Grade Three

2nd Semester

Social Studies/ Science/ Mathematics

Fabulously Flat Historic People


We have just finished reading Flat Stanley, by J. Brown. We know that Stanley become one-dimensional after a bulletin board fell on him. As a two-dimensional figure, he was able to do many different things than a three-dimensional person could. In math and science, we have learned about standard and metric measurement and the tools used for scientific investigation. From Kindergarten on, we have learned about many famous people, such as explorers, inventors, and historically significant figures in American history. Using all of the previous knowledge, complete the following challenge.


Design and create a Flat Stanley that represents a famous person or explorer we have studied, whether male or female.


Your person must be:

  • Kid life size (as tall as the shortest person in your group)
  • Dressed in appropriate time-period clothing
  • Free-standing (stand on its own)

Your person must have an identification card that must be no larger than 42 inches or no smaller than 24 inches and must have:

  • Measurements of body height and width, in inches and centimeters.
  • Name, date and place of birth
  • One paragraph, at least 6 sentences long, as to why he/she is famous.


Butcher block paper / Cardboard boxes / Newspaper / Construction paper
Fabric/felt / Pipe cleaners / Cardboard / Buttons
Rope/string/yarn / Aluminum foil / Tissue paper / Popsicle sticks
Cardboard tubes / Wood dowels / Paper bags / Paste/glue


Ruler / Hot glue gun / Brads
Markers / Crayons / Colored pencils
Measuring tape / Scissors / Masking tape

SOLs: Math 3.14

Science 3.1 (a-k)

Reading 3.4, 3.5

Social Studies 3.11, 3.3

Estimated Time:

Five sessions of 30-45 minutes

Teacher Suggestions:

  • Incorporate library/internet time for research purposes.
  • Consult art teacher for extra time/space.
  • Incorporate this project into any subject since it ties into all curriculum areas.
  • Flat Famous Person Day to create and display projects.
  • Working in cafeteria/hallway for space purposes.
  • Display in hallways for school event.

Fabulously Flat Historic People

Criteria Advancing Progressing Budding

Engineer Engineer Engineer Observer

Is the kid life size?
Is the figure dressed in time-period clothing?
Is the figure free standing?
Card Requirements:
Body height and width
Name, date
Place of birth
One Paragraph

Oral Language and Social (Team) Skills

Used age appropriate language
Came up with ideas (Brainstormed)
Final Presentation
Worked well with others


Leigh-Anne Dix, Christine Kelly

R.C. Longan Dumbarton

June 2008