SOCIOLOGY 105 FALL 2003 Dr. Diane Levy

Exam 2 Study Guide

The second test will cover Chapters 5, 6 (pp 116-128), Chapter 8, 9, and 10 in the Schaefer text and all lecture material since the first test. If you have read the material carefully, know the “key concepts”, attended the lectures, and played a bit with the quizzes on the Website, you should be very well prepared.

The questions below should help guide your study. They are a help, but certainly not all you need to know. I will not burden you with having to memorize specific statistical percentages, etc, but you should be able to discuss patterns and comparisons between groups


Please take the practice tests on the website for more practice.

Chapter 5 Social Interaction and Social Structure

What are the basic elements of social structure? How does the individual fit in? Be able to discuss Lenski’s model of sociocultural evolution. And how it relates to Tonnies concepts of Gemeinschaft and Gessellschaft. What is a social institution?

Chapter 6 Groups and Organizations

What are some basic types of groups? How does a social group differ from the other types? Discuss Weber’s model of bureaucracy and some of its downsides.

Chapter 7-Deviance

How do sociologists define deviance? Is it the same as crime? How do functionalist and conflict theorists view deviance? Be able to discuss labeling theory and its view of deviance. Know Merton’s anomie theory of deviance and Sutherland’s differential association theory.

Chapter 8-Social Stratification

Be sure to know Marx’s and Weber’s conceptions of social class. Be able to distinguish between a caste system and a class system. What is the Davis and Moore theory of stratification and its criticisms? How is social class structured in the US today? Are the “goodies” evenly distributed? Be able to use the video on the two teenage girls as an illustration of the impact of social class. What are some sociological reflections on poverty?

What are some specific indicators of global wealth and income (and the lack of it)? Be able to distinguish between modernization and dependency theory in explaining global stratification.

Chapter 9-Race and Ethnicity

Be able to distinguish between race and ethnicity; prejudice and discrimination. Be able to give examples of institutional discrimination. How does minority status specifically impact the lives of individuals in the group? What are the possible types of adaptation of a minority group to its position? Be able to make a few true statements about African-Americans, Asian-Americans, and Hispanics as minority groups in American society.