Linea Accounting Group – Individual Tax Interview ChecklistWork Paper CP 3

Individual Tax Interview Checklist

2018 Income Tax Return

  • Please answer the followingto the best of your ability and supply supporting information where applicable. This will make the process of completing your returns as efficient as possible.


1. / Name:
2. / Address:
Has your postal address changed since lodging a tax return? / YES /  / NO / 
3. / Telephone: / (W) / (H) / (M)
Fax: / Email:
4. / Tax File Number / Date of birth / / /
If we do not complete your spouse’s tax return, please complete the following:
Did you have a spouse (married or de facto) on 30th June 2018 YES / NO
5. / Spouse Tax File # / Date of Birth / / /
6. / Spouses Name: / Spouse Taxable Income / $
7. / Details of Dependent Children (if any):
Name of Child Child’s Date of Birth No. of Nights Cared During Yr
Y/N / Details Required
1. / Did you earn Salary & Wage Income (employment income) / Please attach PAYG Summary
2. / Did you receive any Allowances, Benefits, Earnings, Tips, Directors fees? / Please attach confirmation of amounts received
4. / Did you receive Eligible Termination Payments (ETP’s) / Please attach ETP payment summary.
5. / Did you receive a Youth Allowance, Newstart, Sickness allowance or other educational allowance from Centrelink? / Please attach PAYG Summary
6. / Did you receive Commonwealth Pensions or allowance from Centrelink? / Please attach PAYG Summary
7. / Did you receive other Australian Pensions or Annuities? / Please provide PAYG Summary & accompanying letter from pension provider.
8. / Did you receive Interest income from any source? / Please provide summary of ALL interest received.
9. / Did you receive Dividend income from shares held? / Please provide ALL Dividend Statements received from Companies.
10. / Did you receive Partnership and Trust distribution income? / Please provide partnership distn details and/or fund manager annual tax statement.
11. / Did you receive Income from running your own business during the year? / Please download business checklist website.
12. / Did you incur any Capital Gain/ (Loss) during the year in relation to property/shares/business? / Please provide original purchase & sell contracts for each share/property investment.
13. / Did you receive Foreign Source Income, Foreign Assets or Property? / Please provide written confirmation.
14. / Did you receive Rental Income from a property held in your name or in partnership? / Please provide agents annual tax statement, summary of expenditure & loan statements. For new purchases, include contract of purchase/statement of adjustments/Solicitors letters. Please also provide Depn schedule from Quantity Surveyors (if available)
15. / Did you receive income from Life Insurance Companies and Friendly Societies? / Please provide written confirmation.
16. / Did you earn any other income from sources not already mentioned? / Please provide written confirmation.
Y/N / Details Required
D1 / Did you use a Motor Vehicle for work related purposes?
Method 1:Cents per klm (up to 5000 km)
Your claim is based on set rate per business km up to a maximum of 5000 business km’s per car per year.You do not need written evidence, but you need tobe able to show how you worked out your business km’s.
Method 2: Log Book
Your claim is based on the business use percentageof the expenses for the car.Expenses include running costs and decline in value.To work out your business use percentage, youneed a logbook and the odometer readings for the logbook period.
You can claim fuel and oil costs based on eitheryour actual receipts or you can estimate the, expenses based on odometer records that showreadings from the start and the end of the periodyou had the car during the year.You need written evidence for all other expensesfor the car. / Logbook / Receipts / Klms travelled / original cost
1.Number of business klms
2. Type of Car
3. Engine Capacity
(1.6 litre / 2.0 litre etc)
1. Bus. % from your log book.
2. Fuel
3. Registration fee
4. Insurance
5.Repairs & Maintenance
7. Tolls
8. Car Washes
9 Depreciation/Lease/HP Charges (Tax Advisor to complete) – please supply purchase / loan contracts
D2 / Did you incur Travel (other than m/v) expenses in relation to work related income? / Please provide travel logbook/diary record.
D3 / Did you incur any work related uniform, clothing, laundry and dry cleaning expenses / Receipts for purchase & cleaning costs.
D4 / Did you incur any work related self education expenses. Example: student union, books, stationary, travel. / Receipts for purchase.
D5 / Other work related expenses.
Example: union fees, stationary, seminars, meals, home office, telephone, subscriptions, sun protection products. / Receipts for purchase &/or.
Home office electricity,
Home office gas
D7 / Did you have any Interest & dividend deductions / Provide detail of expenses
D9 / Did you make any gifts or donations? / Receipts
D10 / Did you incur a cost for managing tax affairs or preparation of a prior year tax return? / Receipt & klms travelled to visit tax agent.
D12 / Did you have a deductible amount of undeducted purchase price of Australian pension or annuity? / Located on the PAYG Payment Summary.
D13 / Did you make a personal superannuation contribution?
(Doesn’t include employer contributions) / Provide S.82 AAT form from Superannuation Fund.
D14 / Did you incur any expenses from forestry activities? / Receipts
D15 / Did you incur any other costs NOT covered above, which are related to your income earnt? / Please provide receipts and details.
TAX OFFSETS / Attached
Y/N / Details Required
T7 / Did you make any superannuation contributions on behalf of spouse? / Please provide receipts and other documents.
T10 / Did you maintain a parent, spouse’s parent
or invalid relative?


  • Do you have private health insurance? If yes, please provide copy of Private Health Insurance Tax Statement.
  • Do you have a HECS or supplement loan?
  • Any other information you may feel relevant.

If you have completed all details above and do not have any questions, you have the option to forward these details to our office to complete your income tax return for you without the need of having an appointment, or alternatively you can call 03 9370 0999 to make an appointment.

Please bring this checklist with you if you decide to have an appointment with us.

Once your income tax return is complete, we will mail the tax return to you for signature.


I declare that all the information I have given is true and correct.

Taxpayer’s Signature: / Date: / / /

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