23rd April 2009

Meeting with Darren Millar A.M. to discuss recent correspondence regarding Colwyn Bay Pier


Shane Wetton

Rob Dix

Darren Millar A.M.

Steve Hunt

Marianne Jackson

Bethan Jones

Recently there has been an indication from the Welsh Assembly that the Victorian Pier could be eligible for funding under the Strategic Regeneration Area Funding. Until now the Pier the understanding had been that as the Pier was in Private ownership funding would be very difficult to acquire. Following recent correspondence between Darren Millar A.M. and Leighton Andrews, Deputy Minister for Regeneration, received by Bethan Jones it was felt that some clarity was needed with regards to possible future funding opportunities for Pier within the Strategic Regeneration Area.

Darren Millar A.M. would like to see the Pier incorporated into the Waterfront Development if possible. Until now it had been clearly stated within the Colwyn Bay Waterfront development that consideration was to be given the existence of the Pier but it could not be considered within the plans.

Steve Hunt stated that he was happy to discuss any funding possibilities that may present themselves.

Deputy Minister for Regeneration has stated that a Business Plan would be required prior to consideration being given.

Bethan Jones explained the current situation for Bay Life and its 3 priority areas

1.  Relocation of officers to the town centre assisting the regeneration of local businesses through increased footfall.

2.  Eirias Park – Sports development and centre of excellence to include the possibility of a Hotel and Leisure complex

3.  The Waterfront and Town Centre Physical Improvements.

Steve Hunt has previously considered various options for the pier, including a hotel. In the past the Pier had been used for Art exhibition and this appears to provide a draw.

It was explained that any SRA funding would require some Match Funding from the owner of any proposed development.

It was discussed whether the 1st step should be to seek funding in order to carry out a Feasibility Study.

All current legal processes would need to be resolved.

Steve stated he is not averse to working in partnership with others i.e. Local Authority, Trust, Developer. He would also consider any other options on merit i.e. sale.

Steve feels the legal process should be resolved within a few weeks.

Bethan expressed an interest to visit the pier once the situation is resolved.

Further meetings to be called once situation is resolved.