Commitment and Courage:

The magic force to Long Term Success

Commitment is the ultimate decider of permanent weight loss success. It takes commitment to stick to your new, healthy lifestyle.So what is commitment? When you are committed, you will do anything to reach your goal, no matter how hard, tedious, boring, will do whatever it takes to get where you want to go. If you have a lot of questions, doubts or resistances to taking action, start thinking about how much you really want your goal. Committing takes courage.

But there are other reasons you need courage to reach success with your fitness goals. When the going gets tough and you have a difficult period or long plateau, do you have the courage to stick with it even though you may not have any idea how you will actually reach it? You may even have an inner nagging voice that says; “you’ll never get what you want”.

Do you have the courage to create an exciting, fit and healthier version of yourself? The main reason why people are not excited and motivated is that their goal is too small, it lacks power. If you decide to create powerful, passion filled goals, you will probably need to make changes in yourself in order to achieve them. Do you have the courage to make those changes?

~ Take immediate and consistent action on new goals! When you set a goal you must always takes at least one immediate action as quickly as possible (even a small one makes a big difference). Take an action toward your goal each and everyday, this will get you motivated to take more. Remember to keep changing your approach when what you’re doing doesn’t work.

~ Get out of your comfort zone: Often the comfort zone can work against your desire to reach your goals because it holds you in place instead of urging you forward. Your comfort zone is what makes up most of your life, all the things you already know how to do, all the habits and reliable experiences you’re used to having. In order to change your tendency to stay comfortable you need to be conscious of your actions and thoughts. Make it a practice to do things on a daily basis that challenge you in various ways. Stretch yourself!

~ “Commit to change”: Imagine who you’ll become as you reach your goals and actively decide that you want to be that new and different person.

~ Do whatever it takes: If you really want to reach your goals, you have to decide to “pay the price”. Sometimes there are things you must do that are boring, difficult, risky or doesn’t matter how hard it is; if you want your goal you must still take the action.

~ Don’t give up: When the going gets hard, don’t give up; instead, try to get creative about new ways to get to your goal. Use the creative tools to break yourself out of being stuck and go around that obstacle, over it, under it, or through it.

~ Get help when you need it: As you’re moving toward your goal, ask for support and help from others. Don’t be too proud to get help. Sometimes another person’s viewpoint can help you think better about what you want and where you want to go.

~ Be honest with yourself: Be honest with yourself about your progress and whether the goal is still appropriate. If it is, does it need any changes? Are you following through and taking consistent action? Have the courage to admit your blind spots and to be humble. Sometimes you may need to change a belief or habit. Are you willing to change to get what you want?

Beating The Odds: practical tips to keep you moving forward:

Build on success... start with small goals that lead to larger goals.

Find a role model... find someone who started where you were. Feel inspired by their success.

Be realistic... set attainable goals. Being realistic will prevent you from becoming frustrated later.

Set well defined goals and reward yourself for reaching them... this will encourage you to set new goals.

Keep a journal... you'll be able to see how far you've progressed and evaluate what works and what doesn't.

Take bimonthly photos... these pictures let you see changes over time. Often change is gradual and we don't see the difference from day to day.

Create variety... as you learn the basics add new exercises and activities into your program. This will help keep you from becoming bored with your routine.

Try not to focus on what you are giving up... focus on new options that you'll have after you become more fit.

Don't make exercise just another item on your to-do list... connect to it on a deeper level.

Educate yourself... the more you know the less likely you are to be injured or to get stuck in a rut.

Use your time wisely... it doesn't have to take hours to achieve your fitness goals. Greater intensity can improve results and shorten total workout time.

Know your limits and stay within your means... fatigue, insomnia, irritability, and elevated resting heart rate are all signs of overdoing it.