Soal Ujian Tengah Semester Ganjil 2016/ 2017

Mata Kuliah: Marketing Strategy

Dosen Pengampu:Ananda Sabil Hussein, Ph.D

Sifat Ujian:Take Home

Answer all questions (50 scores)

  1. What have you learned about Marketing Strategy?
  2. According to OC.Ferrel and Hartline, how is the structure of marketing plan? Do we need to do SWOT Analysisi? Give some reasons.
  3. Discuss how Starbucks segment their market and who is theor target market
  4. In what extent you agree or disagree that SWOT analysis is an effective tool in analysisng situation.
  5. There are three types of competitive advantage. Explain these three types. Discuss the competitive advantages owned by Indomie

Read This Case Study (50 scores)

Apple's Rise and Nokia's Fall Highlight Platform Strategy Essentials

The theory of disruptive innovation says smaller players get to spot disruptive opportunities, and new value chains, before their bigger brothers. Entrenched companies by way of contrast look to protect the cash they enjoy from their dominant position. Here’s why I think that is wrong and how we need to rethink disruption (and innovation!).

First let’s rephrase the theory – big companies are comfortable with smaller players taking a small bite out of their breakfast. What they fail to realize is that the nutrition gained at the outset will prime that small critter to take a chunk of their lunch and then to push them out of the way at dinner.

Often, and more and more often, this is not what happens. Nokia is a case study in modern disruption.Let’s go back to 2006 to review the essentials of why.Apple was about to launch a phone that nobody in the mobile world thought they had much of a chance. The company was just being too ambitious. They were calling it the iPhone and it was due soon.

Nokia sold phones in the hundreds of millions, controlled supply chains and had the tightest relationships with carriers. Customers meanwhile had to do mobile computing on a screen the size of their thumb.While Apple was designing the iPhone and Nokia was selling half a billion phones each year, Google bought a company called Android and announced an Open Handset Alliance, a grouping of industry players who would come together to build an open source OS for smartphones. Nokia was invited to join but refused to demean itself.

Soon afterApple launched an Apps Store that began to take off, attracting tens of thousands of developers, and then customers.

Within two years of these events Nokia was already in crisis. In 2007, Nokia had a market capitalization of €110 billion; by May 2012 this had fallen to €14.8 billion. Those figures illustrate the extent of the decline over 5 years, years in which Apple and Android came to dominate smartphones.

So what are the lessons here for innovation? The first is that neither Apple nor Google were small players. They were hardly start-ups. They are both highly accomplished.

But they were making adjacency moves of a very radical nature – and at that time no company in their right mind made big adjacency moves likes this into totally new markets, like from ads to mobile and computing to mobile.

With the iPhone and Android, a new kind of adjacency was born, one I have called elsewhere radical adjacency. But so too was a new kind of platform business.

Apple had no inkling that its Apps Store would be so successful but it had experience of scaling a platform, with iTunes. That content platform already had the major ingredients for success for all types of platform businesses – intellectual property protection, seamless commerce, great content ingest, high scalability, attraction.

Google too had a platform, with Android, and has evolved it over time into Play. Apple had gone from devices to platforms and ecosystems and Google arrived at the same place, by way of its dominance in search and advertising and a punt on mobile open source.

Nokia’s response is where the innovation case study becomes very interesting.

Nokia open sourced its own operating system Symbian – or at least it tried to. In effect it tried to do an Android, grouping together major players like Texas Instruments, Motorola and Samsung in an open source project to develop the Symbian OS as a mutual, open asset.

There were problems – an unwieldy governance structure that left decision making opaque, if you were a developer. A sense that these structures were great for big companies but that as a developer you were in the cold.

Nokia/Symbian also launched an Apps Store, Horizon, now happily forgotten, and after six months it had the sum total of 60 apps in it.And Nokia launched its own Apps and Content store – Ovi, in 2009. But Nokia had no real platform experience to compare with Apple’s. The platform was shaky and it tried to launch simultaneously in 35 countries – because that’s what dominant players do. It was a disaster and the tech press called it out as such. Nokia was faced with a gale of criticism for the first time.

Within two years they closed down the Symbian open source project. Symbian had been rushed into the public domain months ahead of schedule. But so what? It didn’t have support. It was soon gone and Nokia went looking for a new alternative (even though it had one in its labs). Of course, we now know, it chose windows.

The lessons from this though are that Nokia ignored threats to its business. They are that it made the wrong OS choices and the wrong platform choices. It lacked experience in the latter and it is still faltering over the former. It did not ignore the dangers. It simply did not understand the new skill sets it needed.

One of its key deficits was a lack of experience in platform development – a great engineering company but in 2008 few people had what Apple had – experience through iTunes.

So here is where we need to rethink disruptive innovation.

Disruption comes from the need of companies to make radical adjacency moves – especially in areas of convergence like computing and mobile. Your business is at risk from companies who are not now competitors. That’s what the theory of radical adjacency tells you.

The disruptive weapon can be a design or a device but the business will be sustained by good platform choices. And acquiring skills in developing platforms is a must, as central to management as opening an office each morning.

In platform economics, the most important asset is being able to attract other groups and individuals to the platform. Leadership needs to re-orientate around attraction, giving it the same importance they place on investment. That means attracting people, resources and commitments to your project, your platform. That’s the same whether you are out on Kickstarter or competing with Apple.

This as much as the absence of a good smartphone to compete with the iPhone sank Nokia. In fact with its QT interface it could well have produced phones to compete with the iPhone – what it did not have was the Apps Store platform, a factor critics continue to ignore when assessing Apple’s durability and strength.

Since then Nokia has still struggled to make good OS and good platform decisions. As one reader puts it:Microsoft saw Nokia’s weakness, and gave them what they wanted: a robust OS but with some stipulations. The greatest stipulation was that the raw kernel of Windows 8, the Windows NT kernel, which is the sweet-spot for true innovation, would not be accessible to Nokia. Microsoft carefully controls access to this kernel. One must remember that, when Nokia had their piggish Symbian, Nokia had full control over the OS. Not so with Windows Phone 8. It’s locked down.

Nokia is like the desperate home owner who is behind on mortgage, needs cash fast, finds a generous benefactor, only to discover that they have embraced a loan shark.

There are plenty of OS options out there for Nokia but it has embraced a company whose culture it understands, as a former gorilla in its own right, and, sadly, it lost confidence in its judgment to go it alone.

That is the effect of this kind of disruption. It fillets confidence as well as the share price. But in Nokia’s case nobody can say they didn’t have a chance to take the same ride that Apple, or indeed Samsung, did. It was there to be taken.


  1. Critically evaluate the causes make Nokia fail in their business. If you need more data you might search from internet (give references)
  2. Make internal and external analysis for NOKIA. You might extra data from other sources (give references)


  1. Asnwer all questions provided
  2. Write the answers on “polio bergaris”
  3. It must be submitted by Tuesday 1st November 2016 between 12.30-13.00 at the lecturer in Jurusan Manajemen