1.  Name of enterprise: ______

2.  Business Address: ______

3.  Phone No.: ______

4.  Name of respondent: ______

5.  Position of respondent: ______

6.  Legal ownership of enterprise: (please tick as appropriate)

Individual Company Others (Specify) ______

7.  Sector of operation: (please tick as appropriate)

Food and Beverages Wood and Furniture

Textile Products Paper products and Printing

Wearing Apparel Chemical, Rubber and Plastic

Handicraft Jewellery and Related items

Fabricated Metal Support Services


Others (please specify): ______

8.  No. of persons employed: ______

9.  Are your premises rented or owned? (please tick as appropriate)

Owned Rented

10. Area occupied (Current): ______square feet

11. If premises are rented, what is the current monthly rental? Rs ______

12. Are you interested to shift to an Industrial Park in the next two years?

Yes No

13. If yes, in which of the following region?

Vuillemin (Quartier Militaire) Plaine Magnien

Petit Bois, Caroline (Bel Air) Solitude (Triolet)

Chebel (Beau Bassin) Henrietta (Vacoas)

Gokhoola (Riv du Rempart) Case Noyale

Bambous Cité la Cure (Port Louis)

Wooton (Curepipe) Others(Specify): ______

14. How much space do you envisage to rent? ______square feet

(Current Standard area of one unit is 800 sq. Ft)

15. What rate would you be prepared to pay? Rs______/sq. ft

(Current rental rate is Rs 8 /sq. ft by SLDC)

16. Are you prepared to contribute for the maintenance of common areas?

(please tick as appropriate)

Yes No

17. If land is made available by Government on lease, would you be interested to

construct your own building?

Yes No

If yes,

(a) Indicate land area required? ______square metres

(b) Indicate proposed size of building ______square metres

18. What was your Turnover for the last year? Rs ______(please tick as appropriate)

Less than Rs 2.0m Rs2m and less than Rs10m Rs10m and up to Rs50m

19. Remarks/Comments






For Official Use

Date: ______Name of Officer: ______Entr. No. ______