Month / Date / Event / Location
April / 13th-14th-15th / Portland Swap Meet / Portland, WA.
28th / Zillah Spring Fling / Zillah, WA.
May / 5th – 6th / North Olympic Mustang and Cougar car show / Port Angeles, WA.
12th / Zillah Community Days / Zillah, WA.
19th / Selah Community Days (Parade) / Selah, WA.
May/June / 29th-1st / Coffee Stop (Indian Johns’ east bound) / Sign up sheet will be out soon
July / 7th / Goldendale Community Days Open Car Show / Goldendale, WA.
19th – 22nd / Mustangs Northwest Roundup / Bellevue Community College
21st / Drive for Education Car Show / Ellensburg, WA.
29th / Mustangs on the Water Front / Port Orchard, WA.
General Meeting: / Board Meeting:
4th Wednesday of every month / 3rd Thursday of every month
Magic’s Pizza, Selah / Clubhouse of Lance Sontag
7:00pm / Terrace Heights 7:00pm
Deadline for newsletter submissions is 7 days after the event,
If you’re submission is not received by that date,
it could be put off until the next month’s newsletter.
Membership Requirements:
Attend 2 meetings or club functions per year
Have a valid driver’s License
Own a Mustang or Cougar
Provide proof of liability insurance
Be 18 years or older or join with parents as a family membership
Annual Dues
Single: $17.00 Family $20.00

SCMC Annual Meeting Minutes

Jan 14, 2012 - Clarion Hotel - Yakima

Meeting was called to order at 8:05 PM after dinner by out-going President Mark Sires.

1.  Board Meeting Overview – No December or January board meetings to discuss.

2.  Treasures Report – No statement available at the Banquet.

3.  Last month(s) events:

a.  Christmas party – Great Success! Thanks to Lance for the location and the Duffields for main course.

b.  Christmas shoe boxes – Given to Triumph Treatment

4.  Honorary club membership for Mike Brown. Approved by vote of membership for 2012.

5.  Floor opened for discussions of any possible desired changes to the bi-laws.

a. Several items were raised and several people sent in topics for discussion.

1.  Motion made to leave member annual dues as-is. Seconded. Approved by vote.

2.  Motion made to leave club logo as is. Seconded. Approved by vote.

3.  A number of other topics were discussed, such as membership requirements. No motions were made on those discussions.

6.  2012 Car Show - David introduced his artwork for our car show LOGO-Horse Heaven, it is awesome! Can be seen on the web site.

7.  Introduction of new Officers for 2012

President Jason Ratliff – Pass the Gavel

Vice Pres Jeff Waidner

Secretary Mary Clark

Treasurer David Mitts

Alternate Lance Sontag

8.  Close of annual meeting – Gavel was passed onto Jason as the incoming president.

SCMC Board Minutes

February 16, 2012

Contributed by; Mary Clark

Meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Jason Ratliff, President.

Board Attendance: Jason Ratliff, Jeff Waidner, David Mitts, Lance Sontag , Velda Welch and Mark Sires.

Committee chairs:

·  Membership – Doris Humann

·  Hospitality – Opal Duffield (Need to ask Opal)

·  Phone – Velda Welch

·  Doug Heilman – Newsletter Editor

·  Web Administrator – Gail Carlton

·  Club Historian – Lance Sontag

·  Activity Leader – Lance suggested asking Ray.

·  Show – David Mitts and Lance Sontag

Tee Shirts: David has the design ready. He will check on the cost of the shirts and pick the color this year. Also the logo will be on the back on the shirt.

Show Committee Meeting: March 11, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. at the Club House.

Charities: The Club needs to pick the charity or charities they are going to support this year. The Board decided they need to get a hold of the Charity representatives and ask them to speak at the General meeting this next Wednesday.

Charities suggested: Children’s Wishes and Dreams, Camp Prime Time and EnTrust Community Services

Dates Set: Christmas Party: December 8, 2012 at the Club House.

November Board and General: November 14, 2012.

Treasurers Report: The books were audited from last year and everything balanced. Balances as of February 10, 2012 – Checking $2,504.46 and Savings $1,504.30.

Other: Selah School District sent a thank you letter for the 2011 Holiday Basket contribution.

Coffee Stop in May: Velda will have a sign-up sheet ready for Wednesday’s meeting.

Meeting adjourned: 8:10 p.m.

SCMC General Meeting Minutes

February 22, 2012

Contributed by Mary Clark

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.by President Jason Ratliff.

The Board meeting was on February 16, 2012. The Board discussed the need for the Club to decide what charities they are going to sponsor this year. This needs to be decided quickly as the Car Show information will be going to print soon. The Board contacted representatives from three Charities and invited them to speak at our General Meeting.

Those representing the Charities were Dave Berthon of Camp Prime Time, Sherie Leadon of EnTrust Community Services and Lance Sontag for Children’s Wishes and Dreams. Each representative spoke about their charity.

Don Davenport was our guest. He was a Charter Member and has a 1965 and 1967 Convertible.

Velda handed out a sign-up sheet for the Coffee Stop (Indian Johns’ east bound) May 29, 30 and 31, take down June 1.

Treasurer’s Report: $2,504.46 Checking and $1,504.30 in Savings. The only large bill left to pay is $315.00 for insurance.

Lance suggested that Ray Fletcher take over the Activity Leader Chair and Ray accepted.

Dates set: Christmas Party December 8, 2012 at the Club House and the November General Meeting will be the 14th.

David and Lance volunteered to be Show Co-Chairs. A show meeting is scheduled for March 11, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. at the Club house. A Sunbeam Tiger Club from Seattle is planning on attending our show and has guaranteed they will have at least 5 cars.

Jeff stated he went to a car show at Sea Galley put on by Mopar. He received a trophy for his Thunderbird.

Ray won the 50/50 Raffle and Velda the Door Prize.

Velda stated we are down to one car flag. We need to find fabric and have some made up. Doris and Heinz said they would search for the fabric.

Jason offered $50.00 as a challenge to any member who at the end of the year brings in the most new members.

After the break there was a lot of discussion on how many charities and who the club would support. The club voted to support two charities. By written ballot the two charities the Club is supporting are Wishes and Dreams and Camp Prime Time.

Mark Sires stated there is an all Ford Club picnic at Rooster Rock State Park September 22, 2012. The Club may want to discuss this further and try to attend.

Meeting adjourned at 8:57 p.m.

Coffee stop is:

May 29, 30, 31, take down June 1 east side.

Sign up sheet will be going around.

Contributed by Velda

Here is a list of members who have not renewed their membership.

Fred Miles / Fred & Kathy Wickholm / Rob Lions
Richard Gamache / Bill and Sandy Linse

The Sun Country Mustang Banquet was held Saturday Jan. 14. It really was a great one, once again. It was a Mardi Gras celebration with lots of decorations and New Orleans Cajun cooking. What fun and fellowship as everyone got beads, masks, gifts, etc. I thought the food was exceptionally good and I sure didn't hear any complaints. I know that Velda was instrumental in planning all this, so a big hat's off to Velda and all the others involved in pulling off this great event.

Since part of the evenings plans were to install new officers, a great deal of time and attention was spent praising the outgoing board. It was obvious that the whole club sincerely appreciates the wonderful job that they have done for the past year.

Contributed by; Jeff Waidner

We had several certificates that I thought we should mention. If they support us we should recognize them. Here is the list

2 $20.00 gift cards, POWER HOUSE GRILL

2 meals for two people MELS DINER

1 $30.00 gift card, EL CAPORAL,Selah


1 night plus $25.00 breakfast CLARION HOTEL

5 certificates ranging in price $59.95 to $89.95 FRANKS TIRES Selah

1 four wheel balance TIRE CENTERS, INC.( Walnut Tire) Yakima

We had thirty nine people in attendance

Contributed by; Velda

The out-going Prez says… THANK YOU!!!

Over the last year (2011), it seems time is always short and I never find enough of it to write an article for the news letter. We have a great club and do a lot of fun and great things! We put on a great show this last September, plus did a lot of nice things for some people over the holidays.

After 20 annual shows and years of doing things like the Thanksgiving food baskets and Christmas shoe box gifts, I think some feel we are like a well oiled machine and it just happens. But lets be real, the secret to our success is a lot of people who do a lot of hard work. Things don’t just happen, they happen because someone does it!!!

I’d like to thank a few of you. Everyone deserves thanks, and I will probably miss a few, so please understand that this is not an inclusive list. Everyone that helped this last year deserves a big thanks! So here I go, and these are in no particular order.

I need to start with Velda – Wow, what would I do without you Velda. You literally are the glue that holds everything together and keeps us all going. I have never seen anyone work so hard. This club really is like a full time job for you. You’re out dealing with club business, getting sponsors, taking on new challenges, and handling all the little details that makes everything go smoothly. You are instrumental in the show, the gift baskets, the shoe boxes, the banquet, the coffee stop, organizing the phone committee.,.. heck, you seem to be the corner stone of everything we do!!! Thank you for all that you do!!! I wish we could clone you, but since there is only one “Velda”, keep up the great work!!!

Lance – The Pony Trails was great! You spend a lot of time and gas getting sponsor ships, arranging a meeting place for us, organizing activities, and doing what needs to be done. Mostly you work behind the scenes and without all your work, a lot would not get done! Thank you!

Dave (Mitts) – Dave, you also were a great co-chair of the show. Your art-work for the theme of the 2011 show was fantastic, just as the art work for the 2012 show is amazing, heck, you do it almost every year!!! You take care of business, handled the parking at the show, and kept everyone going in the right direction, provide valuable input at the board meetings, and really helped keeping me on-track. I know you did a lot of other things this year as well. Thank you!

Doug and Amy – Wow, what a couple! I thought I would mention you two together, since I have a feeling Doug helps Amy with her stuff and Amy helps Doug with his stuff. You both are HARD workers that just get things done. You do the news letter month in and month out. Another thankless job that pays off in big returns for the club. You solicit stuff for the goodie bags all year long and then pack them yourselves. I remember with it took 10 of us a day to do those, and now you two do them all. And the baking! Cinnamon knots… yummy! And the list goes on… and that does not even mention the stuff you bake for other organizations and clubs! No one else could fill your shoes! Thanks for all that you two are doing!!!

Gail (Carlton) – One of the true “behind the scenes” workers. Well, maybe when taking charge of the gazebo at the show you weren’t really behind the scenes! Plus, what a great job on the programs! They were great! Plus, the signs, the posters, and all the stuff you printed were great! We got great coverage in the media. Oh, and let’s not forget, that you attend all the meetings and take the minutes. Type them up and get them out. And I have to admit, I love having you as the name tag enforcer!!! With Zee being ill, you did a lot of the books for the club too. Thanks for all you do!!!

Heinz & Doris – Wow, two more behind the scenes workers. Handling everything from the dash plaques to the trophies, getting them made in every aspect, to getting them organized to hand out at the show. Plus all the membership duties. Thank you!!!

Harold – The gate keeper! You do a great job of keeping it all organized, and getting the cars headed to where they will coral their pony for the day. Plus, you work behind the scenes with so many other things. Thank you!

Mary (Clark) – Wow, yet another “behind the scenes” hard worker. You do a great job as the registrar, handling everything from the pre-registration to mailing out all the invitations to prior participants. You are there early on show-day and do a fantastic job and keeping the registration organized and efficient. And as if that wasn’t enough, after the registration table closes, you head off to the trailer and do half the work there too (in a quarter of the time). Honestly, I could not be successful in the trailer without you! Thank you for hard work!

Bill – Thank you for stepping up and being a show co-chair this year! Your efforts were greatly appreciated!

Virgil – I can’t mention the games without saying thank you for your personality and efforts! Your positive attitude is infectious and wonderful! We love having you around with your smile and sense of humor. J