GEL 101: General Education Life Long Learning & Information Literacy
The Student, The University, The Community
FALL 2007
Instructor Outline
8/23 / 5 min - Writing sample: What do you think this class is all about? What would you like to learn in this class?10min - Discussion
10min - Continue Writing: What do you want from me? Classmates? University? Parents?
10min WebCT, 1 week out, CSFI, overview of expectations; What I want from you?
8/24 / Meet in FH @ 12:30pmfor group ice-breakers/IM game overview
*Sign ups for Debates and Chapter Reviews based on placement in games
8/28 / 10min - Example of Chapter Summary and lesson(creativity, audience participation, tests…)
15min - Critical Thinking and analysis
10min - Letters to yourself and from parents (in class write for remainder of class)
8/30 / 10min – Ch. 1 (Succeeding in College)
30min - Discussion of public speaking (1min presentations; music, pet peeves…/Persuasive: insurance, 21 drink limit…)
5min - Intro. Time management assignment/(patterns, procrastination, planning)
8/31 / 1st Semester Letters DUE
10min – Ch. 2 (Managing your Time)
10min – Ch. 3 (academic success)
20min - In class write & discussion: Identify and describe your strengths that will assist you in completing you degree (give an example of their use in the past). What about youmakes you a risk of not graduating? [2pgs])
9/4 / 10min - Test (Ch.1-3)
10min - Ch. 5 (Engagement and Learning)
10min – Debate #1 [Fireman Sues LA; Tennie Pierce]
10min – Involvement opportunities on campus and why/why not? Intro involvement assignment (photos)
9/6 / 10min – Ch. 6 (Thinking Critically)
30min – “Do numbers lie?”; Intro research method analysis assignment/ brainstorm on topics/ group assignments
9/7 / Time Management DUE
10min – Ch. 7 (Note Taking & Participation)
10min Ch. 12 (Staying Healthy)
10min – Debate #2 [Is sex w/HIV+ attempted murder]
10min –How to find a journal; Must find a copy of education journal for next class(research methods, results, and discussion…)
*9/11 / 10min - Read methods in class with partner and summarize (sample, # of ?’s, results…). Write out the hypothesis statement? (What are they trying to find out?)
35min - In class write: why is this question important? were they correct or surprised by the results?
9/13 / Research topics and Hypothesis DUE
Student Health Presentation (Personal Wellness)
*9/14 / CSFI test I (on their own)
9/18 / 10min - Test (5,6,7,12)
10min – Work on survey questions for research
10min – Ch. 10 (Dev. Values)
5min - University Mission and Values
10min – Come up with personal values (4-6) and short explanation
(Write up: What value is missing most in society? How would it remedy problems? Give specific examples.{2pgs})
9/20 / 10min – Ch. 8 (Reading & Remembering)
10min – Ch. 9 (Tests & Exams)
10min – Debates #3& #4 [Dream Act; in state tuition for undocumented & Megan’s Law; sex offenders being harrassed]
10min –Value statement roundtable
9/21 / Value statement DUE
10min - Research ?’s & update
10min – Debates #5 [Is there a need for HBCU’s/Women’s colleges]
15min – Budget “How much does it cost to be you?”
(Add this essay: How does your SES background play a role in how you save, spend, earn, & value placed on money [2pgs])
9/25 / 10min – Ch. 4 (Courses & Careers)
30min – Personal Finance (Credit, Loans, Interest…)
10min – Group Exercise w/example situations
9/27 / Budget DUE
10min – Test (4,8,9,10)
20min – What’s right and wrong; Ethics (rank 20 scenarios)
20min – Discussion/Debates and begin writing (2pgs using 3-4 examples and what does it say about you; how does it fit with your values)
9/28 / Work on Ethics write up
Work on research w/partners
10/2 / Ethics write up DUE
WORKSHOP and/or Presentations
10/4 / Presentations cont.
10/5 / Presentations cont.
Reminders about involvement, interview, and debate groups
10/9-10/26 / Lib. Module
10/30 / Debate # 6 [Race factored in Admission]
11/1 / ?
11/2 / SME DEBATE @ FH (All Papers DUE)
11/6-11/16 / Career Module
11/20 / Involvement Papers DUE
Discussion following
11/27 / 30min - Four aspects of self
10min – Surface vs. Depth; layers of self, how many identities do you have, target vs. agent
11/29 / 40min – Road-trip with a companion exercise: why did you pick each person, would you change after knowing more about them
10min – In class write
11/30 / CSFI or discussion of Involvement papers
12/4 / Interview w/Professor DUE
15min – 1st Year Letters returned and read
20min – Discussion
12/6 / Introduce Final: Reflect on your letter to yourself, from support person(s), and your Fall semester. Use at least two quotes and attach photos. [3-5pgs] Due by 12/11
Final Day & Discussion