FORMAT of a “White Paper”
- Description of Problem
- What is the issue, and the need for this issue to be addressed
- Who is specifically is affected by this problem or needs support?
- What data exists to validate your claim regarding the problem/issue?
- How will the problem change through the course of your suggestion for action?
- Overview of the Problem/Issue
- What legislation has Congress considered and/or passed in the last 6 years (3 Congresses) that deals with this issue?
- Give an overview of the history of this particular issue, so as to familiarize the Congressman of the issue and its relevance to your constituents or community.
- You argue that there is a problem for your Congressman. So what? Why should they believe you? After exposing them to the primary problem, you need to support your claims with evidence—scholarly, credible research.
- Additional Problems
1. Sometimes the initial problem is enough to get your audience’s interest, but not enough by itself to make them feel the action is necessary now. There are often additional problems that could be addressed by the same solution. Include them here.
- The Basic Solution(s)/Proposed Changes
- Here you should discuss the basic solution(s) for your Congressman to consider.
- Discuss the benefits of these solutions as a persuasive tool.
- Your Solution/Overview of your proposed change(s)
- By this point, you should hopefully have persuaded your audience that he/she likes the basic solutions.
- Now you need to offer your solution to the problem. This should be the best possible solution to the problem you have presented to your Congressman to persuade him/her to take action.
- What is the basic purpose of the proposed change?
- Who will benefit from it?
- How is your project/proposal different from the other solutions/proposals presented?
- Why does it deserve prioritization?
- Outcomes
- What immediate or long-range results are expected?
- How will the results impact your constituents or community?
- How serious are the need and necessity for immediate action?