Going Where God Wants –Playing Hide and Seek with God–5-18-14
Scripture: Nehemiah2.1-6 (NIV)
Key Verse(s): The king said to me, “What is it you want?” Then I prayed to the God of heaven, and I answered the king, “If it pleases the king and if your servant has found favor in his sight, let him send me to the city in Judah where my fathers are buried so that I can rebuild it.” – Nehemiah 2.4-5 (NIV)
Summary: As we learned last week, Nehemiah held a high position for the King in a different country while in exile from his home in Jerusalem. As he approached the king one day, the king noted Nehemiah’s profound sadness and presumed it to be sadness of heart. Nehemiah was honest before the king and told him how Jerusalem’s ruin was grieving him deeply. After the king granted permission for Nehemiah to travel to his home city, Nehemiah set a plan to do so.
Discussion Starters: In facing a tough decision, what has helped you navigate your options? Prayer? Talking with people you trust? Has someone ever asked you what the king asked Nehemiah: “What is it you want?” Was that helpful, or not?
Read and Discuss
Unless otherwise noted, scriptures have been researched and referenced based on the New International Version (NIV); however any translation is perfectly acceptable to use for discussion.
1.Take note of every step Nehemiah takes in Nehemiah 2.4-5. When the king asks him what he wants, what is first thing Nehemiah does? Is this your instinct when facing a decision? We talked Sunday about prayer being a key component when seeking wisdom to make a God-led decision. Does prayer always give us a clear answer? What does it give us?
2.Read Psalm 37.3-6. Going where God wants begins with trusting in Him. Think about our discussion starter. Do you think God cares about what you want – the desires of your heart? We live in a broken world; we know that our desires aren’t always granted, and unfortunately we don’t know why. Regardless of that, however, what comfort and joy do these verses give us about our lives lived in service to God?
3.Read Jeremiah 29.11-13.Verse 11 is a popular verse, often recited in graduations and at life’s big milestones. But as we read further, what must we do in order to align ourselves with God’s plans? In seeking God, we often become distracted. How might encouragement from Proverbs 4.23-27and Luke 21.34-36help us in minimizing distractions and keeping our eyes on the ultimate goal?
Closing: As you close your time today, in a spirit of prayer, read all of Proverbs 4. Allow it to comfort and guide you this week as you seek God’s wisdom for your life.