Harkstead Parish Council – Meeting Minutes

Date/Time: Monday July 8 2013 at 7.30pm Location: – Harkstead Village Hall

Councillors Present: William Werinch, Roger Harward, John Pollett, Simon Leatherdale,

Alison Looser, District David Rose, County Dave Wood

Also present: 1 parishioner and clerk.

1.  Apologies – PCSO Joanne Adams.

2.  Co Option of parishioner – John Zalucki was co-opted and joined the council at the table.

3.  Declaration of Interest – William Wrinch is a village hall trustee.

4.  Minutes of last meeting – June 10 minutes were amended and signed.

5.  Matters Arising – FP59 signpost reported missing. 2) Clerk hadn’t had a response from Crown agents about destruction of trees on the shore. Keep pushing.

Adjournment – David Rose reported that the Solar Park planning application in Tattingstone had been refused, and that there would soon be a local housing need consultation in force. Dave Wood said there would be a new ‘waste transfer’ site installed at Ransomes Ind. Est. in the near future.

6.  Village Sign – Roger Harward presented a proposed drawing and costing of £1737.50 for the

sign. Parish Council agreed the design was impressive.

7.  Millennium Green – Equipment inspected and book signed in order. ii) Fencing wire still to be


8.  Planning Applications – Brick Kiln Cottage – planning permission granted. Latest HMS Ganges proposal, Harkstead has not changed it’s previous opinions. Mainly that the road to Shotley unsuitable.

9.  Footpaths - FP59 missing signpost reported.

10.  Financial Report – Current Ac. £1120 (£430 is sign money) Bus. Saver - £4150 (£111.50 is sign money) Savings £1672. Expenditure - £196.50 to Good Neighbour Scheme, £192.50 to Babergh for Village Sign planning. £21.75 to Village Hall for 3 months room hire. £264.29 to clerk for April, May June salary and expenses. £371.50 to Tony Leeson for digger hire, for play area.

11.  Correspondence –Most had been forwarded by email, no one had any comments.

12.  Any other business - none

13.  Next meeting – Monday August 13 at 7.30pm.

As there was no other business, meeting ended at 8.50pm