Strata Control Observer (Underground Hardrock)
Curriculum Document /Curriculum Code / Curriculum Title
311701-005 / Mining Technician: Strata Control Observer
(Underground Hardrock)
Development Quality Partner
Name / Organisation / Contact /
Mine Qualifications
Authority / Sector Education and Training Authority / MARSHALLTOWN Johannesburg
Strata Control Observer (Underground Hardrock)
Table of Contents
1.1.Occupational Information
1.1.2.Occupation or Specialisation Addressed by this Curriculum
1.1.3.Alternative Titles used by Industry
1.2.Curriculum Information
1.2.1.Relation of this Curriculum to the Occupation and Qualification
1.2.2. Notes Regarding the Progression:
1.2.3.Curriculum Structure
1.2.4.International Comparability
1.2.5.Entry Requirements
1.2.6.Assessment Quality Partner Information
2.1. Occupational Purpose
2.2.Task Details
2.2.1. TASK 01: Conducting workplace inspections in order to generate a workplace strata control inspection report. (NQF Level: 3)
311701-005-KS-01: Rock Engineering Practice (STRATA CONTROL 1)
311701-005-KS-02: Mining Engineering Practice (STRATA CONTROL 1)
311701-005-PM-01-Measure and record dimensions of mining excavations (NQF Level: 3)
311701-005-PM-02-Collect relevant data for rock mass classification (NQF Level: 3)
311701-005-WM-01-01 Complete a minimum of fifteen inspections and audits in an underground tabular or massive stoping and fifteen inspections in a development work area.
Strata Control Observer (Underground Hardrock)
1.1.Occupational Information
1.1.1.Associated Occupations
311701 - Mining Technician
1.1.2.Occupation or Specialisation Addressed by this Curriculum
311701-001 - Mining Technician: Strata Control Observer Underground Hardrock (Tabular or
1.1.3.Alternative Titles used by Industry
1. Rock Engineering Assistant
2. Strata Control Auditor
3. Junior Geotechnical Officer
Strata Control Observer (Underground Hardrock)
1.2.Curriculum Information
1.2.1.Relation of this Curriculum to the Occupation and Qualification
1.2.2. Notes Regarding the Progression:
1. The knowledge and theory in this qualification is generic to all the Underground Hardrockmining environments. The uniqueness of the qualification lies in the work experience component and the qualifications will be endorsed relevant to the work experience gained.
1.2.3.Curriculum Structure
Knowledge Subjects
Number / Title / NQF Level / Credits311701-005-KS-01 / Rock Engineering Practice (STRATA CONTROL 1) / 3 / 20
311701-005-KS-02 / Mining Engineering Practice (STRATA CONTROL 1) / 3 / 8
Total Knowledge Credits: 28
Practical Skills Modules
Number / Title / NQF Level / Credits311701-005-PM-01 / Measure and record dimensions of mining excavations / 3 / 28
311701-005-PM-02 / Collect relevant data for rock mass classification / 3 / 20
Total Practical Skill Credits: 48
Work Experience Modules
Number / Title / NQF Level / Credits311701-005-WM-01 / Rock related workplace inspection processes. / 3 / 40
Total Work Experience Credits: 40
Knowledge Percentage: 24%
Practical Skills Percentage: 41%
Workplace Percentage: 34%
1.2.4.International Comparability
International comparability in this instance has not revealed comparable qualifications for
one or more of the following reasons: The required level of competence (Level 2/3) is rather low while formal qualifications in Rock Engineering are typically at degree Level. The reason for South African unit standards and qualifications representing a learning path starting at lower levels is mainly due to the relatively low educational base of the majority of workers in the mining industry. These standards (and indeed the National Certificate Strata Control Level 3 Qualification) seek to address the education gap.
1.2.5.Entry Requirements
1. In order to access the qualification the learner must have at least two years experience as an underground worker.
2. Successful completion of the FLC is an eligibility requirement to obtain this qualification.
3. In order to do the practical skills and gain the work experience learners will be required to meet all the physical and health requirements for working in an underground hardrock mine.
1.2.6.Assessment Quality Partner Information
Name / Organisation / ContactMine Qualifications Authority / Sector Education and Training Authority / PRIVATE BAG X118MARSHALL TOWN21074th Floor Union Corporation Building74-78
Marshall Street, Marshalltown
Strata Control Observer (Underground Hardrock)
Title: Mining Technician: Strata Control Observer (Underground Hardrock)
OFO Code: 311701-005
2.1. Occupational Purpose
Strata Control Observers: Inspect working places, evaluate rock mass conditions, measure compliance to support standards and create awareness of sub standard conditions in order to advance a safe working environment in an Underground Hardrock Mine.
Occupational Tasks
- TASK 01: Conducting workplace inspections in order to generate a workplace strata control inspection report. (NQF Level: 3)
2.2.Task Details
2.2.1. TASK 01: Conducting workplace inspections in order to generate a workplace strata control inspection report. (NQF Level: 3)
Unique Product or Service
- Workplace strata control inspection reports
Occupational Responsibilities
- Measure and record dimensions of mining excavations
- Collect relevant data for rock mass classification
- Rock related workplace inspection processes.
List of Knowledge Subjects for which Specifications are included
Number / Title / NQF Level / Credits311701-005-KS-01 / Rock Engineering Practice (STRATA CONTROL 1) / 3 / 20
311701-005-KS-02 / Mining Engineering Practice (STRATA CONTROL 1) / 3 / 8
Total Knowledge Credits: 28
311701-005-KS-01: Rock Engineering Practice (STRATA CONTROL1)
Related Knowledge Subject Code and Title
080702: THIS SUBJECT IS RELATED TO THE: Geotechnical Engineering field of study. This is an area of study which prepares individuals to apply mathematical and scientific principles to the design development and operational evaluation of systems for manipulating and controlling surface and subsurface features at or incorporated into structural sites including earth and rock moving and stabilisation land fills design and construction ofshallow and deep foundations control of slope instability with retaining walls and sheet piling structural use and environmental stabilisation of wastes and by-products underground construction and groundwater and hazardous material containment.
Purpose of the Knowledge Subject
The focus of the learning in this subject is on building understanding of the concepts and
principles related to the practice of rock Engineering theory applicable to strata control that is relevant for the Strata Control Observer. the learning includes the key terms and application principles.
TOPIC NUMBER / TOPIC TITLE / WEIGHT / CREDITS311701-005-KS-01:01 / Theory, terminology and basic calculations associated with rock engineering (Intermediate) / 20 / 3
311701-005-KS-01:02 / Principles, types, characteristics and applications of rock support and mine rock support standards (Basic) / 20 / 4
311701-005-KS-01:03 / Interaction between rock strength, stress and fracture (Basic) / 10 / 4
311701-005-KS-01:04 / Types, behaviour and role of pillars as a rock support medium. (Basic) / 10 / 1
311701-005-KS-01:05 / Risk management concepts, processes and practices (Basic) / 20 / 4
311701-005-KS-01:06 / Purpose, structure and application of the Mine Health and Safety act and other applicable regulatory requirements. (Basic) / 10 / 2
311701-005-KS-01:07 / Legislative requirements regarding inspecting and declaring mining work places safe for work. (Intermediate) / 10 / 2
Topics included in this subject:
311701-005-KS-01:01 -Theory, terminology and basic calculations associated with rock engineering (Intermediate) (Credits: 3)
Topic Elements to be covered include:
1. Explain the definitions of basic Rock Engineering Terminology:
RANGE: Mass. Gravity. Weight. Stress (virgin, induced, field, compression, tensile, shear). Strain.Deformation.Rock strength.UCS.Elasticity.Convergence.Closure. Fracture zone. Seismic event. Rock burst. Poissons ratio.Displacement.K-ratio. Sign convention
2. Explain what is meant by Rock Engineering and what the study field consists of:
RANGE: a. Differentiate between rock engineering, strata control, seismicity, slope stability;
3. Calculate the area, volume, mass and weight of simple shaped bodies and relate them to mining activities and excavations.
RANGE: a. The area and volumes of simple shape bodies are calculated in the context of mining operations (Must include: Circle, square, rectangle, oval, tri-angle. Cubes, cylinders, pyramids) b. The mass and weight of simple shape bodies are calculated in the context of mining operations (Must include: Cubes, cylinders, pyramids)
4. Explain the basic rock engineering theory:
RANGE: a. Units of measurement (SI). b. Force. c. Stress. d. Strain, Poisson’s ratio. e. Young’s Modulus
5. Describe volume and mass in terms of dimensions by giving practical examples. (NQF Level: 3)
Internal Assessment Criteria:
1. Given various Rock Engineering terms learners will be able to correctly explain all thedefinitions indicated in the range and give practical examples of how these terms are used for strata control purposes. (Weight: 20%)
2. Given raw data and various underground measurements, learners will be able to correctly calculate the areas, volumes, mass and weight of the given shapes. (Weight: 50%)
3. Given various scenarios regarding the volumes and mass of rock. Learners will be able to describe the actual size of the space that the rock will take up and answer a range of practical questions regarding the implications of this for strata control in underground hardrock mines. (Weight: 30%)
311701-005-KS-01:02 -Principles, types, characteristics and applications of rock support and mine rock support standards (Basic) (Credits: 4)
Topic Elements to be covered include:
1. Explain what is meant by the support principles and how they apply in underground hardrock mines.
2. Demonstrate understanding of the consequences of poorly installed support.
3. Demonstrate an understanding of support installation criteria.
4. Demonstrate an understanding of installation requirements of generic support types
5. Explain the concept of quality assurance with respect to support products and materials.
a. The need for meeting product specifications;
b. Acceptable tolerance levels;
c. Consistency.
6. Demonstrate understanding of the application of the support types;
7. Demonstrate understanding of the characteristics of support;
8. Describe the features, benefits and applications of the typical generic support types used in underground hardrock mines;
9. Describe the importance of the application of the support principle;
10. Demonstrate understanding of the need of recording and reporting of support installation quality.
Internal Assessment Criteria:
1. Given descriptions of various support situations, support materials and mining conditions.
Learners will be able to: Explain the concept of support principle within a geotechnical context. The explanation must include the concepts of: Beam creation, suspension, Containment, Confinement, load distribution, zone influence, areal coverage, tributary area and the factor of safety. (Weight: 5%)
2. Given various mining situations and typical mine support designs, learners will be able to explain the importance of rock and support behaviour in the different designs and indicate how the support principle applies to each of the situations. (Weight: 5%)
3. An explanation of each of the generic support types is given in terms of the mining operations context. Generic support types must include the following:
- Pack support.
- Elongated support.
- Backfill type.
- Tendon support.
- Shield support.
- Fabric support.
- A description of support types is given in terms of those used on the specific mine. (Description must include the following:
- Support unit name.
- Sketch of the unit.
- Construction/Installation methods.)
- Support units used on the specific mine is categorized into the generic support types. (Weight: 20%)
4. Support characteristics are explained in the specific mining context. Support characteristics must include the following:
- Active.
- Passive.
- Stiff.
- Soft.
- Yieldability.
- Areal coverage.
- Support resistance.
- Energy absorption.
(Weight: 15%)
5. The support types commonly used are listed in the context of mining operations. Mine excavations must include the following:
- Production excavations.
- Mine access excavations.
- Service excavations.
- Surface mining excavations.
The effects of selecting incorrect support types are explained in terms of the consequences to people, production, infrastructure, mine profitability etc(Weight: 20%)
6. A description of the installation of generic support types will confirm knowledge. (Mechanically-activated elongates. Hydraulically-activated support unitseg hydraulic props, longwall shields and chocks. Elongates -timber and steel based. Packs - timber-based, grout- based, composites. Tendons - resin- or cement grouted, mechanically anchored, friction- based. Areal support systems - mesh, sprayed concrete, thin sprayed liners. Backfill - types and additives)
A description of the installation of support pre-stressing units will confirm knowledge. (Modes of pre-stressing - pneumatic, hydraulic, mechanical.Effect of pre-stressing on support unit behaviour.)
Basic description of the installation of support load spreading devices will confirm knowledge. (Types of load spreading devices - headboards, straps, bearing plates.Effect of load spreading on support unit behaviour.)(Weight: 5%)
7. An explanation of support installation criteria are provided. (Direction of installation.Height-to-width ratio.Stable footwall contact.Construction quality.Pre-stressing.Stable hanging wall contact.Tendon length and diameter. Grout material quality. Annulus - relationship between tendon diameter and hole size. Manufacturers specifications.) (Weight:10%)
8. An explanation of the need to install support in underground excavations is provided. "An explanation of the effect of poor support quality on support unit behaviour.An explanation of the effect of poor support quality installation on excavation stability and worker safety confirms understanding.(Weight: 10%)
9. An explanation of the need to record observations made on support installation quality. Recording and reporting of support installation quality according to the mines specific procedures is provided.
An explanation of the consequences of poor recording and reporting of sub-standard support installations is provided.(Weight: 10%)
311701-005-KS-01:03 -Interaction between rock strength, stress and fracture (Basic) (Credits: 4)
Topic Elements to be covered include:
1. Explain the concepts of stress relating to mining:
RANGE: a. The effect of miningoperations on stress levels are explained in terms of the relevant mining context.
2. Explain the concepts of rock mass strength; RANGE: a. The forming processes of different rock types (Sedimentary. Igneous. Metamorphic rock); b. Individual rock characteristics ( Texture. Grain size.Strength.Density); c. Methods of determining rock strength.( Point load. Uni-axial compressive strength. Tri-axial strength)
3. Describe the effect of stress on rock mass and excavation stability: RANGE: a. The failure of a rock sample under test conditions is described in the context of mining operations; b. The relation between the rock sample testing and underground conditions is explained in the context of mining operations. c. Stress fractures are described in the relevant mining
context. d. The effect of underground excavations on stress levels surrounding the excavation are explained in the context of mining operation; e. The effects of different variables on stress fractures are explained in the context of mining operations.
Internal Assessment Criteria:
1. Given different underground hardrock scenarios relating to rock strength, stress andfractures, learners will be able to describe the results of excessive stress fracturing and how this impacts on strata control. (Weight: 50%)
2. Given a different rock mass types, learners will be able to correctly describe how each of the rock mass types will behave in stress situations and what strata control precautions needs to be taken in environments where the rock mass types are present. (Weight: 50%)
311701-005-KS-01:04 -Types, behaviour and role of pillars as a rock support medium. (Basic) (Credits: 1)
Topic Elements to be covered include:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of the support function of pillars in mining.
2. Demonstrate knowledge of the role of various types of pillars used in mining (NQF Level:3)
3. Demonstrate knowledge of the consequences of not adhering to pillar design criteria. (NQF Level: 3)
Internal Assessment Criteria:
1. The need for support installation is explained in the context of mining operations.
The specific role of solid reef pillars is explained in terms of ensuring excavation stability. (Weight: 10%)
2. Various pillar types are explained in the context of mining operations. (Regional/barrier/stabilising. Crush. Yield.Non-yield.Bracket.Protection.Boundary. )
The roles of each of the types of pillars are explained in the context of mining operations. (Weight: 10%)
3. The importance of pillar dimensions on pillar strength is explained in the context of mining operations.The consequences of inadequate pillar dimensions are described in the context of mining operations. (Seismic activity.Damage to protected excavations. Regional collapses/back breaks. Working place hanging wall instability and possible collapse. Pillar bursts. Exposure of workers to higher-risk environment.)
(Weight: 80%)
311701-005-KS-01:05 -Risk management concepts, processes and practices (Basic) (Credits: 4)
Topic Elements to be covered include:
1. Demonstrate understanding of the concepts used in risk assessment processes.
2. Demonstrate knowledge of the risk assessment process
3. Describe controls to address risk.
4. Demonstrate understanding of communication of recognised hazards and associated risks.
5. Demonstrate knowledge of monitoring risk.
Internal Assessment Criteria:
1. Risk assessment concepts are explained in the context of mining operations. (Risk
assessment concepts must include the following: Hazard. Probability.Consequence.Risk.Treat/Transfer/Tolerate/Terminate.Controls. Monitor. Exposure.)
Risk assessment types are explained in the context of mining operations. (Basic risk assessment types must include the following: Baseline. Issue based. Continuous.) (Weight: 20%)
2. The need to identify hazards is explained in the context of mining operations.
The concept of estimating the probability of occurrence is explained in the context of mining operations. (Probability of occurrence must include the following: Almost certain. Possible.Unlikely).
The concept of estimating the severity of consequence is explained in the context of mining operations. (Severity of consequence must include the following: Severe. Moderate. Low).
The process of estimating the risk associated with each hazard is explained in the context of mining operations. (Associated risk must include the following: High. Moderate. Low.)
The need to prioritise the calculated risks is explained in the context of mining operations
(Weight: 10%)
3. Controls to address the risk are formulated and explained in the context of mining operations. (Controls must include the following: Tolerate. Treat. Transfer. Terminate. ) The consequences of not implementing controls are explained in the context of mining operations
(Weight: 20%)
4. The need to verbally communicate the hazards, risks and control measures is explained in the context of mining operations.
Relevant communication channels are explained for various risk levels.
The effect of not communicating the hazards and associated risks are explained in terms of consequences to people, machines, equipment, infrastructure and production.
(Weight: 30%)
5. An explanation of monitoring of risk is provided in the mining context. (Monitoring of risk must include the following: Process to identify changes in level of risk. Process to identify reasons for changes in level of risk)
The effect of not monitoring the hazards and associated risks are explained in terms of the consequences to people, production, infrastructure, production and other.