Soc213(001) Deviant Behavior Bogart Quiz07a Liv: DifAss 09/10/02

31a. In the 9 principles of their theory of crime, Sutherland and Cressey seem most clearly interested in demonstrating that crime is A. acquired behavior, B. biologically rooted, C. psychologically abnormal, D. a failure of group norms, E. unnatural.

32a. Glaser's critique of Sutherland and Glaser's resultant perspective depends most clearly and directly on a key distinction between A. thought and behavior, B. feelings and cognitions, C. behavior and internalization, D. psychological and sociological determinism, E. explanation and


33a. Which of the following would be the least apt example of Cressey's "trust violator". A. child abuser, B. bank embezzler, C. inside trader (in stocks), D. organizational treasurer who is accused of using using money for personal convenience, E. computer programmer who figures out how to skim off a cent on every transaction into a slush fund.

34a. Sykes and Matza developed the key concept for which they are noted as a consequence of rejecting a view of _____ as _____. A. white collar criminals, oversocialized, B. bank robbers, highly skilled, C. bank tellers, petty criminals, D. juvenile delinquents, products of a subculture, E. juvenile delinquents, always lower class.

35a. Highly principled citizens who have avoided gambling all their lives may be willing to participate in a lottery when they are led to believe that major beneficiaries are college students. This would most aptly illustrate the tecnique of A. appeal to higher loyalties, B. denying responsibility, C. denying injury, D. denying victim, E. condeming the condemners.

Soc213(002) Deviant Behavior Bogart Quiz7b Liv: DifAss 09/10/02

31b. While identifying himself explicitly as a _____, Sutherland did his work in the setting that gave rise to ______: A. psychologist, functional theory, B. social worker, Marxist sociology, C. criminologist, Chicago School of Sociology, D. minister, anomie theory, E. psychiatrist, control theory.

32b. Cressey described______as necessary to trust violation: A. models, B. rationalizations, C. structural strain, D. skill acquisition, E. repressed antipathy to the victim.

33b. Techniques of neutralization according to Sykes and Matza are: A. ways the deviant uses to maintain dominance, B. rationalizations the individual uses to protect himself/herself from blame, C. ways a groups isolate and neutralize members, D. techniques the dominant society uses to control the subculture in a society, E. none of the above.

34b. The most important groups, according to developmental theorists, in the genesis of criminal behavior are: A. tertiary groups, B. intimate personal groups, C. secondary groups, D. educational groups, E. religious groups.

35b. Characteristics of Cressey's white collar criminal, the trust violator: A. is upwardly mobile, B. Protestant, C. a drinker, D. rejects the criminal label, E. is from a broken family.