Glenroy Specialist School

Working Together To Achieve

Mealtime Assistance Program Policy

Creation Date: June 2017

Review Date: June 2020


Every student at Glenroy Specialist School will participate in a comprehensive mealtime program structured to meet their individual needs.


·  To ensure the safety of students during mealtime

·  To maintain students’ sustenance and hydration

·  To develop and promote independence

·  To develop, improve and maintain communication skills during mealtimes

·  To encourage appropriate social interaction

·  To develop and maintain oral motor skills


·  Under the Mealtime Assistance program, individuals are trained to specifically assist a student or group of students to eat safely and as independently as possible.

·  The program is staffed by Mealtime Assistants (MTAs), teachers, teacher assistants and therapists

·  Designated staff compile a daily Mealtime Assistance roster

·  All aspects of the program are regularly reviewed, to ensure the most appropriate program is provided for the students and the most appropriate training for staff.

·  Each student has an individualised mealtime profile written by a Speech Pathologist to address the student’s specific needs.

·  During the designated lunch period, each student participates in the Mealtime Assistance program for 45 minutes in accordance with their profile. The student’s Mealtime profile is stored in their profile folder in the classroom.

Mealtime Assistance Profiles

Before a student commences at GSS, a Yooralla School Services Mealtime Assessment Form (MAF) is completed by a Speech Pathologist and/or Occupational Therapist. This will be done in conjunction with the student and their family/carers. From this, the student’s Mealtime Program and Mealtime Assistance Profile will be developed. This profile will be reviewed at least annually to ensure that the profile reflects the student’s current skills and abilities.

Students considered to be at risk of aspiration may not be included in an oral program until there has been consultation with the Royal Children’s Hospital.

Students with allergies and intolerances will have Mealtime profiles with an orange alert on the profile. It will identify the specific allergens to avoid.


-  Initial Training Session: All new staff must complete the ‘Generic Mealtime Assistance’ and ‘Manual Handling’ workshops provided by therapists.

-  Individual Training: The number of training sessions will be at the trainer's discretion. The trainer will complete documentation recording the trainees’ successful completion.

No staff member may give any student anything orally until they have satisfactorily completed the two training components and been signed off by an approved trainer.

Once approved, the staff member will be rostered on to assist the individual student or small group. Staff assisting students must always have another adult in the room or within their sight to provide assistance in the event of an emergency.

A list of approved assistants will be displayed in each classroom.

-  Training Review: All staff will complete an annual Mealtime Refresher workshop.

Mealtime training reviews will occur if:

Students’ needs or skills change

A staff member requests retraining

Staff have not assisted the student for a period of time

Concern has been raised in relation to student safety and wellbeing

An OH&S issue has been identified

-  Trainers are:

A Speech Pathologist or Occupational Therapist who is familiar with the student

A teacher who has been signed off by the Speech Pathologist as being able to train others for that particular student.

Training to assist students who have complex oro-motor / swallowing problems will only be provided by a Speech Pathologist.


-  General hygiene standards apply.

-  Gloves must be worn, when handling food/drinks or meal assisting students.

-  When assisting students within a restaurant group, staff will change gloves before touching the food of or assisting with another student’s meal.


·  Review: Triennially

·  Ratification by School Council: June 2017