(1) Position: / Research Assistant Professor (Clinical research)
School of Chinese Medicine
Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Clinical Study Centre
Hong Kong Baptist University
(2) Phone: / (852) 3411 6523
(3) Email: /
(4) Qualification: / Bachelor of Chinese Medicine (Shanghai University of TCM, 2002)
MD (Shanghai University of TCM, 2007)
PhD (Faculty of Medicine, the University of Hong Kong, 2012)
Certificate of Registration for Chinese Medicine Practitioner Registration (Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong, 2007)
Practising Certificate for Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner
(Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong, 2007)
Certificate of Medical Practitioner ( Ministry of Health (PROC), 2003 )
Practising Certificate for Medical Practitioner (Ministry of Health (PROC) , 2003)
Certificate of Attending Physician (Ministry of Health (PROC),2007)
Certificate in Medical and Health Sciences Education (Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, HKU, 2011)
Second Major in Law ( Intellectual Property) (East China University of
Political Science and Law, 2003)
(5) Working Experience
2014.9- Research Assistant Professor, School of Chinese Medicine, HKBU
Coordinator, Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Clinical Study Center
2012.9-2014.8 Post-doctoral Research Fellow, School of Chinese Medicine, HKBU
2011.10- 2012.9 Clinical Service Manager, School of Chinese Medicine, HKU
2010.9-2011.9 Clinical Center Manager, School of Chinese Medicine, HKU
2005.8-2007.12 Lecturer, Department of Medicine, Long Hua Hospital, Shang Hai University of TCM
2002.7-2007.12 Resident, Attending Physician, Long Hua Hospital , Shang Hai University of TCM (SHUTCM)
(6) Clinical Experiences (As a physician and Chinese Medicine Specialist)
2012.9- HKBU Chinese Medicine Specialists Clinics
2008.1-2012.9 Clinical Centers for Teaching and Research, School of Chinese Medicine, HKU
2006.11-2007.12 Department of Rheumatology, Long Hua Hospital, SHUTCM
2006.8-2006.10 Department of Dermatology, Long Hua Hospital, SHUTCM
2006.5-2006.7 Department of A & E, Long Hua Hospital, SHUTCM
2006.2-2006.4 Department of Cardiology, Long Hua Hospital, SHUTCM
2005.8-2006.1 Department of Neurology, Long Hua Hospital, SHUTCM
2005.5-2005.7 Exchange at Department of Rheumatology, Ren Ji Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Jiao Tong University
2005.4 Department of Ultrasound, Long Hua Hospital, SHUTCM
2005.3 Department of E.K.G., Long Hua Hospital, SHUTCM
2005.2 Department of Radiology, Long Hua Hospital, SHUTCM
2004.2-2004.6 Department of gastroenterology, Long Hua Hospital, SHUTCM
2003.8-2004.1 Department of A & E, Long Hua Hospital, SHUTCM
2002.11-2003.7 Department of Nephrology, Long Hua Hospital, SHUTCM
2002.8-2002.10 Department of Rheumatology, Long Hua Hospital, SHUTCM
(7) Clinical Center Development Projects (As the clinical center manager)
1. Proposal for the Chinese Medicine clinical services at a new teaching private hospital at Wong Chuk Hang Site, LKS Faculty of Medicine, Hong Kong University (2012. 6, successful)
2. Proposal for a new teaching and research center of Chinese Medicine Gynecology and Oncology directly under the School of Chinese Medicine, the University of Hong Kong (2012.2, successful)
3. Proposal for HKACS Hong Kong Jockey Club– HKU Integrative Medicine Clinical Cancer Rehabilitation Center for Teaching and Research (2011.5, successful)
4. Preparatory Committee Member to build up the Hong Kong Tuberculosis Association-The University of Hong Kong Clinical Center for Teaching and Research in Chinese Medicine (Aberdeen) (2010.9-2012.3)

(8) Administrative and Management Experience

1. Center Management Committee Member of Tung Wah Hospital-the University of Hong Kong in Chinese Medicine (Tung Wah Hospital and Eastern Hospital, 2010.9-2012.9)

2. Center Management Committee Member of the Hong Kong Tuberculosis Association Chinese Medicine Clinic cum Training Center of the University of Hong Kong (Wan Chai and Aberdeen, 2010.9-2012.9)

3. Center Management Committee Member of the Hong Kong Buddhist Association-the University of Hong Kong Clinical Center for Teaching and Research in Chinese Medicine (2010.9-2012.9)

4. Coordinator, Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Study Centre, Hong Kong Baptist University

(9) Publications

Peer Review Papers

1.  Lin CY, Zhang M, Huang T, Yang LL, Fu HB, Zhao L, Zhong LD, Mu HX, Shi XK, Leung FP, Fan BM, Jiang M, Lu AP, Zhu LX, Bian ZX*. Spexin Enhances Bowel Movement through Activating L-type Voltage-dependent Calcium Channel via galanin receptor 2 in mice. Scientific Reports, Accepted. 2015.06.

2.  Song TJ, Leng HF, Zhong LD , Wu TX, Moher D, Bian ZX*. CONSORT in China: A decade development and future direction. Trials. 2015 ;16(1):243.

3.  Shi NN, Zhong LD*, Han XJ, Ziea Eric, Ng Bacon, Bian ZX, and Lu AP*. (Co-first author) Enhanced Evidence-Based Chinese Medicine Clinical Practice Guidelines in Hong Kong: A Study Protocol for Three Common Diseases. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2015;2015:482706.

4.  Xiao HT, Zhong LD, Lin ZS, Bian ZX*. Traditional Chinese Medicine Formulas for Irritable Bowel Syndrome: from ancient wisdoms to scientific understandings. Am J Chin Med. 2015;43(1):1-23.

5.  Yuwen Y, Shi NN, Han XJ, Gao Y, Xu JL, Liu DS, Ng B, Tsui D, Zhong LD, Ziea E,Bian ZX, Lu AP. Appraisal of clinical practice guidelines for ischemic stroke management in Chinese medicine with appraisal of guidelines for research and evaluation instrument: A systematic review. Chin J Integr Med. 2014 Jun 18.

6.  Wang D, Lu CY, Teng LS, Guo ZH, Meng QF, Liu Y, Zhong LD, Wang W, Xie J, Zhang ZJ. Therapeutic effects of Chinese herbal medicine against neuroendocrinological diseases especially related to hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis. Pak J Pharm Sci. 2014 May;27(3 Suppl):741-54.

7.  Yu WY, Han XJ, Shi NN, Wang LY, Liao X, Zhong LD, Bian ZX, Lu AP Appraisal of clinical practice guidelines for the management of rheumatoid arthritis in traditional Chinese medicine using the AGREE II instrument: A systematic review. European Journal of Integrative Medicine 2014 April; (2): 176-185.

8.  Zhong LD, Hu DD, Han QB, Xu HX, Bian ZX*. Efficacy-driven quality control platform for Chinese herbal medicine. Pharmaceutica Analytica Acta. 5:291. doi:10.4172/2153-2435.1000291

9.  Zhong LD, Cheng CW, Wu TX, Li YP, Shang HC, Zhang BL, Tang XD, Lu AP, Bian ZX*. Increasing Protocol Design is the Cornerstone for Overall Improvement of Clinical Trials. Chin J Evid-based Med 2013; 13(12): 1500

10.  Zhong LD, Cheng CW, Wu TX, Li YP, Shang HC, Zhang BL, Tang XD, Lu AP, Bian ZX*. SPIRIT 2013 Statement: Defining standard protocol items for clinical trials [Chinese]. Chin J Evid-based Med 2013; 12: 1501-1507

11.  Zhong LD, Cheng CW, Chan Y, Chan KH, Lam TW, Chen XR, Wong CT, Wu JC*, Bian ZX*. Chinese herbal medicine (Ma Zi Ren Wan) for functional constipation: study protocol for a prospective, double-blinded, double-dummy, randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2013 Nov 4; 14(1):366.

12.  Zhong LD, Bian ZX, Gu JH, Zhou X, Tian Y, Mao JC, Chen XJ*.Chinese Herbal Medicine (Zi Shen Qing) for Mild-to-Moderate Systematic Lupus Erythematosus: A Pilot Prospective, Single-Blinded, Randomized Controlled Study. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013;2013:327245.

13.  Zhong LD, Tong Yao, Grace WK Tang, et al. A randomized double-blinded controlled trial of a Chinese herbal formula (Er-Xian Decoction) for menopausal symptoms in Hong Kong perimenopausal women. Menopause. 2013 Jul;20(7):767-76.

14.  Zhong LD, Chen HY, Cho WCS, Meng XM, Tong Y*. The Efficacy of Chinese Herbal Medicine as an Adjunctive Therapy for Colorectal Cancer: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Complement Ther Med. 2012; 20(4): 240-252.

15.  Yu X, Tong Y, Hin-Fai Kwok F, Cho-Wing Sze S, Zhong LD, Bik-San Lau C, et al. Anti-angiogenic activity of Erxian Decoction, a traditional Chinese herbal formula, in zebrafish. Biol Pharm Bull. 2012 Sep 26. [Epub ahead of print]

16.  Hu YM, Wang YT, Sze SCW, Tsang KW, Wong HK, Liu Q, Zhong LD, Tong Y*. Identification of the Major Chemical Constituents and Their Metabolites in Rat Plasma and Various Organs after Oral Administration of Effective Erxian Decoction (EXD) Fraction by Liquid Chromatography-mass Spectrometry. Biomed chromatogr. 2010 May; 24 (5): 479-489.

17.  Sze SCW, Tong Y*, Zhang YB, Zhong LD, Lau ASL, Yow CMN, Lai YM, Ng TB. The Use of a Noninvasive and Nondestructive Method, Microcomputed Tomography, to Evaluate the Anti-Osteoporotic Activity of Erxian Decoction, a Chinese Medicinal Formula, in a Rat Model of Menopausal Osteoporosis. IEEE PUBLICATION: Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, BMEI 2009, vol 1, 47-49.

18.  Zhong LD. Dr. Chen Xiangjun’s Experience in Using Pair of Drugs to Treat Rheumatic Diseases. Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2005,25(4):282-289

19.  顧軍花,陳湘君,鍾麗丹,茅建春,蘇勵. 自身清顆粒劑治療系統性紅斑狼瘡療效評價 ,山東中醫雜, 2008, 27(11):734-736

20.  鍾麗丹,陳湘君. 中醫扶正法為主治療系統性紅斑狼瘡的研究進展, 遼寧中醫雜誌2007,34(4):536-538

21.  茅建春,顧軍花,鍾麗丹,蘇勵. 陳湘君教授中醫内科臨床教學方法初探, 中醫教育2007,26(1):77-78

22. 鍾麗丹,洪鴻彬. 陳湘君教授治療風濕病肺間質病變經驗介紹, 新中醫,2006,38(10):13-15

23. 鍾麗丹,風濕痹痛常用中成藥, 家庭用藥,2006.6;2006.7

24. 鍾麗丹. 張景岳補腎法對久痹論治的影響,上海中醫藥雜誌, 2005,39(1):40-41

25. 鍾麗丹, 洪鴻彬. 陳湘君教授治療風濕病常用藥對舉隅, 中醫雜誌, 2004,45(4):257-259

26. 鍾麗丹. 蘊于陸游詩文中的養生意趣,醫古文雜誌, 2001,18(3):26-27

Conference Papers

1. Zhong LD, Hu DD, Kun W, Cheng C W, Bian ZX*.Xiang Bian Effects of oral administration of a Chinese Proprietary Medicine, MZRW on tolerability, exposure and pharmacokinetics in healthy subjects. 2014 Conference of WFCMS Specialty Committee on digestive disease, 2014, Nanjing.

2. Zhong LD, Zheng G, Lu AP, Bian ZX*. A Systematic Review of Chinese Herbal Medicine for Constipation: From Zheng-based Prescription to Selections of herbs and formula. The 13th Meeting of Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine, 2014, Beijing.

3. Zhong LD, Liu Q, Tong Y*. The development of a Chinese Medical Humanities and Arts Module at the University of Hong Kong. The 11th Meeting of Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine, 2012, Macau.

4. Zhong LD, Tong Y*. Can Chinese Herbal Medicine alleviate menopausal symptoms in Hong Kong Chinese Women? A pilot study on effects of a Chinese herbal formula on menopause. The 14th World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility, 2011, 176

5. Zhong LD, Tong Y*.Quality Assessment of the Clinical Trials with Chinese Medicine on Menopausal Syndrome in the Last Five Years: From the View of Evidence-based Medicine, 5th International Congress on Complementary Medicine Research, 2011, P-105

6. Zhong LD, Tong Y*, Tang GWK, Choi WK, Sze SCW.A Randomized Placebo-controlled trial on the effectiveness of a Chinese herbal formula to alleviate menopausal symptoms, The 10th Meeting of Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine, 2011, 168

7. Zhong LD, Zhang ZJ, Feng YB, Tong Y *. A pilot study of objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) for assessments in the undergraduate clinical attachments of Chinese Medicine (PE19). Holistic Approach in Medical and Health Sciences Education, 2011

8. Zhong LD, Shen JG, Feng YB, Tong Y*.A pilot study of teaching Chinese Medicine Diagnostics with problem-based learning tutorials. 6th Congress of the Asian Medical Education Association, Trends in Medical Education, 2011

9. Sze SCW, Wong KL, Chu SME, Zhong LD, Tong Y*.Synergistic Effect of Six Estrogenic Compounds isolated from Erxian Decoction for Relieving Menopausal Syndrome, 2nd International Conference on Drug Discovery and Therapy, 2010

10. Hu YM, Wu JJ, Liu Q, Sze SCW, Zhong LD, Tong Y*. Identification of the Multiple Chemical Constituents from a Chinese Medicinal Prescription- Erxian Decoction by LC-DAD-ESI-MS, International Conference on Traditional Medicine, 2009

11. Zhong LD, Tong Y*. The Roles Of Er-xian Decoction As A Basic Formula For The Management Of Menopause-related Symptoms: A Systematic Evidence Review, The 9th National Conference Of TCM Gynecology, 2009

(10) Research Grants

1.  The Development of Evidence-based Integrative Medicine Clinical Practice Guidelines in Hong Kong. Fong Yun-Wah Research Fund. HK$1,200,000 (2015-2017)

2.  Establishment of a Chinese Medicine Clinical Trials Centre (CTC) in Hong Kong Baptist University. HKBU Strategic Development Fund (SDF), HK$ 3,000,000(2015-2018)

3.  Acupuncture in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD): A Cross-over Randomized

Controlled Clinical Study. Fong Yun-Wah Research Fund. (2014-2016)

4.  The Development of Chinese Medicine Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) in Cancer Palliative Care in 2014/2015, Hospital Authority, HK$500,000 (2015-2016)

5.  A Randomized Controlled Trial of Tian Jiu Therapy for Allergic Rhinitis. Marcoda Co Ltd Research Fund. HK$ 960,000 (2014-2016)

6.  Acupuncture for Body Weight Control: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Hospital Authority, HK$500,000(2015-2016)

7.  The Development of Chinese Medicine Clinical Practice Guideline in Hong Kong, Hospital Authority, HK$500,000 (2014-2015)

8.  Chinese herbal medicine for functional constipation: a prospective double blinded double dummy randomized controlled study. HHSRF, Health and Health Services Research Fund, Research Council, Hong Kong, HK$:996600.00 (2012-2014)

9.  Research about methodology of Syndrome differentiation in Randomized controlled trial. National Natural Science Foundation, China, RMB 600000 (2012-2015)

10.  A double-blind randomized controlled clinical trial on the efficacy and safety of Er-xian decoction of menopausal symptoms. Liu Hao Tsing Research Fund. HK$:1,000,000 (2009-2011)

11.  A pilot cross-sectional study to evaluate the clinical presentation of menopausal syndrome in Chinese Medicine. Small Project Fund, HKU(2010-2011) HK$:60,000

12.  A pilot study of teaching Chinese Medicine Diagnostics with problem-based learning tutorials.Run Run Shaw Research and Teaching Endowment Fund-Teaching Grants. HK$:160,000


13.  The Development of a Chinese Medical Humanities and Arts Module. Medical Humanities Development Fund, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, HKU. HK$:150,000 (2010- 2012)

14.  Study on preventive and therapeutic effects of enriching Qi and removing blood stasis on SLE rat with nephritis-induced renal fibrosis. National Natural Science Foundation of China. RMB 600,000 (2005-2007)

15.  The research of ZSQ Granule as a new drug of TCM on Slight and Moderate Active Systemic Lupus Erythematosus . Shanghai Medical and Health Bureau. RMB 500,000 (2005-2007)

16.  Study on the clinical experience of Professor Chen Xiang Jun in treating rheumatic diseases by supporting the healthy energy. Shanghai Medical and Health Bureau RMB 500,000 (2004-2007)

17.  Study on therapeutic regimen for rheumatoid arthritis. National Tenth Five-Year Plan RMB 4,000,000 (2002-2004)

(11) Honors and Prizes

1. 2012- 國家中醫藥管理局-全國名老中醫專家陳湘君傳承工作室成員

2. 2011.12 扶正法爲主治療輕中活動度系統性紅斑狼瘡臨床與機制研究-上海市中醫藥科技進步一等獎

3. 2006.9 Outstanding Teachers, Long Hua Hospital, Shanghai University of TCM

4. 2006.6 7th Best Teaching Plan First Prize, Shanghai University of TCM

5. 2006.6 7th Teaching Competition First Award, Shanghai University of TCM

6. 2006- 上海市衛生局-上海市名中醫陳湘君教授工作室成員

7. 2005.11 國家教育部-高等學校青年骨幹教師

8. 2002.10 衛生部國際交流中心-日本中醫藥研究會中醫藥學獎學金

9. 2001.9 國家教育部-全國三好學生

As of 2015.6