Slide list for History of European Civilization I – Renaissance and Reformation
2)Port city of Genoa, Italy
3)Images of death and skeletons from the Black Death
4)The Flagellants
5)Appeals to the church for answers and relief
6)Map of the Black Death
7)Images from Hans Holbein’s Danse Macabre: Creation; Temptation
8)Expulsion; Consequences
9)New Married Lady; Child
10)Old Woman; Old Man
11)Robber; Beggar
12)Blind Man; Fool
13)Gamesters; Drunkards
14)Gentleman; Husband
15)Waggoner; Pedlar
16)Miser; Merchant
17)Seaman; Advocate
18)Judge; Magistrate
19)Physician; Astrologer
20)Monk; Nun
21)Soldier; Knight
22)Preacher; Priest
23)Count; Countess
24)Abbot; Abbess
25)Duke; Duchess
26)Bishop; Canon
27)Emperor; Empress
28)Cardinal; Pope
29)King; Queen
30)Cemetery; Last Judgment
31)John Wyclif (1330-1384)
32)Wyclif’s bibles
33)Wyclif’s posthumous punishment
34)Jan Hus (1369-1415)
35)Council of Constance 1414-18
36)Hus’ execution 7/6/1415
37)Map of the Hundred Years War 1337-1453
38)Battle of Crecy 8/26/1346
39)Joan of Arc (1412-1431)
40)Joan imprisoned, interrogated, and one of her letters
41)Joan executed 5/30/1431
42)Map of England and France after the Hundred Years War
43)Wars of the Roses 1455-1487
44)Henry VI (1421-1471)
45)Henry VI and Margaret of Anjou (1429-1482)
46)Edward IV (1442-1483)
47)Edward V (1470-1483?); Princes in the Tower, Edward V and his brother Richard of Shrewsbury (1473-1483?)
48)Richard III (1452-1485)
49)Henry VII (1457-1509)
50)Florence, Italy
51)Christ on the Cross by Cimabue (1240-1302)
52)Madonna and Child by Cimabue
53)Madonna and Child by Giotto di Bondone (1267-1337)
54)Arena Chapel in Padua commissioned by Enrico Scrovegni 1305
55)Arena Chapel interior, paintings by Giotto
56)Arena Chapel interior
57)Joachim among the Shepherds
58)Marriage of the Virgin
59)Cleansing the Temple
60)The Kiss of Judas
62)Last Judgment
63)Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral of Florence
64)Giotto’s Tower
65)Florence Cathedral
66)Florence Cathedral
67)Florence Cathedral
68)Florence Cathedral
69)Baptistry of the Cathedral
70)Lorenzo Ghiberti (1378-1455)
71)Filippo Brunelleschi (1377-1446)
72)Doors of Paradise of the Baptistry
73)Doors detail
74)Page from Hartmann Schedel’s Nuremberg Chronicle 1493
75)Jerusalem from the Nuremberg Chronicle
76)Cleansing the Temple by Giotto
77)Ideal City by Piero della Francesca 1470
78)Cathedral of Florence
79)Brunelleschi’s model for the Duomo (Dome)
80)Scaffolding design for building the dome
81)Machinery designed by Brunelleschi
82)Herringbone brick pattern developed by Brunelleschi
83)Dome construction
84)Cathedral of Florence interior
85)Cathedral of Florence dome interior
86)Pazzi Chapel by Brunelleschi begun 1429
87)Pazzi Chapel interior
88)Brunellesci death mask
89)Giovanni de Bicci de Medici (1360-1429)
90)Tomb of Baldassare Cossa (1370-1419) Pope, or anti-Pope John XXIII during period of Great Schism 1378-1417
91)Cosimo de Medici (1389-1464)
92)Procession of the Magi with the Medicis
93)David by Donatello 1444-46
94)The Day of Judgment by Fra Angelico 1432-35
95)Dante Alighieri (1265-1321)
96)Scenes from Dante’s Inferno from The Divine Comedy 1308-1321
97)Petrarch (1304-1374)
98)The Holy Trinity by Masaccio 1425-28
99)The Tribute Money by Masaccio 1424-26
100)Piero de Medici “Peiro the Gouty” (1416-1469)
101)Lorenzo de Medici “Lorenzo the Magnificent” (1449-1492)
102)Adoration of the Magi with the Medici and artist by Sandro Botticelli 1475-76; Lorenzo by Ghirlandaio for the Sassetti Chapel in Florence 15th century
103)Giuliano de Medici (1453-1478) portrait by Botticelli
104)Pazzi Conspiracy 4/26/1478
105)Primavera by Botticelli 1478
106)Birth of Venus by Botticelli 1486
107)Savonarola (1452-1498)
108)Savonarola preaching
109)Death of Lorenzo with Savonarola
110)Bonfire of the Vanities 2/7/1497
111)Savonarola hanged and burned 5/23/1498
112)Rodrigo Borgia (1431-1503) Pope Alexander VI from 1492-1503
113)Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527)
114)Giuliano della Rovere (1443-1513) Pope Julius II from 1503-13
115)Michelangelo (1475-1564)
116)David by Michelangelo 1504
117)Sistine Chapel 1484
118)Sistine Chapel interior
119)Sistine Chapel interior
120)Sistine Chapel ceiling by Michelangelo 1508-12
121)Sistine Chapel ceiling Creation of Adam by Michelangelo
122)Sistine Chapel Last Judgment by Michelangelo 1541
123)Sketches for tomb of Julius II by Michelangelo
124)Sketch for tomb of Julius II by Michelangelo
125)Moses from Tomb of Julius II by ichelangelo
126)Tomb of Julius II by Michelangelo
127)Raphael (1483-1520)
128)School of Athens by Raphael 1510
129)Baldassare Castiglione (1478-1529) painted by Raphael 1515
130)St. Peter’s in Rome, the Vatican begun 1506, completed 1626
131)St. Peter’s
132)St. Peter’s interior
133)St. Peter’s interior
134)St. Peter’s dome
135)St. Peter’s dome interior
136)Giovanni de Medici (1475-15210 Pope Leo X from 1513-21
137)La Fornarina by Raphael 1518-19
138)Venus of Urbino by Titian 1538
139)Bacchanal by Titian 1523-25
140)St. Sebastian by Andrea Mantegna 1480
141)St. Sebastian by Antonello da Messina 1477-79
142)St. Sebastian by Perugino late 15th century
143)St. Sebastian by Raphael 1501-02
144)Descent from the Cross by Fra Angelico 1450
145)Lamentation of Christ unknown artist
146)Lamentation of Christ by Perugino 1495
147)Lamentation of Christ by Botticelli 1490-92
148)The Crucifixion by Signorelli 1500
149)The Crucified Christ with the Virgin Mary, Saints and Angels by Raphael 1502-03
150)Map of Europe in 1500
151)Map of the Hanseatic League
152)The Arnolfini Wedding Portrait by Jan Van Eyck 1434
153)Arnolfini detail
154)Arnolfini detail
155)Age of Exploration
156)Printing press mid 15th century by Gutenberg
157)Sir Thomas More (1478-1535)
158)Erasmus of Rotterdam (1466-1536)
159)Map of Germany in the Middle Ages
160)Ghent Altarpiece by Jan Van Eyck 1432
161)Ghent Altarpiece detail Adam and Eve
162)Birth of Venus by Botticelli
163)Creation of Adam by Michelangelo
164)Ghent Altarpiece Adam and Eve
165)St. Sebastian by Perugino
166)St. Sebastian by Lieferinxe late 15th century
167)Descent of Christ from the Cross by Rogier van der Weyden 1435 from the Escorial Deposition
168)Crucifixion by Joos van Cleve 1525
169)Isenheim Altarpiece by Matthias Grunewald 1515
170)Isenheim Altarpiece detail
171)Isenheim Altarpiece detail
172)Isenheim Altarpiece detail
173)Isenheim Altarpiece detail
174)Isenheim Altarpiece detail
175)Isenheim Altarpiece detail
176)Isenheim Altarpiece detail
177)Isenheim Altarpiece
178)The Crucified Christ with the Virgin Mary, Saints and Angels by Raphael
179)Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
180)Cannon by da Vinci
181)Ballista by da Vinci
182)Tank by da Vinci
183)Collapsible boat by da Vinci
184)St. John the Baptist by da Vinci 1513-16
185)Last Supper by da Vinci 1498
186)Mona Lisa by da Vinci 1503-07
187)Water moving by da Vinci
188)Flying machine by da Vinci
189)Wings by da Vinci
190)Anatomy by da Vinci
191)Anatomy by da Vinci
192)Skeletal structure by da Vinci
193)Fetus in womb and out by da Vinci
194)Anatomy of intercourse by da Vinci
195)Proportions of the head by da Vinci
196)Vitruvian Man by da Vinci
197)Leda and the Swan by da Vinci 1508
198)Battle of Anghiari by da Vinci (this is a copy by Rubens)
199)Caricatures by da Vinci
200)Sketch of man thinking and study of moving water
201)Albrecht Durer’s mother by Albrecht Durer 1514
202)Self-portrait at age 13 by Albrecht Durer (1471-1528)
203)Abduction by Durer
204)Melancholia by Durer
205)Self-portrait at age 22 by Durer
206)The Witches by Durer
207)Women’s Bath by Durer
208)Self-portrait at age 26 by Durer
209)Hieronymus Holzschuher by Durer
210)Oswolt Krel by Durer
211)Baldassare Castiglione by Raphael
212)Man turning drill by Durer
213)Lobster by Durer
214)Rhinoceros by Durer
215)Walrus by Durer
216)Bird wing by Durer
217)Rabbit by Durer
218)Self-portrait at age 28 by Durer
219)Study of perspective by Durer
220)Study of perspective by da Vinci
221)Grass by Durer
222)Grass by da Vinci
223)Hands by da Vinci
224)Praying Hands by Durer
225)Virgin of the Rocks by da Vinci 1503-06
226)Madonna and Child by Durer 1506
227)Christ at the Last Supper by da Vinci
228)The Baptism of Christ by Verrocchio 1474-75, da Vinci assisted as a student
229)Man of Sorrows by Durer 1493
230)Francis I of France (1494-1547)
231)Albert of Hohenzollern, or Albert of Brandenburg (1490-1545)
232)Albert Archbishop of Magdeburg and Archbishop of Mainz
233)Albert as St. Jerome in His Study
234)House of Fugger
235)Jakob Fugger (1459-1525) “Jakob the Rich”
236)Martin Luther (1483-1546)
237)Hans and Margarethe Luther, Martin’s parents
238)Luther’s cell at Erfurt and Luther as a monk 1505
239)Luther and his confessor Johan von Staupitz
240)St. Peter’s in Rome, the Vatican
241)Wittenberg, Germany
242)Johann Tetzel (1465-1519)
243)Church door at the Castle church of Wittenberg
244)Pope Leo X
245)Fugger Chapel of St. Anna 1518
246)Luther publicly burning the Papal Bull 12/10/1520
247)Charles V, the Holy Roman Emperor (1500-1558)
248)Luther at the Diet of Worms 1/28-5/25/1521
249)Frederick the Wise of Saxony (1463-1525)
250)Exile at the Wartburg Castle 1521
251)Luther’s room and translation of the Bible to German
252)Katharina von Bora (1499-1552)
253)Luther and Katharina married on 6/13/1525
254)The Peasants’ War 1524-25
255)Thomas Muntzer (1489-1525)
256)Map of the Reformation
257)Philipp Melancthon (1497-1560)
258)Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1531)
259)John of Leyden (1509-1536), the Anabaptists, and punishment
260)John Calvin (1509-1564)
261)Creation of the World triptych (closed) by Hieronymus Bosch 1504
262)Garden of Earthly Delights (open) by Hieronymus Bosch
263)Garden of Earthly Delights detailleft panel Eden
264)Garden of Earthly Delights detail center panel
265)Garden of Earthly Delights detail
266)Garden of Earthly Delights detail
267)Garden of Earthly Delights detail
268)Garden of Earthly Delights detail
269)Garden of Earthly Delights detail
270)Garden of Earthly Delights detail
271)Garden of Earthly Delights detail
272)Garden of Earthly Delights detail right panel Hell
273)Garden of Earthly Delights detail
274)Bacchanal by Titian
275)Last Judgment by Michelangelo
276)Pieta by Michelangelo
277)Roettgen Pieta
278)Portrait of a Woman by Botticelli
279)Detail from Primavera by Botticelli
280)Portrait of a Woman by Rogier van der Weyden
281)Portrait of a Woman by Rogier van der Weyden
282)Henry VIII (1491-1547)
283)Catherine of Aragon (1485-1536)
284)Giulio de Medici (1478-1534) Pope Clement VII from 1523-34
285)Charles V
286)Sir Thomas More
287)Anne Boleyn (1500-1536)
288)Jane Seymour (1507-1537)
289)Anna of Cleves (1515-1557)
290)Katherine Howard (1524-1542)
291)Catherine Parr (1512-1548)
292)Council of Trent 1545-63
293)Ideas and history are connected; ideas and greatness are important; thinking, great ideas, and their practice are the Atlas of Humanity