Smarter Balanced Informative-Explanatory Writing Rubric (Grades 6-11)
Sample Generic 4-point Informative-Explanatory Writing Rubric (Grades 6-11)Score / Statement of Purpose/Focus and Organization / Development: Language and Elaboration of Evidence / Conventions
Statement of Purpose/Focus / Organization / Elaboration of Evidence / Language and Vocabulary
4 / The response is fully sustained and consistently and purposefully focused:
- controlling idea or mainidea of a topic is focused, clearly stated, and strongly maintained
- controlling idea or main idea of a topic is introduced and communicated clearlywithin thecontext
- use of a variety oftransitional strategies
- logical progression of ideasfrom beginning toend
- effective introduction and conclusion for audienceand purpose
- strong connections amongideas, with some syntacticvariety
- use of evidence from sourcesis smoothly integrated, comprehensive, andconcrete
- effective use of a variety of elaborativetechniques
- use of academic and domain-specificvocabulary is clearly appropriate for the audience andpurpose
- few, if any, errorsare present in usage and sentenceformation
- effective andconsistent use of punctuation, capitalization, and spelling
3 / The response is adequately sustained and generally focused:
- focus is clear and for the most part maintained, thoughsome loosely related material may bepresent
- some context for the controlling idea or mainidea of the topic isadequate
- adequate use of transitional strategies with somevariety
- adequate progression ofideas from beginning toend
- adequate introductionand conclusion
- adequate, if slightlyinconsistent, connection amongideas
- some evidence from sources is integrated, though citations maybe general orimprecise
- adequate use of someelaborative techniques
- use of domain-specific vocabulary isgenerally appropriate for the audience andpurpose
- some errors in usageand sentence formation may be present, but no systematic pattern of errors isdisplayed
- adequate use of punctuation, capitalization,and spelling
2 / The response is somewhat sustained and may have a minor drift in focus:
- may be clearly focused on the controlling or main idea, butis insufficientlysustained
- controlling idea or main idea may be unclear andsomewhat unfocused
- inconsistent use oftransitional strategies with littlevariety
- uneven progression of ideasfrom beginning toend
- conclusion and introduction,if present, areweak
- weak connection amongideas
- evidence from sources is weakly integrated, and citations, ifpresent, areuneven
- weak or uneven use ofelaborative techniques
- use of domain-specific vocabulary that may at times be inappropriatefor the audience andpurpose
- frequent errors inusage may obscuremeaning
- inconsistent useof punctuation, capitalization, and spelling
1 / The response may be related to the topic but may provide little or no focus:
- may be verybrief
- may have a majordrift
- focus may be confusingor ambiguous
- few or no transitionalstrategies areevident
- frequent extraneous ideasmay intrude
- use of evidence from the source material is minimal, absent, in error, orirrelevant
- uses limited language or domain-specificvocabulary
- may have little senseof audience andpurpose
- errors are frequentand severe and meaning is oftenobscure
0 / A response gets no credit if it provides no evidence of the ability to [fill in with key language from the intended target.]