APSAC Meeting

Thursday, December 1, 2016


Meeting by Teleconference

Present via Teleconference: Jaime Corral (President), Wendy Tamaki-Ogata (Treasurer), Marlene Correa (Vice President), and Debra Villescas (Recording Secretary)

Meeting was called to order at 12:04 pm by Jaime Corral (President).

I.  Approval of the Minutes from Last Meeting November 3, 2016

Debra Villescas motioned to approve the minutes and Wendy Tamaki-Ogata seconded it. Motion passed and the minutes for November 3, 2016 were approved.

II.  Old Business

1.  Faith Morales Mini Grants: APSAC received 8 applications for the Faith Morales mini grants and 5 were selected for the award. All applicants were notified today via email and the 5 winners are the following PSA Counselors/APSAC members:

·  Maria Sanchez (West/ AIP program)

·  Maureen Ellis (Foreign Student Admissions Office)

·  Kaiya Bailey (South/ School Based PSA)

·  Dora Casillas (East/ School Based PSA)

·  Jose Torres (Central/ School Based PSA)

Marlene Correa (Vice President) will include the winners in the PSA newsletter. Jaime Corral (President) will add the winners to the APSAC website. The Faith Morales Mini Grant for spring will be posted to the website in March.

2.  Scholarships and Grants: APSAC is currently reviewing scholarships and grants offered in past years to determine which ones will continue in the spring.

3.  Professional Development: The APSAC Board is committed to finding presenters that can provide professional development and hopefully Continuing Education Units (CEU’s). Currently, Jaime Corral and Debra Villescas have been reaching out to UCLA and USC as well as other contacts to find presenters that have the certification to sign off on CEU’s. Jaime Corral has contacted Debra Hayes (USC) and will contact Dr. Andujo to research this.

·  Marlene Correa brought up the concern about whether these Professional Developments would be offered to non APSAC members or only to members. Jaime Corral stated if PSA gets the certification to sign for CEUs then it would definitely be offered to all, however if PSA does not acquire this then it may be only offered to APSAC members due to cost .

III.  New Business

There is no new business.

IV.  Treasurer’s Report

1.  As of today, APSAC has about the same amount in the account as when the year began. Three supervision mini grants were already reimbursed. One supervision mini grant is still pending for reimbursement.

2.  There has been an increase in membership from the Resource Fair.

V.  Questions/Closing Comments

1.  Wendy suggested we change January’s meeting from the beginning of the month to the end as LAUSD is on vacation during the first week of January. This would allow APSAC to have one meeting for January and February together. The APSAC Board agreed the next meeting will be on January 26th. Members will be notified by Jaime Corral.

2.  Wendy Tamaki-Ogata suggested that the “Meet the Director” could be added to a Professional Development. This may provide for a better turn out of PSA Counselors.

3.  Marlene Correa suggested a Family Picnic and a fundraiser for APSAC. Jaime Corral agreed to research a park and possible dates in the Spring Another social gathering for APSAC was another possibility.

4.  Debra Villescas suggested that if APSAC has a fundraiser that it should be added on to the Professional Development as well since there will be a larger turn out there.

5.  Wendy Tamaki-Ogata motioned to adjourn the meeting at 12:28pm and Marlene Correa seconded the motion. The APSAC meeting was adjourned at 12:28pm.