Snakes, Spiders, and Scorpions
Snakebites kill few people in the U.S. Of the estimated 7000 people bitten annually, fewer than 5 die.
To care for a venomous snake bite:
-Wash the wound
-Apply an elastic bandage to slow the spread of venom through the lymphatic system
-Keep the injured area still and lower than the heart. The person should walk only if absolutely necessary.
-Do not apply ice
-Do not cut the wound
-Do not apply suction
Spider Bites and Scorpion Stings:
Few spiders in the U.S. can cause serious illness or death. Signals of spider bites depend on the amount of poison, called venom, injected and the person’s sensitivity to the venom. Examples of places where spiders live include wood, rock and brush piles; dark garages, and attics. People are often bitten on their arms and hands when reaching into these places. Scorpions live in dry regions under rocks, logs, and the dark of certain trees. Like spiders, only a few species of scorpions have a sting that can cause death. It is difficult to distinguish highly poisonous bites or stings. Symptoms of bites or stings can include dizziness, chills, fever, nausea, chest pain, or elevated heart rate. Bites and stings are more dangerous in very young children and the elderly. If a bite or sting occurs, you should apply ice to reduce pain and swelling, wash the wound thoroughly, keep the bitten area elevated, and bandage the wound.
Snakes, Spiders, and Scorpions
Snakebites kill few people in the U.S. Of the estimated 7000 people bitten annually, fewer than 5 die.
To care for a venomous snake bite:
-Wash the wound
-Apply an elastic bandage to slow the spread of venom through the lymphatic system
-Keep the injured area still and lower than the heart. The person should walk only if absolutely necessary.
-Do not apply ice
-Do not cut the wound
-Do not apply suction
Spider Bites and Scorpion Stings:
Few spiders in the U.S. can cause serious illness or death. Signals of spider bites depend on the amount of poison, called venom, injected and the person’s sensitivity to the venom. Examples of places where spiders live include wood, rock and brush piles; dark garages, and attics. People are often bitten on their arms and hands when reaching into these places. Scorpions live in dry regions under rocks, logs, and the dark of certain trees. Like spiders, only a few species of scorpions have a sting that can cause death. It is difficult to distinguish highly poisonous bites or stings. Symptoms of bites or stings can include dizziness, chills, fever, nausea, chest pain, or elevated heart rate. Bites and stings are more dangerous in very young children and the elderly. If a bite or sting occurs, you should apply ice to reduce pain and swelling, wash the wound thoroughly, keep the bitten area elevated, and bandage the wound.
Snakes, Spiders, and Scorpions
Snakebites kill few people in the U.S. Of the estimated 7000 people bitten annually, fewer than 5 die.
To care for a venomous snake bite:
-Wash the wound
-Apply an elastic bandage to slow the spread of venom through the lymphatic system
-Keep the injured area still and lower than the heart. The person should walk only if absolutely necessary.
-Do not apply ice
-Do not cut the wound
-Do not apply suction
Spider Bites and Scorpion Stings:
Few spiders in the U.S. can cause serious illness or death. Signals of spider bites depend on the amount of poison, called venom, injected and the person’s sensitivity to the venom. Examples of places where spiders live include wood, rock and brush piles; dark garages, and attics. People are often bitten on their arms and hands when reaching into these places. Scorpions live in dry regions under rocks, logs, and the dark of certain trees. Like spiders, only a few species of scorpions have a sting that can cause death. It is difficult to distinguish highly poisonous bites or stings. Symptoms of bites or stings can include dizziness, chills, fever, nausea, chest pain, or elevated heart rate. Bites and stings are more dangerous in very young children and the elderly. If a bite or sting occurs, you should apply ice to reduce pain and swelling, wash the wound thoroughly, keep the bitten area elevated, and bandage the wound.
Snakes, Spiders, and Scorpions
1. What should you do if someone is bitten by a venomous snake?
a. Apply pressure to the wound and wrap if possible.
b. Apply suction to get the poison out.
c. Wash the wound.
d. Apply ice to stop the swelling.
e. Keep the wound elevated and still.
2. True or False: Most snake bites are fatal.
3. What are some similarities between spider bites and scorpion stings? (Circle all that apply)
a. Most spiders and scorpions have a bite or a sting that can be fatal.
b. If bitten or stung you will know for sure because of the pain.
c. Some symptoms of a bite and stings are: Nausea, chills & fever, dizziness, and elevated heart rate.
d. If you are bitten it is easy to tell if it was a poisonous bite or sting.
4. True or False: Bites from spiders and Scorpions are more dangerous to children and the elderly.
5. What should you do in the event you are bitten by a spider or stung by a scorpion?
(Circle all that apply)
a. Wash the wound thoroughly.
b. Apply ice to the site of the injury.
c. Bandage the wound.
d. Keep the bitten area elevated and still.
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Snakes, Spiders, and Scorpions
1. What should you do if someone is bitten by a venomous snake?
a. Apply pressure to the wound and wrap if possible.
b. Apply suction to get the poison out.
c. Wash the wound.
d. Apply ice to stop the swelling.
e. Keep the wound elevated and still.
2. True or False: Most snake bites are fatal.
3. What are some similarities between spider bites and scorpion stings? (Circle all that apply)
a. Most spiders and scorpions have a bite or a sting that can be fatal.
b. If bitten or stung you will know for sure because of the pain.
c. Some symptoms of a bite and stings are: Nausea, chills & fever, dizziness, and elevated heart rate.
d. If you are bitten it is easy to tell if it was a poisonous bite or sting.
4. True or False: Bites from spiders and Scorpions are more dangerous to children and the elderly.
5. What should you do in the event you are bitten by a spider or stung by a scorpion?
(Circle all that apply)
a. Wash the wound thoroughly.
b. Apply ice to the site of the injury.
c. Bandage the wound.
d. Keep the bitten area elevated and still.
Print Name ______
Signature ______
Snakes, Spiders, and Scorpions
1. What should you do if someone is bitten by a venomous snake?
a. Apply pressure to the wound and wrap if possible.
b. Apply suction to get the poison out.
c. Wash the wound.
d. Apply ice to stop the swelling.
e. Keep the wound elevated and still.
2. True or False: Most snake bites are fatal.
3. What are some similarities between spider bites and scorpion stings? (Circle all that apply)
a. Most spiders and scorpions have a bite or a sting that can be fatal.
b. If bitten or stung you will know for sure because of the pain.
c. Some symptoms of a bite and stings are: Nausea, chills & fever, dizziness, and elevated heart rate.
d. If you are bitten it is easy to tell if it was a poisonous bite or sting.
4. True or False: Bites from spiders and Scorpions are more dangerous to children and the elderly.
5. What should you do in the event you are bitten by a spider or stung by a scorpion?
(Circle all that apply)
a. Wash the wound thoroughly.
b. Apply ice to the site of the injury.
c. Bandage the wound.
d. Keep the bitten area elevated and still.
Print Name ______
Signature ______