Snape with Thorp Parish Council – Playing Field Association Management Committee

Minutes of a meeting held on Wednesday 8 April2015 in the Snape Village Institute

Present: Graham Seel, Jenny Rydzewski, Richard Poole, Roy Le Cornu and two members of the public.

  1. It was noted that Caroline Hunter had resigned from the Committee. There were no apologies for absence.
  2. Declarations of interest – There were no declarations of interest.
  3. Minutes of the meetings held on 30 December 2014, copies of which had been circulated, were agreed as a true record. Sarah Lowe advised that the reference to the meeting with Sir John Ropner should have included Terry Warwick but she had not been aware of this when she reported onthis at the meeting on 30 December.
  4. Matters arising
  5. Meeting dates – Richard Poole asked why the meeting had gone ahead on 30 December despite he and Caroline Hunter being unavailable and he stated that greater consideration needed to be given to holiday periods when arranging meetings. Graham Seel advised that the meeting on 30 December had been quorate and he had considered it was appropriate to continue with the meeting date. He apologised for any concern caused. Richard Poole responded that he felt that meetings should not be called during this holiday period.
  6. Drainage – dyke at the south of the field –the digger contractor had been approached and would be able to undertake the work. However, due to the conditions including the wooded nature of the area he would be asked to visit the site; Richard Poole would arrange this. Jenny Rydzewski would contact the farmer to check on the window of opportunity for this work to be undertaken. The Parish Council had written to Sir John Ropner and his agent to advise on progress and to welcome the financial support offered by the estate towards the costs.
  7. Funding from the Tour de France event at West Tanfield – Deferred due to Steven Smith’s absence.
  8. Asset transfer – Sarah Lowe advised that the solicitor was still completing various investigations and had sought responses from the Parish Council on two issues; the information had been agreed at the PC meeting the previous week and the solicitor contacted.
  9. Development of the playing field:
  10. Response from the PC to the developments – Sarah Lowe advised that at the PC meeting the previous week she had advised on the outline potential costs of the new equipment; Richard Poole had explained what would be the potential costs of the surface improvements. This level of investment had been supported by the PC.
  11. Equipment quotations – The three quotes received had been circulated to Committee members but further information in terms of contract terms, guarantees and brochures were available to view. A number of points made by the equipment firms were shared with the Committee.
  12. Surface improvements –Richard Poole advised that due to personal circumstances it had not been possible to obtain the prices previously but an approach had recently been made to three companies and one had agreed to draw up a specification that all 3 could then use on which to base their quotations. He expected the costs to be around £8k, which was much lower than the previous prices received. The best time to undertake the work would be Spring or Autumn. The surface improvements should be undertaken before the equipment changes.
  13. Advice from Nicky Smith – Richard Poole advised that he had made contact with Nicky Smith and it was now clear that due to the smaller value of the overall funding required there was no need to use a CVA to seek funding as funders would support this level of funding application is made by the PC. Awards for All would be the appropriate funder to approach for the surface changes and Yorventure for the equipment costs. She had advised that funders would not necessarily expect the cheapest quote to be used provided there were reasons for choosing a higher quotation. If the PC sought the funding the PC would need to pay the VAT and then recover the value which could take a number of weeks to receive a refund. If application was made by a CVA the funding could include the VAT value as the CVA could not claim the VAT back. It was not clear that the PC would have this level of funding available to underwrite the VAT costs and this would have to be raised for discussion at the next PC meeting. Advice would be sought from Nicky Smith and also Lisa Wilson.
  14. Choice of equipment supplier – there was discussion of the quotes received. One was considered too highly priced to pursue. Of the other two there were benefits in choosing Steetscape due to the local nature of the company meaning reduced costs on site security etc; there were also opportunities to reduce the cost by the removal of the old multiplay by Committee members; both Roy le Cornu and Richard Poole had insurance cover to do this and this could be used as contributions in kind to the overall scheme. It was agreed that in addition to the equipment priced a cradle swing should be included. It was resolved, as a unanimous decision of the Committee, that Streetscape should be selected. However, there was a need to arrange discussion with regard to layout etcwith Streetscape and to obtain the specifications of the equipment to use. In addition, no firm commitment could be made without the funding being available. Sarah Lowe would notify the companies and also arrange a meeting with Steetscape.
  15. Funding – Application would need to be made to Yorventure in June with a decision being made in July; Awards for All was a rolling application process with outcomes known in 4 months. It would be possible to phase in the equipment but not the surface improvements. The CVA might be needed if applications by the PC were not successful. There were other sources of funding which would not give to a PC. Richard Poole expressed his disappointment that Graham Seel had suggested to the Chair of the PC that the CVA should be disbanded without directly approaching himas Chair of the CVA. Graham Seel apologised for this. Richard Poole advised that he had a meeting with the Bank to set up an account for the CVA. A decision was needed about whether the CVA should continue or be held in abeyance for the time being.
  16. Summary of action
  17. The surface would be improved before the new play equipment was installed;
  18. A grant for surface improvement would be sought from Awards for All by the PC
  19. A meeting would be held as soon as the three quotations for the surface improvements had been received; this could proceed without Graham Seel being available
  20. The PC would need to see the grant applications before they were submitted
  21. A meeting would be held with Nicky Smith to prepare the applications
  22. It was expected that the project would be completed in 12 months.

Graham Seel expressed his thanks to Richard Poole and Sarah Lowe for their hard work in progressing these matters.

  1. Grass cutting regime

Mr Dale had advised Graham Seel that he would not cut the grass again as he no longer had insurance cover. The contractor would cut the field 8 times per year under the PC contract. However, once the surface was improved there would be a requirement for more regular cuts; the periphery of the field also needed to be kept clean. Richard Poole suggested that the purchase of a ride on mower should be included in the proposals for the surface improvements. In the meantime, an item would be included in Yoredale News asking for volunteers with public liability insurance to cut the grass for a fee of £10 per cut. Sarah Lowe was also asked to contact the PC’s insurers to enquire about the possibility of volunteers using PC equipment.

  1. Report to the Open Parish Council meeting – the content of the report was agreed.
  2. Financial Statement

Sarah Lowe advised that the current balance was £351.74; reimbursement of the cost of the goal posts (£286.32) had been received from HDC. A coffee morning was to be held in the Institute on 23 May to raise funds for the Playing Field improvements. A proposal would be made to the PC to set up a separate account for the Playing Field Committee.