Reflection (30 pts.)
Text Title:
Three broad, open-ended questions/concepts you would like to discuss pertaining to the piece. These questions are to be written the night before the seminar.
1. Notes taken during the seminar or a quick summary of key points of the seminar (your choice):
2. Reaction: Identify what someone said; write down his/her comment. React to his/her statement.
3. Explain how the Seminar influenced your thinking about the topic or the text(s).
4. Socratic Connections: Identify and explain a connection to . . .
another writer/poet / news article / movie / songcommercial / Photograph/painting / TV show / person you know
experience you had / observation / another culture / famous/infamous person
your choices . . . .
Explain your connection fully: