Subject / National Curriculum links / Outcomes/focusScience / No Science
History / Pupils to be taught about events beyond living memory that are significant globally
Pupils learn about significant historical events in our locality / · Can talk about significant events from the past
· Can recall the key aspects and events of the Great Fire of London
· Can ask and answer questions about the past using a range of sources
· Can identify the impact of historical events on the wider world (Remembrance Day)
Geography / Use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to key human features
Use aerial photographs and plan perspectives to recognise landmarks and basic human and physical features / · Can identify human features including city, town, village, factory, farm, house, office, port, harbour, shop
· Can recognise landmarks and basic features of Dover
DT / No DT
Art / Use drawing to develop and share their ideas and imagination
To develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using texture, line, shape, form and space / · Can develop drawing techniques
· Can explore use of pencil and charcoal in drawings
· Can evaluate theirs and others work
Music / No Music
COMPUTING / Use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content
Use technology safely and respectfully / RESEARCH, STORYBOARDS & ANIMATION
· Can use an internet search engine for research
· Can research a chosen topic
· Can create a story board of a known event (GFoL)
· Can use animation programs
Lesson / Subject / LO / Success Criteria / Activity (including differentiation)Wk 1 / History/PSHE / To reflect on past experiences / I can think about the soldiers
I can use my feelings to write a prayer / Watch Remembrance Day DVD with Magic Grandad, discuss what they have seen. Discuss people in the Army/Navy/RAF now in other countries. Ch to write a prayer about those men and women fighting today and those who fought in the wars
Art/Geography / To be able to use a collage technique to produce a 3D artefact (poppy wreath) / I can contribute to a collaborative piece of art work using scissors/glue (poppy wreath) / Look at an aerial view of Dover to map our route to the war memorial.
Chn plot the route we will take to the war memorial on a copy of a Dover map. Talk about the roads that we will walk down and the roads we will need to cross etc.
Children to draw/cut and collage poppies on a large, thick card board ring, overlapping them to create an effective collage outcome.
Wk 2 / ICT/History / To know the events of the Great Fire of London / I can recall events of past
I can talk about the Great Fire of London / Split class in half and take to the ICT suite. Show children the talking stories page of Purple Mash (Purple Mash > Themes > Great Fire of London > Talking Stories).
Chn listen using headphones to the story ands find out about the Great fire of London.
Add any facts that they have learnt to the class mind map of Great Fire of London.
Geography / To use aerial photos to recognise famous landmarks / I can talk about photos and maps
I can recognise landmarks
I can recognise physical and human features on a map / Look at the map we used of Dover last week, talk about the features that we recognise. What features are made by people and what has always been there?
Look at an aerial view of London (Photo). What things do you recognise? What features are human/physical? Compare this to the map of London.
Wk 3 / Geography / To use aerial photographs to recognise human and physical features / I know what a human and physical feature is
I can spot things I recognise on a photo
I can recognise landmarks in Dover / Show children an aerial map/photo of Dover. What do they recognise? Give chn a selection of places to find on the map. Highlight them on a map on the IWB.
Have a large A3 map of Dover for children to work in pairs. Using 2 colours of post-its chn labels the map by drawing the feature – use one colour for physical features and another colour for human features.
Vocab: Physical features: beach, cliff, coast, forest, sea, river
Human features: house, port, harbour, castle
Geography / To use geography vocabulary / I can recognise landmarks
I know what a human and physical feature is
I can use correct geographical describing words / Show children features of London and Dover. What do they recognise? Do they know which are in Dover and which are in London? Remind chn of human and physical features from previous lesson.
Give chn a selection of geography words chn sort in to which relate to London and which relate to London.
Vocab: city, town, harbour, shop, beach, river, coast
Wk 4 / Art / Children make decorations for the Christmas Hoops (to be hung on Friday of this week)
Art / Children make decorations for the Christmas window displays
Wk 5 / Art / To use pencil to produce a sketch / I can hold a pencil correctly
I can use shading
I can produce an image / Look at pictures of the Great Fire of London. What is similar in each picture?
Demonstrate how they sketch the houses from the pictures they have seen. Give children the opportunity to practise and develop their drawing skills, encourage them to use shading to create tone.
Art / To use charcoal to produce a sketch / I can hold charcoal correctly
I can use shading
I can produce an image / Demonstrate how the children use the charcoal.
Children use charcoal to produce a picture of the Great Fire of London during the fire – using shading to create a smoke effect seen in the pictures looked at previously.
Wk 6 / Enterprise Days / To prepare food hygienically / I can prepare food safely
I know and respect rules for health and hygiene
I can combine ingredients to make sweets / Chn safely make peppermint creams for selling at the Christmas fair.
Ensure children observe health and safety rules for food preparation including clean surfaces, washing hands and no touching.
Xmas / Children make calendars for Christmas presents; wrap the calendars as gifts for their parents.
Wk 7 / Xmas / Children make party hats, placemats and Christmas cards
Xmas / Christmas parties