Small Animal Management

Dog Project 2015

Direction:Pick a breed of dog that is registered on the American Kennel Club The breed must be approved by the teacher. There will be no duplicates, with that being said it will be first come first serve. You will be required to present a visual aid (power point, display poster, or the animal).

If you chose to bring your animal in you will need to get that approved by the teacher. You will also have to bring in the most recent shot record and have an animal permission slip signed and returned to the teacher upon bringing your pet to school.

Due Dates:

Dog Breed due date: Tuesday, May26th

Breed Information: Wednesday, May27th

AKC Information: Friday, May 29th

Health/Activities:Monday, June 1st

Final Presentation:Tuesday, June2nd

Total Points Available: 100

Breed (25 points)

Breed deceleration -

Color/Coat patterns and general appearance

What are the breed disqualifications?

What are their specific characteristics (weight, height, head shape, etc)

What this breed is known for?

Where did this breed originate from?

AKC Information (40 points)

Which group is they classified with the AKC

When was this breed registered with the AKC?

Where does this breed rank in registry statistics?

How do you register this breed? Are there certain requirements?

What are the clubs/organizations for this breed?

How do you become a member of one of the breed associations?

What are some of the perks of being a member to association?

Is there a magazine associated with this breed? If so how do you get it?

Health/ Activities are on the back ------

Health/ Activities (35 points)

What possible health problems might this dog develop?

How old will he be before he acts like an adult dog?

How protective will the dog be? Do they get along with other animals/pets?

How often will the dog need to be groomed if needed?

How long can he be left alone at home?

How much exercise does the dog need?

What are the best training methods for this dog?

This project will require some work outside of the classroom. We will spend a limited amount of time directly working on the project. A majority of class time will be spent reviewing the requirements of the rubric. Please plan accordingly 