Instructions for Data Entry: Terms highlighted in blue are variable names and are entered in the first row of the spreadsheet. Terms highlighted in yellow are data points that are entered in the columns below the corresponding variable names.


Do you consent to participate? Yes (1) No (2)

About You

Statement / Response 1 / Response 2 / Response 3 / Response 4
Gender / Male / Female
Age / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15
Own phone / Yes / No
Use social media / Yes / No

Social Media Use

Statement / Never 1 / Rarely 2 / Sometimes 3 / Often 4 / Always 5 / NA0
How often do you use Facebook UseFB
How often do you use SnapChat UseSC
How often do you use Instagram UseInsta
How often do you use Twitter UseTwit
How often do you use Vine UseVi
How often do you use Tumblr UseTum
How often do you use Pinterest UsePin
How often do you use Games UseGa
How often do you like others’ Facebook LikeFB
How often do you like others’ SnapChat LikeSC
How often do you like others’ Instagram LikeInsta
How often do you like others’ Twitter LikeTwit
How often do you like others’ Vine LikeVi
How often do you like others’ Tumblr LikeTum
How often do you like others’ Pinterest LikePin
How often do you comment on others’ Facebook ComFB
How often do you comment on others’ SnapChat ComSC
How often do you comment on others’ Instagram ComInsta
How often do you comment on others’ Twitter ComTwit
How often do you comment on others’ Vine ComVi
How often do you comment on others’ Tumblr ComTum
How often do you comment on others’ Pinterest ComPin
How often do you comment on others’ Games ComGa
How often do you post on Facebook PostFB
How often do you post on SnapChat PostSC
How often do you post on Instagram PostInsta
How often do you post on Twitter PostTwit
How often do you post on Vine PostVi
How often do you post on Tumblr PostTum
How often do you post on Pinterest PostPin
How often do you post on Games PostGa
How often do people like your Facebook LikeUrFB
How often do people like your SnapChat LikeUrSC
How often do people like your Instagram LikeUrInsta
How often do people like your Twitter LikeUrTwit
How often do people like your Vine LikeUrVi
How often do people like your Tumblr LikeUrTum
How often do people like your Pinterest LikeUrPin
How often do people comment on your Facebook ComUrFB
How often do people comment on your SnapChat ComUrSC
How often do people comment on your Instagram ComUrInsta
How often do people comment on your Twitter ComUrTwit
How often do people comment on your Vine ComUrVi
How often do people comment on your Tumblr ComUrTum
How often do people comment on your Pinterest ComUrPin
How often do people comment on your Game ComUrGa
How often do you compare yourself to others’ on Facebook CompFB
How often do you compare yourself to others’ on SnapChat CompSC
How often do you compare yourself to others’ on Instagram CompInsta
How often do you compare yourself to others’ on Twitter CompTwit
How often do you compare yourself to others’ on Vine CompVi
How often do you compare yourself to others’ on Tumblr CompTum
How often do you compare yourself to others’ on Pinterest CompPin
How often do you compare yourself to others’ on Games CompGa

My Status

Statement / Strongly Disagree 1 / Disagree 2 / Neutral 3 / Agree 4 / Strongly Agree 5
Social Media Use Integration Scale (Jenkins-Guamieri, Wright, & Johnson, 2013) A=Emotional Connection; B=Social Routine
I feel disconnected from my friends when I have not used social media. SMUIS1A
I would like it if everyone used social media to communicate. SMUIS2A
I would be disappointed if I could not use social media.SMUIS3A
I get upset when I can’t access social media.SMUIS4A
I prefer to communicate with others using social media.SMUIS5A
Social media plays an important role in my relationships and friendships. SMUIS6A
I enjoy checking my social media profile. SMUIS7B
I don’t like to use social media. SMUIS8B(Reverse Code)
Using social media is part of my everyday routine. SMUIS9B
I respond to content that others share using social media. SMUIS10B
Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965)
I feel that I am a person of worth, equal to others. RSES1
I feel that I have a number of good qualities. RSES2
I often feel that I am a failure. RSES3(Reverse Code)
I can do things as well as other people. RSES4
I do not have much to be proud of. RSES5(Reverse Code)
I have a positive attitude about myself. RSES6
Overall, I am satisfied with myself. RSES7
I wish I had more respect for myself. RSES8(Reverse Code)
I feel useless at times. RSES9 (Reverse Code)
Sometimes I think I am no good at all. RSES10 (Reverse Code)
Upward and Downward Appearance Comparison Scale (O’Brien, Caputi, Minto, Peoples, Hooper, Kell, & Sawley, 2009) Upward items only.
I compare myself to people who are better looking than me.UACS1
I compare myself to models in magazines.UACS2
I compare the way I look to models and movie stars.UACS3
I wonder if I am as attractive as other good-looking people.UACS4
I compare myself to people who I think look better than I do.UACS5
When I see someone with a good body, I wonder if I am similar to that person.UACS6
When I see attractive people, I wonder how I compare to them.UACS7
In social situations, I compare the way I look to really attractive people. UACS8
I compare my appearance to people who are better looking than me.UACS9
I compare my body to people who have a better body than me.UACS10

Score Calculation

Missing data had linear interpolation performed for RES, UACS, and SMUA and SMUB.

RESScore = RES1…+RES10 (using interpolated data)

UACSAScore = UACS1…+ UACS10 (using interpolated data)

SMUAScore = SMUA1…+ SMUA6 (using interpolated data)

SMUBScore = SMUB7…+SMUB10 (using interpolated data)

UseScore = Use + Like + Com + Post (computed for all social media forms)

FeedbackScore = LikeUr + ComUr (computed for all social media forms)

ComparisonScore = CompFB…+CompGa (computed for all social media forms)

All scores were standardized so that the mean was 0 and the standard deviation was 1.


Bringle, R. G., Phillips, M. A., & Hudson, M. (2004). Self and self-concept: The measure of service learning and student experiences. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Jenkins-Guamieri, M. A., Wright, S. L., & Johnson, B. (2013). Development and validation of a social media use integration scale. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 2(1), 38-50.

O’Brien, K. S., Caputi, P., Minto, R., Peoples, G., Hooper, C., Kell, S., & Sawley, E. (2009). Upward and downward physical appearance comparisons: Development of scales and examination of predictive qualities. Body Image, 6(3), 201-206.