Committed to Dignity, Full Rights of Citizenship, Equal Opportunities, and Full Participation for all NH Citizens with Developmental Disabilities
SmallGrants for Community Projects
and Educational Programs
The Council provides grants of up to $1000 to support community projects or educational programs that help achieve goals and objectives in the Council’s five-year plan.
- Grants requests are usually considered 6 times a year by the Council's Program and Planning committee, subject to available funds. Applicants may check the Council's web site or contact the Council office for the meeting schedule. Applications should be submitted at least 60 days prior to the meeting event date.
- All grant proposals must help achieveone or more goals and objectives in the Council's five-year plan, which must be identified in the application.
- Only fully completed applications will be reviewed by the committee. Incomplete requests will be returned.
- The Council may identify the goals and objectives in its plan that are of highest priority and give preference or limit consideration to applications for projects that address those goals and objectives.
- Applications must include all information requested on the application form in order to be considered.
- Preference is given to projects with the following characteristics:
- People with disabilities are developing leadership and advocacy skill.
- People with disabilities are exercising personal choice and desire to take part in activity.
- People with and without disabilities are engaged in activities together in integrated settings.
- People with disabilities play a significant role in the planning of the project.
- A plan is in place to evaluate the effectiveness and outcomes of the projectand the applicant is willing to share the results with the Council.
- The project does not have other sources of funding available that are sufficient to carry out the project.
- Funding cannot be provided for projects that carry out a function that is an obligation of local, state or federal government (including the school system), Area Agencies or other publicly-funded entities.
- Funds may be provided on either a grant or reimbursement only basis.
Examples of Community Projects that the Council could support:
- A group of families create a cooperative respite program and/or database of respite providers available in their community.
- Planning and organizing a monthly community game night designed to include people of all ages and abilities.
- A small team of consultants, including volunteers with disabilities, provides technical assistance to camps and recreation facilities wishing to improve accessibility and better accommodate people with disabilities.
- A “train the trainer” event for experienced self-advocates who wish to teach self-advocacy skills to others, featuring a nationally recognized trainer and curriculum.
- A workshop on early intervention services to take place during a statewide conference for pediatricians
- A training to educate parents of transitioning youth about available resources and how to access them.
- A project provides technical assistance to people with disabilities interested in developing and managing inclusive cooperative housing alternatives.
- A group of film students create short video vignettes featuring people with disabilities of various ages engaged in different aspects of community life, to be aired on local access cable TV stations to promote greater understanding and positive images of people with disabilities.
NOTE: The Council will generally not support social or recreational activities where people with disabilities are isolated or segregated from the broader community or their typically developing peers. This includes projects in which typically developing peers act as “helpers” or have a different status or role than people with disabilities, or activities in which people with disabilities participate in a community-wide activity but are part of a distinct sub-group that is separated or treated differently from the general population.
CONDITIONS OF RECEIVING GRANT FUNDS. Small grants are funded through federal funds provided through the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000. 42 USC 15001 et seq., and are subject to all requirements of that Act. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in forfeiture of funds and the applicant being required to returning any funds received.
1)IMPORTANT: A written report on grant activities and outcomes is required upon project completion and at the end of each federal fiscal year (September 30th) until the project is completed. The report must describe project activities and outcomes in their entirety, and not be limited to components paid for with Council funds. Applicants are asked to review the reporting form (available on the Council’s web site) and ask any questions prior to accepting funds.For agency applicants, the Agency Director, President or CEO is responsible for assuring that the report is completed in the event the project manager leaves the agency.
2)Grantees are required to forward the Council’s annual satisfaction survey, available in either electronic or paper format, to everyone who participated in or was otherwise impacted by the project. A link to the survey can be found at:
3)The following language, recognizing the Council’s sponsorship, must be included in all project materials and publicity:
4)The Council retains a royaltyfree, nonexclusive, and irrevocable right to reproduce, publish, use, or authorize others to use any materials developed as a result of the project for Federal and State Government purposes,
5)The Council may publicize the awarding of the grant through press releases and other available media.
6)Grantees are required to keep financial records and records verifying the basis of numbers reported for performance measures for at least three years following the conclusion of the grant and provide them upon request.
New Hampshire Council on Developmental Disabilities
Small Project Grant Application
Name of Applicant (For groups please identify a contact person):
Tax ID # ______
Address: ______
Phone: ______
E-Mail: ______
Amount Requested: ______
Project: ______
HELP IS AVAILABLE. If you have questions or need assistance with your application, please contact the Executive Director at 271-1157 or Administrative Assistant at 271-7039.
Please answer the following questions. Please attach additional pages if you need more space to answer any of the questions.
1. Description of Applicant.
A. Are you applying for a (check one):
□ Community Project
□ Educational Program
B. Please provide a brief description of your group (if applicable), including whether any of the members have developmental disabilities.
C. If you are an individual, please describe your background and interest in developmental disabilities, including whether you have a developmental disability.
2. Please describe the project for which funding is being requested.
3. Describe in detail the activities that would be funded by this grant.
What specific activities will you do?
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
Who will be involved (include any other people or groups)?
What areyour timelines?
4. Please describe whether and how people with disabilities will be included in the planning and implementation of the project:
5. All projects supported by the Council must help achieve one or more goals in the Council's Five-Year strategic plan. Please identify the goal(s) and objective(s) that the project will supportand briefly explain how the project will supportthem. (The goals and objectives are on the last page of this application form).Please choose no more than two goals.
Applicable Goals and Objectives:
Goal 1 ____ Applicable Objective (s): ______
Goal 2 ____ Applicable Objective (s): ______
Goal 3 ____ Applicable Objective (s): ______
Goal 4 ____ Applicable Objective (s): ______
How will the project achievethe goals and objectives identified above?
6. What results do you expect that will impact the lives of those with developmental disabilities in New Hampshire, their families or the community? (Please be as specific as possible).
The Council is required to report to the federal government the outcomes of all of the projects it supports using the following measures. Please identify which of these measures you expect will be applicable to your project, and what you estimate the numbers will be.
The Council supports many different types of initiatives, so some of the questions may not be applicable to your project, however it is expected that all projects will have some reportable outcome(s).
Education and Training
Will your project educate or train people? Yes/ No
Number of people who will receive education or training (identifying, if possible, the number of people with disabilities and family members)._____
Coalition Building, Leadership Development and Advocacy
Will your project involve training people in leadership or advocacy skills, or involve people in systems advocacy, which refers to the process of supporting changes in policies, rules or laws to improve supports, services or quality of life for people with disabilities? Yes/ No
If yes, please estimate the following numbers(identifying, if possible, of the number of people with disabilities and family members):
Number of people who will be trained in leadership, self-advocacy and self-determination _____
Number of people who will be trained in systems advocacy _____
Number of people who will be active in systems advocacy_____
Number of people who are expected toattain membership on public/private bodies and leadership coalitions _____
Number of programs/policies that are expected to be created or improved _____
Number of organizations that will be involved in coalitions, networks or partnerships_____
Number of organizations that will be engaged in systems change efforts _____
Public Education and Outreach
Will your project involve educating policymakers or raising public awareness about issues important to children or adults with disabilities? (“Policymakers” refer to any officials at the State, regional/county or local levels whose positions enable them to change programs for the better).
Yes/ No
If applicable, please provide or estimate the following numbers.
Number of Public policymakers expected to be educated _____
Members of general public likely to be reached (through any form of communication or media)_____
Please identify any other outcomes you anticipate from your project:
Explanation/ additional information about any of the above performance measures:
7. Will the knowledge gained from the project be further shared or disseminated? If so, how?
8. If the grant is awarded, will you commit to disseminate the Council’s annual satisfaction survey to your staff and all project participants?
Yes/ No
9. Is there a plan in place to evaluate the short or long-term impacts of the project? If so, please describe the evaluation plan and indicate whether you are willing to share the results with the Council.
10. Please attach any paperwork you have on the project. (Brochure, flyer existing letters of support, etc.)
Please give a breakdown of expenses related to the project. (In general small grant funds may not be used to pay agency overhead costs such as office rent or salaries or to support the ongoing operations of an agency).
EXPENSES(Please list or describe) / Amount Requested from Council / Other funds
(What you can contribute, including funds from other sources) / TOTAL COSTS
What is the total cost of the project?
How much of the total cost will you be paying?Have you requested assistance from other sources?
Other funding source(s)Amount Requested Status
I have read and accept the conditions set forth on page 4 if I am awarded a grant.
Signature of Applicant/ Project Manager Date
Agency Director/ President/ CEO* Date
* Signature required – See page 4.
Please send your application to:
ATTN: Small Grants
NH Council on Developmental Disabilities
2 ½ Beacon Street, Suite 10
Concord, NH 03301-4447
Telephone: (603) 271-3236
FAX: (603) 271-1156
If you have questions or need assistance on your application, please contact the Executive Director at 271-1157 or Administrative Assistant at 271-7039.
Goal 1. Children’s Issues: Children, youth and families who experience developmental disabilities will receive timely quality supports and services in inclusive and welcoming environments that enable them to reach their potential in their community.Goal 1 (Continued) / Objective 1. In collaboration with the local University Center of Excellence on Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) and the Disability Rights Center (DRC), New Hampshire State laws, policies and practices will be strengthened to better support children and their families with developmental disabilities in the areas of early supports and services, education including transition to adult, health and social relations, through:
(1)building relationships with policymakers and engaging in legislative and administrative advocacy and,
(2)empowering, supporting and engaging in promising initiatives and training families, guardians, self-advocates and professionals in best and/or promising practices to become stronger advocates supporting them to influence policy.
(1)With key partners, including the Institute on Disability (UCEDD), the Disability Rights Center monitor and analyze state and federal budgets to quantify the impact of the state budget on children with developmental disabilities in order to develop strategies that diminish these.
(2)Collaborate with the New Hampshire Children’s Action Network, the Parent Information Center, New Hampshire Council on Autism Spectrum Disorder, Institute on Disability, Disability Rights Center, and other key organizations to develop strategies on issues of common concern.
(3)Support individuals advocates to monitor State Legislation that could impact children with disabilities to be able to provide meaningful feedback to legislators on its potential effects.
(4)Provide support, education and direction for families of children with developmental disabilities to meet with and educate their legislators.
Objective 2. Provide support and education in best and/or promising practices, from 0-21, including early supports and services, education, transition planning and training as well as possible service gaps between 18 and 21.
(1)Training for at least 100 families regarding education, access and support for navigating the early supports and services system and preparation for transition to education system at age 3.
(2)The Council will support the implementation of best and/or promising practices in at least 6 programs and the Council will collaborate with the Institute on Disability, the Disabilities Rights Center, and other key stakeholders to educate at least 1000 self-advocates, family members, guardians, and professionals about best transition practices including:
a)person centered planning e) community inclusion
b)employment/vocational f) self-advocacy
c)secondary and post-secondary education g) self-determination
d)health care h) guardianship
(1)Collaborate with key organizations to hold at least one yearly information sessions in area of early supports and services, special education or transition to adulthood.
(2)Support the development of, and advocate for new or revised policies to improve access to early supports and services and education and transition planning.
(3)Provide education information on our website and other social media on the options, as well as best and/or promising practices of early support and services, special education and transition planning.
Goal 2. Quality of Life: Individuals with developmental disabilities living in New Hampshire will have greater opportunities for inclusion through meaningful competitive employment, friendships and relationships, recreation and choice of social activities, increased choice with housing options, and increased transportation options. / Objective 1. Increased opportunities for, and awareness of vocational training, competitive employment, expanded work hours and increased career options by:
(1)improving vocational programs, policies and practices through support of promising local or statewide initiatives and
(2)advocating for systems change that leads to increased opportunities for positive work activities
(1)In collaboration with key partners, including the Institute on Disabilities, the Disability Rights Center and Vocational Rehabilitation, support the development of, and advocate for, initiatives and systems change that lead to increased opportunities for meaningful employment and learning opportunities.
(2)In collaboration with key partners, provide information to individuals and their families about options for competitive employment while maintaining benefits.
(3)Promote knowledge about, and access to, positive work incentives such as MEAD, Social Security and Medicare incentives by educating 100 people regarding these programs.
Objective 2. The Council, in collaboration with disability, aging and other organizations, will support the development or improvement of a minimum of 12 community-based programs, policies or practices that promote inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in all aspects of community life including:
(1)inclusive emergency preparedness and management,
(2)social integration, meaningful relationships and acceptance of differences
(3)and transportation, housing and infrastructure.
(1)Collaborate with key partners to develop inclusive emergency preparedness programs
(2)Partner with groups to develop and hold disability and awareness educations sessions
(3)Develop and support systems to educate individuals and families on housing options for adults
(4)Promote the adoption of successful transportation models, especially in New Hampshire’s rural communities.
Objective 3. The NH Council on Developmental Disabilities will collaborate and support local and statewide initiatives that offer choice for the education and support of individuals and their families regarding relationship building and retention of those relationships. Including but not limited to friendships, relationships and family dynamics.
(1)Develop and support systems to educate individuals and families on social opportunities and relationships
(2)Collaborate with key partners on creating opportunities for inclusive social events that promote acceptance and awareness.
(3)The Council will assure that at least 1000 self-advocates, families, guardians and caregivers can access information, training, and resources through a user-friendly web site, personal education and training opportunities and materials disseminated through multiple forms of media.