SPR Small Grant Application Form
Deadline: December 1, 2016
Submit application electronically to:
Name ______
Membership status: Regular ( ) Student ( )
SPR membership chapter: Europe ( ) Latin America ( ) North America ( ) UK ( )
Mailing address ______
Phone number (country code + number)______
E-mail ______
Have you received a prior SPR award? Yes ( ) No ( )
If yes, what was the date of the award: ______
If yes, were you a student at that time? Yes ( ) No ( )
If yes, attach a copy of the Final Report to this cover sheet.
Title ______
Check one that applies
___ project is in proposal stage (expected start date:______)
___ ongoing project (date initiated: ______)
Name of institution/”Responsible Authority” and mailing address:
Source of other funding received for this project: ______
Ethical Research Compliance:
If required by your institution/country, date the protocol was submitted to your institution’s review board (ethics committee) ______
If approved, date the approval was granted ______
If already approved, please attach a copy of the approval form
If pending approval, please attach a letter or e-mail stating that the proposal is under review
If not required by your institution/country, please attach a waiver of IRB (ethics committee) review
from theResponsible Authority
For students only:
Nature of project: Doctoral dissertation/thesis ( ) Master’s thesis ( )
Independent research ( )
Has your proposal been approved by your faculty supervisor? Yes ( ) No ( )
If applicable, has your proposal been formally approved by your thesis/dissertation committee? Yes ( ) No ( ) Not applicable ( )
CERTIFICATION (for all applicants)
I understand that it will be necessary to obtain an approval from my institution’s review board (ethics committee) for research with human participants prior to initiating the project and before the release of the grant funds by SPR:
Applicant’s signature ______
Date ______
Short CV (5 pages maximum):
Please list your qualifications and expertise in psychotherapy and research with dates and grades.
PROJECT ABSTRACT (250 words maximum, single spaced):
PROJECT DESCRIPTION (1500 words maximum; single spaced)
This narrative should include (a) the major research questions, (b) the specific objectives of the study, (c) detailed description of the research methodology and analyses that will be conducted, (d) the preliminary work already accomplished (if applicable), (e) planned continuation of work building on the pilot project (if applicable), (f) the anticipated significance to the field, and (g) any supporting evidence regarding the likelihood of future funding based on the results of this project (if applicable).It is particularly important that applications specify analysis of the data collected sufficiently to convince raters that the project will be completed to an ethical and publishable standard. Quantitative projects should address sample size, power/effect sizes and use of confidence intervals to complement or replace hypothesis testing and should spell out aims leading to specific hypotheses or effects/models to be explored and the particular statistical and/or psychometric methods to be used. Qualitative projects should say what methods of exploration of the data will be used and how the chain of evidence and its plausibility and value will be conveyed in the report.
Work already accomplished:
Work to be accomplished between September 1, 2017 and August 31, 2018:
Category Amount Total by category
Supplies$ ______
______$ ______
______$ ______
______$ ______
______$ ______
______$ ______
Postage $ ______
Printing $ ______
Travel (to collect data only) $ ______
$ ______
Human participant fees $ ______
Technical assistance fees (e.g., coders, raters)
$ ______
Equipment $ ______
Rental $ ______
Purchase$ ______
Other (please explain, use continuation pages if necessary):$ ______
Total requested from SPR (max. $2000)$ ______
(for students only)
(NB: submit separately from application to )
Notes to supervisors/faculty recommending staff
SPR small grants cannot become a routine way of supporting students in the therapies or doing research methods or other courses and looking particularly at therapies. The grants should be either to make available in low income countries facilities for student projects that would be routine in high income countries or to make it possible for exceptional students to do particularly valuable projects that need funding. It is not helpful to the raters if we get glowing appraisals from faculty (to Spring 2015 no faculty rating of any of the categories was lower than maximum). Your objective should be to convey in narrative why this student really does deserve this funding from SPR.
Applicant’s name ______
Research supervisor’s name ______
Name of institution ______
Department name ______
Evaluation criteria – please check the appropriate column:
SA = strongly agree; A = agree; AR = agree with reservations; D = disagree
As designed, the project can be accomplished
in a year’s time with the budget as proposed
by the student ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
The applicant possesses the requisite
knowledge and competence to bring the
project to a successful conclusion ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
The project, if funded, has the potential
to receive subsequent, additional funding ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Please indicate the following:
I have approved the student’s topic: Yes ( ) No ( )
This project is the student’s doctoral dissertation/thesis ( ) master’s thesis ( )
pilot project for a dissertation or thesis ( )
other independent research ( )
If this is a dissertation or thesis, the project has official approval by the student’s committeeto begin the investigation: Yes ( ) No ( )
Is institutional review board (ethics committee) approval required by the institution or country?
Yes ( ) No ( )
If approval is not required or has not yet been granted, I foresee no ethical problems with the proposal: Agree ( ) Disagree ( )
Please explain:
Explain the relationship of the proposed research to the student’s degree:
(Please spell out clearly what the degree is, remembering that reviewers will be from another chapter and probably from a country which may have very different degrees. Specify when this student started, whether part-time or full-time, how long the course takes and when this student is expected to finish; what previous qualifications are required and confirm the applicant's qualifications as submitted by the student.)
What is your initial impression of the project?
Why should this student and this project not be done within the usual support available for your students?
If you feel that the resources in your country/institution are below the resources that you believe are routinely available in high income countries and that the student and the project are of such high quality that SPR should be helping to “level the playing field,” by all means say so!
Indicate any modifications that you think should be made to the budget the student has submitted.