SOA-RAF SC Conference Call,

Wednesday, January 16th, 2013

A: Administrivia

1.  Roll call

2.  Note taker appointed

3.  Approve minutes from previous Conf Call

4.  Discussions

5.  Review Actions

B: Taskus Genuineus

6.  Adjudication Process

7.  Adjournment

Link to Meeting Attendees

Link to Meeting Notes

Link to Meeting Actions

-  Meeting Attendees –

Ken Laskey

Boris Lublinsky (part time)

Michael Poulin

Peter Brown

- Meeting Notes –

A – Administrative – Ken Laskey Chaired the meeting

1.  Roll Call: Ken conducted roll call

2.  Note Taker Assigned: Michael Poulin

Quorum Achieved.

3.  Approve Minutes for Dec 12, 2012: To be refined by Ken

To be reviewed at the next meeting.

4.  Review Actions and Open Issues:

-  Ken: update the TC Webpage when the it is possible. In a progress

-  Ken: send a note about moving the next meeting on Jan 9, 2013. Completed.

-  Rex: submit a reference of use of RAF he is aware about. In a progress

5.  Discussions:

1.  Info: Ken explained what OASIS ballots we had in December to vote

2.  Ken and Peter discussed the information to be sent to the OASIS President (Jim Hughes, Chair of the Board delegates this function to Laurent Liscia, CEO) – move forward the PAS submission to ISO/IEC JTC1

3.  Info: Ken has informed that IEEE has decided o adopt SOA RA from both The Open Group and OASIS SOA RAF. Ken explained comments re recognition of the The Open Group’s SOA RA; an intent of IEEE is to complete work on the The Open Group’s SOA RA in February, 2013, and then start working with the OASIS SOA RAF

4.  Peter explained his point re IEEE and discussed with Ken

5.  Michael asked a question re compatibility between the definitions of ‘service’ in The Open Group and OASIS SOA RA; Ken responded referring to some changes and uncertainty in the view of The Open Group.

6.  Ken asked everybody to search for examples of use of the SOA RAF in the industry

7.  A short discussion re SOA Ontology and its ‘competition’ with SOA RAF. Michael proposed to write a an agreement White Paper co-authored by all interested parties, similarly to the SOA Navigation White Paper, written in 2009.

B – Taskus Genuineus

6.  Decision

7.  Adjournment

Peter moved to adjourn the meeting, Boris seconded.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:31 PM ET.

Link to meeting recording: recording is unavailable

-  Actions carried forward –

-  Ken - to re-engage from OMG

-  Rex - Looking to get Statements of use from NCOIC, CMU, DMI, and other organizations

-  Rex – will look for crossover between NCOIC & OASIS in relation to our spec

-  New Actions –

Ken: send an e-mail to the OASIS President regarding the PAS submission

Everybody: look up for the SOA RAF adoption examples