Rev. Dr. Daniel Herlein
The 7th petition: “Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.”
Questions, concerns and misunderstandings at first reading
Key word of first phrase: “temptation” [πειρασμόv]
Two distinct meanings of πειρασμόv: 1-Entice / Lure 2-Test / trial
Key principles of Biblical interpretation: context and comparison
Implications if πειρασμόv means Entice / Lure in this context
Entice / Lure inconsistent with texts such as James 1:13
πειρασμόv as “test / trial”
An ancient Hebrew prayer and its influence on the 7th petition:
“Keep me steady, faithful and upright when I am tested by the
power of temptation
Our prayer is not to be spared from testing but that we will stand faithful when the times of testing come
Testing that strengthened the life and ministry of Jesus (Heb. 2:10)
What we gain by dealing successfully with testing (James 1:2-3)
The second part of the 7th Petition: “Deliver us from evil’
πονηρός - Not “Evil” but “the evil one” (personification of evil)
Jesus would NEVER have instructed us to pray for deliverance from evil situations authored by Satan if God was not powerful enough to answer our prayers for emancipation
Three ways God promotes our deliverance from the evil one:
(1)God is always present with us (Psalm 139; Deuteronomy 31:8)
(2)God endows us, upon our request, with spiritual sensitivity and common sense (1 Timothy 6:11; Proverbs 4:14)
(3)God gives us the strength and the will to fight back against the evil one as well as faith to claim the promises of God’s Word
(2 Timothy 1:7)
We have a Savior who demonstrated that Satan CAN be defeated
Power is in Jesus Christ crucified, risen, coming again (John 16:33)
OUR FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN: Help us to remain steady and faithful when the test of temptation comes so that we will not stumble and fall. Enable us, with confidence, to resist and fight back against the evil one, knowing that You are always right there beside us. Enable us to resist and fight back against the evil one, through God- empowered spiritual sensitivity and common sense, avoiding people, places and circumstances that could cause us to give in to temptation. Enable us to resist and fight back against the evil one, through our God- given authority and strength to rebuke Satan in Jesus name, claiming the promises found in God’s Word and thereby sending Satan into full retreat.
“It is well, it is well with my soul!”
Next Sunday: The concluding sermon in this series focusing on the Doxology of the Lord’s prayer and some final thoughts