Patient Participation Group-minutes

Monday 13.3.06

Apologies:Ms E Butuc, Ms Norma Bushman, Ms Jennifer McKenzie, Ms Louisa Pirie.


1) Welcome & Introductions-Dr Hunter asked everyone to introduce themselves and give an indication of what they preferred to be called during these meetings. Everyone was happy to be called by their first name.
2) Role of the patient participation group-discussion took place on the role of the group and it was agreed that this group is a Forum to discuss and debate issues pertinent to the practice for present/potential developments.
Feedback from the group will be honest and as positive as it can be. The practice representatives will then take this feedback to the Partnership for due consideration and possible action. / ALL
3) Discussion on 2005/06 Patient Survey Results-the group discussed the survey and agreed actions for the ‘anything to improve’ comments section. The 3 actions that had previously been suggested at a practice meeting on 6.3.06 were agreed at this meeting (see copy of attached 3 actions). / ALL
4) Audit of Acute Access & Availability of Named Doctors-the attached recent audit was discussed –giving the group more insight into how the practice manages and changes its appointment system in an endeavour to meet demand.
5) Discussion on potential future topics-two of the following areas will be discussed at the next meeting:
  • QPA-look at some of the evidence that the practice submits for QPA (Quality Practice Award)-will be an agenda item.
  • Bring practice development plan to discuss service proposals-will be an agenda item.
  • Consider the feasibility of consultants and practitioners coming to this group to present future service developments.

6) Next Scheduled meeting will be:Monday 12th June 2006 from 6.30pm at Skene Healthcare Centre in the Blackwood Room. (can everyone contact Sharon on 849400 to confirm if they can attend) / ALL