Smallfield and Burstow Flood Action Group

Flood Action Plan –1st Multi-Agency Meeting –Minutes and Actions 28/03/2018

|# / Discussion Point / Which Authority / Suggested Way Forward
on 28th March 2018 / Date of Achievement / Update from Last Meeting
When will the Balance Pond, opposite Weatherhill Common, be cleared? / HE / HE are looking into why this was not carried out by the end of the financial year 2017
ACTION: HE (Rob Bell) will report back in 2 weeks. / 11 April 2018
What is the status of:
a)The Smallfield Flood Alleviation Scheme?
b)The Strategic Outline Case report that was due to be published in October 2017?
c)The planned actions to spend the £150k funding that has been approved for 2017/18 and the subsequent £150k funding for 2018/19? / SCC / SCC need to review the Scope report received on 27 March. Also need to talk withTDC, SCC, HE to agree funding.
ACTION: SCC (Tor Peebles) will share outline plan by next meeting – 10 min meeting before main meeting is scheduled to discuss.
Work will not start for at least a year. / Report circulated before
12 June 2018
We are concerned about the maintenance levels and flood risk around the houses of 220 and 217 Smallfield Road, where properties were flooded in 2013/2014. We would like to know:
a)What are the plans to repair and regrade the culvert that restricts the flow underneath Smallfield Road which is located between houses 220 and 217?
b)What can be done to enforce riparian owners to clear their ditches in this area?
c)What can be done to enforce the clearance of ditches on Common Land?
d)We understand that a new ditch was put in to divert water away from the main network. However, it hasn’t been joined. Can this escape ditch be joined to the new network to help alleviate flood levels? / SCC
EA / SH – Issues involve riparian ownership
SCC (ZC): Ditches are maintained by riparian owners. SCC has been preparing information to be given to riparian owners, which are based on EA documents. SCC has authority and/or maintenance duty over some culverts, but it strictly depends on the owner or the land.
The culvert is located at the boundary between RBBC and TDC.
ACTION: FAG to organise walkover meeting with SCC (via Katia/NFF) to clarify culvert maintenance responsibility).
ACTION: SCC/ Zena Currywill find out from StructuresDept why the 5m section wasn’t cleared.
Work with SCC to highlight riparian owned ditches and SCC to write letters to owners highlighting the importance of maintenance.
  1. ACTION: FAG (Residents)willcreate a list of priority ditches
  2. Send list to SCC and EA
Discuss at next MAM
Then go onto step3
  1. Meet with the community to address Riparian ownership responsibilities
  2. Work with the owners and FAG to clear ditches
If no progress, SCC to issue enforcement notices.
ACTION: SCC / EAwill investigate if a connection can be made to the new ditch to divert water away from direction of riparian ownership issues. / 11 April 2018
9 May 2018
17 May 2018
12 June 2018
What is the current programme for Highways gully cleaning throughout Smallfield and Burstow, including the frequency of cleaning in known flood risk areas? For Example, the north end of Chapel Road. / SCC/SH / Next cleaning scheduled for Nov’18, Contractor reported cleaning done in Nov’17. Residents highlighted that this work has not been effectively carried out in the past 2 years.
ACTION: SCC/SH (Zena Curry)will find out when the gullies were reported to have been cleared,why this work was not carried out in Nov’17, and arrange urgent cleaning of gullies in Chapel Road.
ACTION: FAG (Residents) will monitor and report the effectiveness of future cleaning. / 11 April 2018
When will the drains and gullies be cleared and/or repaired at the following locations?
a)At the junction of Effingham Lane and Effingham Road
b)The entire length of Effingham Road
c)At the junction between East Hill Lane and Effingham Road
d)The area at the junction of Clay Hall lane and Copthorne Bank / SCC/SH / We are on the Priority list
SCC said that locations a) and b) should have been carried out in the annual schedule in Jan’18, residents highlighted that this has not been carried out.
Location c) is owned by the Care Home, but pipe is blocked under the road.
ACTION: SCCwillinspectblocked drain and report back at next meeting when the works will be undertaken.
ACTION: FAG will createa list of riparian owners and will send it to the FRMAs (see Action in Q3) / 12 June 2018
What are the plans and actions to pressure clean and repair the sections of blocked drains and culverts in known areas of flooding identified in the report ‘Highways Operations: Burstow Flood and Drainage Repairs’ dated 1st July 2015? / SCC / Dave Piercy Reports 2014/2015 – Identified work outstanding for years
ACTION: SCC (Tor Peebles) will investigate and report when these works will be undertaken. / 12 June 2018
We would like to know:
a)Can the Redhamhall Brook be dredged? If so, when?
b)Once this ditch has been dredged can a new gully be installed outside the Scout Hut which is to north of Redehamhall Brook? / EA / Main river water course, pipes are full of silt from river.
EA stated nothing has been done because not enough risk / damage to properties and the environment – so insufficient benefit.
ACTION: FAG (Residents)will investigate and gain more information. However, advised that they could not do the work, necessary to raise a FRAP and register to do the work. Discuss further at next meeting. / 12 June 2018
Can the ditch running along Effingham Lane be reinstated, specifically the section from mid-way along the lane to where it joins Effingham Road? / Similar action as previous question / 12 June 2018
When is the ditch between Leylands in Broadbridge Lane to the junction with Redehall Road be cleared? / EA
SCC / Ditch scavenged by EA.
ACTION: EA (Diane Hill / Michelle Cooper) to share report within next 6 weeks.
CCTV investigation Broadbridge Lane and Flight Path Farm drains found to be clear. / 9 May 2018
The road is collapsing into the ditch at the lower end of Broadbridge Lane as well as Church lane near the bend to the north of the Church. When will the roads and ditches will be reinstated? / SCC/SH
EA / SCC/SH (Tor Peebles / Zena Curry) and EA: will investigate and report what action will be taken. / 9 May 2018
The culvert under the access to Broadbridge Farm Riding School stables is blocked just north of the southern pond, causing the road to flood again. What can be done to change this and get the culvert cleared?
When will the culvert under Copthorne Bank be repaired? / SCC / Not addressed at this meeting
Can the culvert, which comes into the ditch along Redehall Road (house numbers 81 eastern side and 66 on the western side of the road) be cleared? / SCC / Not addressed at this meeting
Regarding our sewage system:
a) Can you confirm if our sewage system is combined or a separate sewer and foul system?
b) What can be done to prevent surface and sewage water from entering into the same system? / Not addressed at this meeting
With regards to the pumping stations in Smallfield, we would like to know:
a)What are the plans to upgrade the capacity of the pumping stations in Smallfield?
b)What is the role of the pumping station and where is the water pumped to?
c)When was last performance assessment of the foul water pumping equipment undertaken?
d)If there was a subsequent report produced, what was the outcome and future recommendations?
e)How is the outflow from the pumping station regulated during storm conditions? / Not addressed at this meeting
Can we have updates on the following works undertaken on the sewer system and were any subsequent remedial works carried out:
a)Wheelers Lane – Clean and camera (combined foul water sewer) all the way to Redehall Rd – Job No: 0081/05XXTD
b)Orchard Rd and to Plough Lane – camera second time following the previous cleaning works – Job No: 0081/05XXWN
c)Clean and camera from Plough Lane (J/W Orchard Rd) U/S to The Plough (Pub) – Job No: 0081/05XXXV / Not addressed at this meeting
What restrictions are being placed on housing development in known areas of flooding within Smallfield and Burstow to ensure that adequate natural water storage and soak away is retained, and that any development does not increase the rate and flow of surface water runoff? / Not addressed at this meeting
What was the investigation taking place in on 9th February, on the junction between Redehall Rd and Orchard Rd? / Not addressed at this meeting
Can you please tell us what the tanker activity and pumping was on Williams Garden between the 9th and 13th February? / Not addressed at this meeting
What is currently being undertaken by all the Authorities to ensure that riparian owners undertake the necessary maintenance of roadside and other ditches within the areas of known flood risk? / Not addressed at this meeting
How can fly-tipping in the rivers and brooks be prevented, specifically in Perrylands Lane? / Not addressed at this meeting

1 ‘Supporting and Representing Flood Risk Communities’