Snack Suggestions for Creative Kids Parents

We can work together to make sure your children get nutritious, tasty snacks during their school day. Feel free to get as creative as you’d like and if you have questions give us a call or as your child’s teacher. For ease, we have broken snacks into simple groups. Below are some suggestions on what the USDA feels is appropriate serving sizes for preschoolers. Please send in enough for your class when it is your turn. Creative Kids will always have an alternative in case of allergy needs.

Fruit Snack
(Can combine a fruit with another thing like crackers, or cheese. Usually ½ cup is serving size) / Veggie Snack
(Can combine a fruit with another thing like crackers, or cheese. Usually ½ cup is serving size) / Cheese/ Bread Snack / Other
Half a banana and graham crackers / Celery sticks with PB and raisings (Ants on a log) / Triscuits and cheese / Corn Chips and salsa
Apple slices and buttery crackers / Cauliflower or Broccoli florets (served with ranch) / Cubed cheese with pretzels / Pretzels with hummus
Grapes / Veggie Straws / ½ mini bagel with cream cheese / Rice cakes with peanut butter
Apple slices or grapes with cheese squares / Rice cake faces with assorted veggies and spread / Cheese cracker sandwiches / Rice cakes with veggie spread
Yogurt or pudding cups, frozen berries / Carrots with ranch dip / PB cracker sandwiches / Trail mix
Apple slices with Peanut butter or caramel / Cucumber slices / Cheese sticks with crackers or pretzels / Pudding cup with graham cracker
Blueberry muffin and milk / Zucchini muffin and milk / / Goldfish crackers and juice
/ / Trail mix
Dry cereal in a baggie

**** PLEASE let us know if your snack contains nuts, dairy, gelatin or other allergens. If possible provide the recipe or label to your teacher.