LISTOWEL PARISH NEWSLETTER– 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - 25th JANUARY 2015

Parish Priest: Canon Declan O Connor.Parish Office (Mon – Fri 10am – 1pm & 2pm –5pm) 068-21188. After hours emergency no. 0870908949.Email: . Notices for Parish Newsletter have to be in by 2.00pm on Thursdays. Funerals take place on weekdays at 11.30am and Sundays and Holy Days at 11.00am. Baptisms are at pre-arranged times and must be booked through the Parish Office. Confessions: every Saturday after 10.30am Mass. Check out our web page and all Diocesan news on:


RECENT DEATHS: Bridget Enright, Ennismore.

Christopher Hennessy, Bedford & Berlin.

ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Sheila Painter nee Keating, St. Brendan’s Tce, Arturo D Alessandro & Deceased Family Members, John & Julia Stack, Killocrim, Bridget Lane, Feale Drive, Michael Conway, Killorglin, Máire & Aodán Ó Donnchadha, James O Sullivan, Gortnaminch.


24th / John Curtin, Dromin & Deceased Family /
Mossie Carmody, Skehenerin /
Mary O Connor nee Looney & Deceased Family Members, Skehenerin /
Eddie & Anne Browne, Coolagown /
Pat Horgan, Charles St. /
Joe Shanahan, Dromin / Vigil
Sunday 25th / Fiona O Connor, The Square /
Sgt. Tracey, Charles St. & Deceased Members of the Tracey Family / 9.00am
Eileen Kelly, Ballygologue Park / 11.00am
Mon 26th / Private Intention / 10.30am
Tues 27th / Eileen & Donal Lovett / 10.30am
Wed. 28th / Mai Sheehan, Finuge / 10.30am
Thurs. 29th / Tom O Connor, Shrone / 10.30am
Friday 30th / People of the Parish / 10.30am
31st / John & Eileen O Connell, Ballygologue Rd,
Kitty Moore, Feale Drive, John & Maureen Dunford, Moyvane, Maurice & Molly Moore, Moyvane & Deceased Family Members of the Hughes Family, Dublin /
William & Bridie Doyle, Knockane /
Winfred Millward & Deceased Family Members, Lartigue Village / 10.30am
Betty McCarthy nee McElligott, Convent St. /
Mary Teresa Regan, Dromin /
Michael Bambury, Gurtaglana, Kilmorna /
Jim (Jimmy) Galvin, Finuge / Vigil
Sunday 1st / John (Charlie) O Sullivan, Killocrim,
Months Mind /
Dr. Jack McGuire, Cahirdown / 9.00am
Noreen Hilliard, Billerough / 11.00am

Priest on duty for Listowel Deanery on this Sunday, 25th January, Fr. Kennelly, 0872931064 (emergencies only).

PARISH OFFERTORY COLLECTION: Our sincere thanks for the Offertory Collection last weekend. Thank you.


CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK 2015: This week (Jan. 25th – 31st ) is Catholic Schools Week when we highlight the Catholic ethos of our schools. Each of our schools will have their own services as the theme this year is: ‘Called to Serve’. The pupils and staff of St. Michael’s College are joining our Parish Community for the 10.30 a.m. Mass on Wednesday and will do the readings and offertory gifts. Wishing God’s blessing on all of our schools.

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION TEACHERS Meeting Tuesday next 27th January at 1.10 at the Presbytery.

MASS & ANNOINTING OF SICK; Community Hospital Wednesday next (Jan. 28th ) at 2.00 p.m.

PRESENTATION PRIMARY GRANDPARENTDAYwill take place on Thursday next(29th January) at 1.10pm. in the School.

PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING will take place on Thursday next (Jan. 29th ) at 8pm. in the Presbytery.

SERVICE OF LIGHT:For Gael Scoil First Holy Communion children and their parents is taking place on Fridaynext ( Jan. 30th ) at lunch time in school.

KERRY DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO FATIMA 11th – 18th May 2015. For info contact Nora on 021-427 77 00.

LET’S LIVE LENT- LITURGY WORKSHOPA workshop for parish liturgy groups will be held on Wednesday Jan 28th in St. Brendan's Pastoral Centre, Tralee @ 8pm. All are welcome. For further information, email or phone 064 6632644.

CANDLEMAS DAYis Monday week (Feb. 2nd ) the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. Candles for use during the coming year in the church or if parishioners wish to have their own candles blessed – bring along to the 10.30am Mass when they will be blessed

FEAST OF ST. BLAISE & BLESSING OF THROATS is taking place on Tuesday week, 3rd February. Blessing of the Throatswill take place after the 10.30am. All are welcome!


NANO NAGLE'S 9TH ANNUAL SOCIAL will take place in the Listowel Arms Hotel on Friday next (Jan. 30th). . Tickets are €30 which include dinner, music by Heart and Soul followed by a disco. Tickets are available from the Nano Nagle School 068 21942.

THE MEALA BEREAVEMENT GROUP holdtheir monthly meeting on Wed next Jan 28 at 8pm at Listowel Family Resource Centre.

KERRY COMMUNITY TRANSPORT your community bus. Ballylongford, Tarbert, Moyvane to Listowel on Tuesdays. Lyreacrompane, Pallas, Finuge to Tralee 1st Thursday of the Month. Lyreacrompane, Pallas, Finuge to Listowel every Thursday of the Month bar the 1st Thursday of the month. Lixnaw to Listowel every 2nd Tuesday. Free Travel Pass accepted. Under 12’s €2.50, single or day Return €5.00. To book a seat: Call 1890 528 528 or 066 7147002.

LISTOWEL MEN'S SHEDare hosting four mornings focusing on Men's health starting on Friday January 23 next and continues over the next three consecutive Fridays (Jan 30, February 6 and February 13 respectively. For further details contact Denis Robinson 086 088 4853.

LISTOWEL FAMILY RESOURCE CENTRE Is this your year to achieve long term weight loss and optimum health? If so come along to the talk on Tuesday 27th January at 7.30 - 9 pm. at the Centre. Both men & women welcome. Further details from 087 3848818, Admission 7 euro booking necessary.


  • We are so busy working and making money that we don’t have time to enjoy the houses we are so busy working to pay for.
  • We are so busy that life is slipping by at a very fast rate and we need to slow it down.
  • You’d better slow down.
  • When the day is done, do you lie in your bed with the next hundred chores, running through your head? And wonder what did I do today?
  • You’d better slow down.
  • When you run so fast to get somewhere you miss half the fun of getting there.
  • You’d better slow down.
  • When you worry and hurry through your day, it is like an unopened gift..... Thrown away ..... so you’d better slow down.