“Soccer is not just about scoring goals - it’s about winning”

“The Vision of a Champion is someone who is bent over, drenched in sweat, and the point of exhaustion, when no one else is watching”

“Soccer isn’t life, it isn’t a hobby, it isn’t a pass time, it’s a passion and if you’re not passionate about it you might as well give up”


I would like to introduce myself to any one who doesn’t know me already, my name is Doug DeCook. I am the new Head Varsity Boys Soccer Coach here at NPHS as well as an Engineering Teacher. My assistant coaches are Ricky Brown and Brian Miller. We are all very excited to work with this group of boys.

Coach’s goals:

- To win SMAC Title.

- Gain regional recognition for the program

- Prepare players to move into a college program

Coaches Expectations come pre-season:

-Have the right attitude-We are looking for players who have the right mind set, be confident in your abilities but never settle, always be aware someone is always aiming for your spot. Soccer should become a priority for yourself (be sure to prepare your body both physically and mentally) it isn’t a time for socializing, it’s for serious players looking to not only better themselves but the team as a whole. There will be no time for personal complaining about playing time or your role on the team, these two aspects come from your personal soccer skills and knowledge of the game. Work hard in the offseason both physically and mentally.

- Know your role- Some players are flashy with great individual skills and other players are roles players whomay have tremendous pace, or play solid defense, great from set pieces, or a goal scorer but everyone can’t have the ball so we need to know our roles when were off the ball (runs, communication, spacing, team/individual movement). Were looking for a player who can fit into a role on the team and make yourself and your teammates better. Remember, it’s a team that wins or loses. This includeseveryone from the 11 starters to the substitutes to the coaches; everyone pushes each other to become better.

**Remember what you put in you will get back”

“If we win, we can always improve, and if we lose, we need to learn from the mistakes and work harder so it doesn’t happen again”

Conditioning: (you can never be too conditioned)

-2 mile run – 14 min

-1 mile run – 6:30

-40 sit ups - 1 minute

-30 push ups in a minute


-Get some time in the weight room (see me for work out plans)

-Core training is very important for a soccer player it will help your balance and mobility on the field.

**An average soccer player runs between 6-8 miles a game (here is how it breaks down)


• Walk. 36%.

• Jog. 41%.

• Intense run. 17%.

• Sprint (max) 6%.


• Walk. 31%.

• Jog. 38%.

• Intense run. 20%.

• Sprint. 11%.


• Walk. 29%.

• Jog. 35%.

• Intense run. 23%.

• Sprint. 13%.

Soccer skills:

-Juggle the ball 50-100 times in a row. Use one foot, both feet, and alternate.

-Dribble with both feet (inside and outside of foot) with head up.

-Trap a ball (inside and outside of foot) played in the air or on ground and be able to make a pass out of the trap. Use a partner, a wall, or toss the ball to yourself or better yet juggle and then knock the ball up and trap the ball, then continue juggling)

-Shooting- focus on proper technique and the control of your shot. Remember it’s not just the speed of the shot it’s also the direction. Practice game situations.

-Drill- find a wall and find a mark on the wall and try to hit in and see how many times in a row you can do this both with inside and outside of foot. (help with trapping, and passing, and shooting)



It is very important for us as individuals to take good care of the one body we have and for athletes it’s even more essential that we take care of our body.

- If you’re hurt get it treated; don’t let a simple injury become something worse.

- Cut back on pop, candy, and fast food.

- Before game days and tournaments carbo-load – eat lots of carbohydrates and proteins

-Drink lots of water.


Will be held every Thursday from 3:10to 5 after school. We will meet in the athletic hallway. We need than at least 6-10 boys to run a session. (Have a ride ready when we end) All participating player must have a cleared open gym work out form (orange form outside coach Shattuck’s Office). Bring both running shoes/indoor shoes and as well as cleats. We will be working inside and outside the building.

Summer Program:

-You need to be playing soccer. Open kick arounds, Travel league, Premier leagues. Your first touch of a soccer ball shouldn’t be coming a few weeks before try outs.

-I am planning on having open kick around/ fitness work outs during the summer. Days and times will be announced before the school year ends (There will be construction going on with the new turf being installed). This will be your time to kick the ball around, get some fitness work in, learn our style of play, and to get to know your teammates. This will not be mandatory but it would be good to get the team together a couple times this summer and get used to playing again. (remember champions are built in their off seasons)

Summer work outs (EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY in JULY(5,7,12,14,19,21,26,28) from 4pm to 6pm at NPHS meet in the athletic hallway. You need a filled out orange open gym clearance form to take part.

-Also if you are getting college looks please let me know I can aid you in this process if you would like. Also if you are looking to play in college I can also aid in that search also and getting you prepared to move to the next level.

-Remember all players looking to play in college should sign up for their core course GPA (pamphlets outside Mr. Shattuck’s office) and also sign up for the National Clearing House.

Try Outs:

Dates: August 10,11,12,13 from 7am to 10 am (may change but plan on this for now)

Equipment needed: Ball, socks, shin guards, cleats, running shoes, water

9th and 10th graders please wear a colored shirt for try outs. (No white or grey)

11th and 12th graders please wear a non-colored shirt for tryouts (only white or grey)

Cuts will be decided on August 13th.

Be sure to have all paper work completed and approved by Coach Shattuck prior to August 10th. (physical/ insurance packet, emergency care cards (2), eligibility form

Be sure to review all eligibility rules (your 4th quarter will determine this):

1)No “F’s”

2)Above 2.5 GPA

3)Less than 4.5 absences

In the end gentlemen, think about the great sports teams that are out there, Barcelona, Real Madrid, Manchester United, Golden State Warriors, and the New England Patriots all consist of athletes who have one thing in common, their love of the sport. They will work as hard as they need to during the season and outside of the season to become successful as an individual and always put the team first. If you don’t have the heart, devotion, and commitment that we are looking for in this program please reconsider whether or not this team is right for you.

Look forward to a great year!

Coach DeCook ()

Coach Brown

Coach Miller ()