1. Name the following compounds.

A) CuCl2B) NO3C) Al2(SO4)3 D) SnO2

E) NH4ClF) N2O4G) LiOH H) CaCO3

I) PbF2J) KBr

2. Write the formulas for the following compounds.

A) sulphur trioxideB) tin (IV) bromideC) iron (II) oxide

D) carbon monoxideE) rubidium oxideF) nitric acid

G) copper (II) sulphideH) aluminum sulphateI) silicon dioxide

J) phosphorus pentachloride

3. What do the elements in the same group all have in common?

4. Aluminum and oxygen react to form a compound.

a) What is the name of the compound formed?

b) What is the formula of the compound?

c) What type of reaction is this?

5. Identify the type of reaction, and write a balanced chemical equation for:

A) zinc + iron (III) nitrate ------> ______+ ______

B) potassium + oxygen ------> ______

C) magnesium carbonate -----> magnesium oxide + carbon dioxide

D) ______+ ______ iron (III) hydroxide + potassium nitrate

6. Consider a solution with a pH of 3 and a solution with a pH of 5. Which is more acidic? How much more acidic is it?

7. What does the Law of Conservation of Mass state?

8. Describe three tests you can perform to check if an unknown substance is an acid or a base?

9. What type of substances antacids and how can they be useful to us?

10. Classify each of the following substances as an acid, base or neutral:

a) HCl(aq)b) NaOH (aq) c) NaCld) H2SO4 (aq)

11. Which of the following is an example of a chemical change?

A) the melting of iceB) the rusting of a car

C) the burning of rubberD) none of the above

E) both b and c

12. Given the data below, how much water would be consumed by the reaction?

A) 3.60 gB) 0.36 gC) 8.00 gD) 72.0 gE) none of these

Sodium+water ------>hydrogen+sodium hydroxide

4.60 g ? 0.20 g 8.00 g

13. The reaction between potassium iodide and lead nitrate solutions would be an example of a:

A) combustion reactionB) synthesis reaction

C) decomposition reactionD) displacement reaction

E) double displacement reaction

14. Potassium chlorate decomposes according to the following equation:

2 KClO3------>X+3 O2

In the balanced equation, X represents:

A) K2OB) KOHC) 2 KClD) KClO3E) KCl

15. A metallic atom generally becomes positive by:

A) losing protonsB) becoming an isotope

C) gaining electronsD) losing electrons

E) gaining protons

16. What do we call the elements that are located along the ‘staircase’ in the periodic table?

17. What are the charges of the ions formed by the following elements:

a) Clb) Fe c) Bed) Se) Nf) F

18. Element X reacts with oxygen to form Compound Y. Compound Y reacts with water to form a solution that turns litmus red. What is Element X?

A) metalB) nonmetal

C) baseD) acidE) water

19. What is the general formula for a neutralization reaction?

20. Balance each of the following equations:

1.Br2+KI  KBr +I2

2.Ca+H2O  Ca(OH)2 + H2

3. C6H6 + O2  CO2 + H2O

21. Write a balanced equation for the reaction and identify the equation as a synthesis, decomposition, single displacement, double displacement, or combustion reaction.

Magnesium+hydrochloric acid ------> hydrogen gas + magnesium chloride

22. Sodium and oxygen react to form a compound. Complete the following to show how bonding occurs.

A) Bohr Diagrams for sodium and oxygen atoms.

B) Bohr Diagrams for the stable ions of sodium and oxygen indicating ionic charge.

C) The formula of the compound is ______.