2011 Census

Snapshot of key statistics for Dartmouth Park Neighbourhood Forum Area


We have8,889 residents in 3,780 households

47.3% male and 52.7% female, this ratio is more even in Camden overall -

(49% males to 51% females)

Nearly 20% (1,767) are over 60’s, (15% in Camden)

45 people are over 90

There are 1,603 children 0-15

Of these 516 are 0-4, 1,087 are 5-15 yrs (12.2% to Camden’s 10%)

There are 424 primary and 3341 secondary school places in the area

3,356 residents state they are Christian, approximately 38% of total

6,961 residents are white, (78.3% to Camden’s 66%)remaining 1,928residents comprise Black and Minority ethnic groups which can be further broken down

230 households in which no residents have English as main language

(6.1% to Camden 14.4%)

Area is172 hectares- population density per hectare is 52 peoplecompared to Camden’s 101 - indicatinga comparative low density

Of the 3,780 households, 1,664 are owner occupied (44% - to Camden 33%),

1,442 are social rented (38% to Camden 33%)

620 privately rented(16.4% to Camden 32.2%)

Larger than Camden average of social rented housing and significantly smaller average of privately rented housing

Of the3,780 households, 1,946, are one family households,(51.5% to Camden 42.6%), 1,277are one person households (33.8% to Camden 40.5%)and289 are lone parent households with dependant children, 268 of these lone parents are female

All but 61households have central heating(1.6% to Camden 3.5%)

There are2,310 car and vanowners in the area

1,900(50.3%)households have no car, 1,528(40.4%) households have one vehicle

301 (8% to Camden 5.9%) households have two vehicles.

41 have three vehicles and 10 have four vehicles

Of all 7,286usualresidents 16+, 627 were school children or full-time students, and

44018-74 were full time students

3,935 held Level 4 qualifications or above(54% to Camden 50.5%)

There are 1121 households with no adults in employment, 207 with dependant children

All usual residents 16 – 74 in employment ….4,393:

1. Production, Construction & Transport…….. 325

2. Distribution & Hospitality…………………… 521

3. Communication & Financial Services…….. 813

4. Professional & Business Services…………. 985

5. Public Services………………………………1,349 (30.7% to Camden 23.6%)

6. Other……………………………………………400