Smoky Valley High School
Work Study
Employer / Student
Resource Guide
2009-2010 School Year
Teacher: Mr. Biegert
School Phone: 785-227-2909, ext. 321
SVHS - Work Study
Sign up for an individual conference before September 4 with Mr. Biegert in Room 321. Bring completed Training Agreement. You must work an average of10 hours per week to be enrolled in Work Study and get credit for the class, 15 hours if scheduled for two periods. Last day to find employment: September 5. You will need to turn in time sheets (signed by your supervisor) once a month. These should be placed in the wooden tray in Room 321.
Here are the dates for when time-sheets will be due:
FridaySeptember 4
ThursdayOctober 8
Friday November 6
FridayDecember 4
Friday January 8
FridayFebruary 5
Thursday March 4
FridayApril 9
FridayMay 7
Due Dates
September 4Work Study Training Agreement
October 2Resume
December 4Internet Career Exploration 1 & 2
March 5 Internet Career Explorations 3 & 4
May 7Exit Interview
Failure to turn these assignments and time sheets in by there due dates will result in a reduction of points available
Exit interviews will be scheduled from April 26 to May 7.
Your employer or volunteer coordinator will send in evaluations once a semester.
The teacher-coordinator will visit your job site at least once during the year.
59% and belowF
Point SystemTraining Agreement/Conf.20 pts20 pts.
Exit Interview20 pts 20 pts.
Resume20 pts 20 pts.
Monthly Time Sheets20 pts @ 9180 pts.
Quarterly Assignments25 pts @ 4100 pts.
Evaluations50 pts @ 2100 pts.
Total Points440 pts
Supervised Work Experience
Time Sheet
Printed Student Name:Month:
Date:Starting Time/Finishing TimeTotal Hours
Mon. 8-13-073:30 - 6:30 and 7:30 – 10:005.5 ot 5 ½
Employer / Supervisor Signature
Internet Career Exploration Name______
Look up a career on the internet that you would like to learn about. Provide the following information for that career.
Career :______
Explain the nature of the work and the working conditions.
Discuss the employment opportunities in this area.
What kind of training and/or qualifications do you need?
Are there advancement opportunities?
What is the job outlook?
What kind of earnings can you make from this occupation?
Give two related occupations and a brief explanation of them.
List the sites that gave you this information.
Internet Career Exploration Name______
Look up a career on the internet that you would like to learn about. Provide the following information for that career.
Career :______
Explain the nature of the work and the working conditions.
Discuss the employment opportunities in this area.
What kind of training and/or qualifications do you need?
Are there advancement opportunities?
What is the job outlook?
What kind of earnings can you make from this occupation?
Give two related occupations and a brief explanation of them.
List the sites that gave you this information.