User Manual (UM) Version 1.0 11/21/2014

Software User's Manual

Soccer Data Web Crawler

First Name / Last Name / Role
Trupti / Sardesai / Project Manager
Wenchen / Tu / Prototyper
Subessware / Selvameena Karunamoorthy / System/Software Architect
Pranshu / Kumar / Requirements Engineer
Zhitao / Zhou / Feasibility Analyst
Yan / Zhang / Operational Concept Engineer
Qing / Hu / Life Cycle Planner
Amir ali / Tahmasebi / Shaper

Version History

Date / Author / Version / Changes made / Rationale /
11/21/14 / TS / 1.0 / ·  Initial Version. / ·  Initial Version.

Table of Contents




1. Introduction ...... 1

1.1System Overview...... 1

1.2 System Requirements...... 1

2. Operational Procedures ...... 1

2.1 The Website Tab………………………………………………………………………………………….1

2.2 The Players Tab…………………………………………………………………………………………..3

Table of Figures

Figure 1: Create Website...... 2

Figure 2: Edit Website...... 2

Figure 3: Show website...... 3

Figure 4: Delete Website…...... 3

Figure 5: Create Player...... 3

Figure 6: Edit Player...... 4

Figure 7: Show Player...... 4

Figure 8: Delete Player…...... 5


User Manual (UM) Version 1.0 11/21/2014

1. Introduction

This document provides, in detail, the end-user manual of the Soccer data web crawler project designed for SporTech B.I. The main purpose of this document is to provide the application user manual for SporTech B.I. contractors as a guide in using the application.

This user manual report is currently on version 1.0, the initial version and is in the Development

- Construction phase. The development team has included the application overview, application requirements, and installation procedure in this version of the report.

1.1 System Overview

The main purpose of the Soccer data web crawler is to crawl the player and team data from specified 7 websites provided ingest the data in the database, flag the duplicates. The crawler also fetches the Facebook likes and comments and Twitter tweets, retweets and posts for players if scheduled for.

1.2 System Requirements

The Crawler requirements including software requirements are listed below.

1.2.2 Software Requirements

• Must have python 2.7 with Facebook sdk, tweepy, scrappy, xlwt, xlrt, xelenium, BS4, atexit, request, html5lib, lxml, urllib2, base64, smtplib, pytj, urlpass, psycopg2 libraries.

• Must have PostgreSQL 9.3.

2. Operational Procedures

Go to development URL

The URL has two tabs:

·  website tab for edit(add/delete change)and

·  Players tab(edit delete add)

2.1 The Website Tab

·  Click on new Website to put to scheduler list, enter name and url of website. You can choose a frequency to be hourly, daily, weekly and montly. Click on create website to save it.

Figure 1: Create Website

·  To make changes to existing website, click on edit.

Figure 2: Edit Website

·  To get detailed view, click on show

Figure 3: Show website

·  To delete the website click on delete.

Figure 4: Delete Website

2.2 The Players Tab

·  Click on new Player to put to scheduler list, enter name of player and check boxes if you need his facebook and twitter data. Click on create player to save it.

Figure 5: Create Player

·  To make changes to existing player, click on edit.

Figure 6: Edit player

·  To get detailed view of player, click on show

Figure 7: Show Player

·  To delete the website click on delete.

Figure 8: Delete player