Smith Mountain Arts Council Board Meeting

Smith Mountain Arts Council Board Meeting

Smith Mountain Arts Council Board Meeting

April 21, 2017, 9:30 a.m., Trinity Ecumenical Parish

Board members present:

Joseph Yarborough, Barb Nocera, Ann Motley, Karen DeBord, Kathy Orth, Lois Spencer, Marty Bowers, Judy Helms, Betsy Ashton, Terry Naylor, Frank Lea, Peter Coriasco, Larry Sakayama, Jim Mullens, Ken Nagele, John O’Connell.

Kathy Orth called the meeting to order and agenda was accepted (Betsy moved and Terry. Seconded).

Betsy moved and Judy seconded a motion to approve the minutes from the February meeting. Marty reported that there is a balance of $20,168.00. Karen moved and Frank seconded approval of the Treasurer’s report.


JAM Program – SMAC is one of 40 JAM locations. The JAM youth will perform at the Heartwood Center in Abingdon, VA May 13. Karen Dillon is presently writing a story for the Lake magazine about the program. Jim Mullens reported the recent receipt of a $2500 Wayne Henderson Foundation grant that he wrote that will be used with the JAM program. He is writing a second grant due in July. The JAM Summer camp will be held three days in June and culminate with a performance. Among other field trips and experiences, all youth will learn to play the dulcimer.

Scholarship Program- Judy Helms reported that the scholarship committee met to review the 7 scholarship applications. Four were submitted from Franklin country students, one from Gretna, one from Staunton River, and one was home schooled. She showed a clip of one of the award winners, Colleen Ernandes, performing an operatic vocal selection. Coleen won a scholarship as well as Molly Philpott who entered in Dance. Both are very active with their talent as well as community service and appear to be excellent students. They will receive $1000 per year for two years towards college. Judy will send out the links to their performances to the SMAC board.

Art Show- The Art Show chairman has resigned and nobody has agreed yet to be the organizational chair of the event. If nobody steps forward, Karen and Kathy will hold an artists focus group to ask them what/how they would like to plan events for the future. The art show is scheduled for November 14-16.

Liability Insurance- SMAC’s liability insurance covers SMAC sponsored events and SMAC committee work.

Upcoming Events

  1. Photo Show – Barb Nocera reported the dates April 28-30 and that the reception would be Friday evening the 28th of April. There are 255 entries. A few of the prizes will be named for deceased SMAC members this year.
  2. The Lake Writers will offer an “occasional” series of book signings for new releases at CJ’s coffee shop. Betsy Ashton will kick off the first one on April 28 from 1-3 pm.
  3. The Business Expo will be May 5. Lois will put up the exhibit. Board members signed up to work shifts. SMAC will donate one pair of tickets for the next two coffee house events ($50 value) to the Expo as door prizes. SMAC will also donate two SMAC family memberships ($75 value).
  4. Lake Players – The play, “Weekend Comedy” will be performed at the 4-H Center October 20-22. Wine will be served.
  5. Coffee House –Susan Greenbaum, entertainer for the first of the coffeehouse series, was a great success. We invested in a fine artist to set the stage for the others in the series hoping word will spread. We did not make money from it. We are hoping it will boost the community to attend the next two offerings; Songwriters on May 12 and Lake Pops on June 3. Larry will set up the SMAC sound system and leave it in place for the June 3 performance. Besides wine, beer, coffee, cheese platters, dessert platters, and pretzels, pizza will be added as a menu item.
  6. Lakeside Singers – June 2-3. A Lakeside Singers concert poster was shared. Karen will add this concert to the SML Chamber online calendar.
  7. Bridgewater Fall Festival- October 14. SMAC will have a booth.
  8. David Wiley has agreed to do a holiday concert December 1. He would like to use the Resurrection church as a venue. Few other details are available yet.

VI. Other reports

Photo Club- the Photo Club is going well. There are about 40 regular attendees. SMAC appreciates photographers attending SMAC events to take photos. John says that these photos can be used to promote other SMAC events. John will send the photo club email list to Betsy to help promote other SMAC events to these folks.

Newsletter- Peter will send out a request soon for newsletter items.

B Sharps- The group will have a “Sing out” in 2 weeks. There are 20 members.

Website- Betsy reports that everything is up to date. Please send Betsy your contact lists so we can market events to non-SMAC members.

Membership- Terry reported 6 new family renewals have been received this month.

VII. New business

A last minute discussion ensued regarding affiliates and their non-payment of membership dues and how that interfaces with equipment/stage use and liability coverage. A motion was made by Karen and seconded by Peter to reinstate the $25 affiliate fee and to seek their annual renewals. Discussion included points such as if they are not an affiliate, they should sign a contractual agreement and pay an equipment rental fee. A committee was appointed to study and make a more encompassing recommendation than the motion had included. Karen withdrew her motion in favor of the committee appointment. The committee includes Lois, Terry, Peter, Marty and Frank.

Kathy adjourned the meeting at 11:30 am.

Next meeting date – May 19, 2017