Cahuita Symposium
Slavery, Culture, and Religion
Harriet Tubman Resource Centre on the African Diaspora, York University
Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, Universidad de Costa Rica
UNESCO “Slave Route” Project, Secteur de la Culture
February 11-14th 2006
Cahuita (Límon), Costa Rica
Venue: La Diosa
Opening Night, February 11 – An evening with:
Hilary McD. Beckles, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill
Quince Duncan, Author
Manuel Monestel, Musician
Name/Nombre / Institution/Instituto / Paper Title/Título de papelAgüero, Celma / El Colegio de México / Diálogos Atlánticos y Construcción de Conocimiento
Alpers, Edward A. / University of California, Los Angeles / African Music in the Indian Ocean: The Legacy of Slavery
Apter, Andrew / University of California, Los Angeles / The Blood of Mothers: Women, Money and Markets in Black Atlantic Perspective
Baum, Robert M. / University of Missouri / Slavery and Religious Change among the Diola of Senegambia
Brazeal, Brian / University of Chicago / Coins for the Dead, Money on the Floor
Burnham, Thor / York University / ‘A General Belief in Everything:’ Qualitative Reassessments of the Cultural Influence of Foreign-Born Nationals in Nineteenth-Century Haiti
Cáceres Gómez, Rina / Universidad de Costa Rica / Rumores, rebelión y confrontación en Martinique
Campbell, Gwyn / McGill University / Slave Culture in Madagascar and in the Malagasy Slave Diaspora: An Outline
Escorel de Moraes, Silvia / Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro / Dressed for Power and the Power to Dress:
Imaages and Social Roles of Blacks in 18th Century Rio de Janeiro
Goodman, Jordan / University College London / When ex-slaves enslave: Roger Casement and the Barbadians in the Rubber Forests of Peru, 1904-1910
Herrera, Bernal / Universidad de Costa Rica / Modernidad periférica y metropolitana.
El papel del mundo hispano-americano
Hunt, Nadine / York University / Bozales or Creoles?: Newly Landed Enslaved Africans in Colonial Spanish America, 1713-1763
Ibarra, Eugenia / Universidad de Costa Rica / Rasgos socioculturales africanos y amerindios en el surgimiento de los grupos zambos en la Costa de Mosquito en el siglo 18
Klein, Martin A. / University of Toronto / Islam and Slavery in Sudanic Africa
La Rue, George Michael / Clarion University / Moving Between Worlds: Liminality and Rituals in the Movement of Sudanese Slaves to Muslim Egypt in the Nineteenth Century
Liberato, Carlos F. / Universidade Federal de Sergipe and York University / The Grão Pará and Maranhão Company and Slavery in the Portuguese Amazon Region, 1755-1777
Lovejoy, Henry / York University / Drums of Resistance: Bata Drums of Old Oyo in Colonial Cuba, 1817-1845
Lovejoy, Paul E. / York University / Gustavus Vassa, alias Olaudah Equiano, on the MosquitoShore: Plantation Overseer cum Abolitionist
Lydon, Ghislaine / University of California, Los Angeles / Splitting Babies and Breaking Chains:Muslim Contests Over Slaves in Nineteenth Century Southwestern Sahara
Marshall, Neil / York University / Slave Law, Slave Voice: The Fiscals and Protector of Slave Reports in the Guianas in the Early Nineteenth Century
McVorran, Marcelle / DePauwUniversity / Ritual in Popular Culture - Locating the Spirit of the Trinidad Carnival
Moitt, Bernard / Virginia Commonwealth University / From Enslavement to Servitude: The Evolution of Wardship in Urban Senegal, 1840-1905
Paugh, Katherine / University of Pennsylvania / Rationalizing Reproduction: Christian Conversion and the Fertility of Enslaved Laborers in the British West Indies
Ray, Daren E. / Brigham Young University / The Christian Watoro of Fuladoyo:
Competing Ideologies on the SwahiliCoast
Rogers, Nicholas / York University / Eighteenth-century warfare in the tropics: the San Juan expedition of 1780
Rosarrio, Reina Cristina / Universidad de Costa Rica,
Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo / Haiti y República Dominicana 200 años después: Los haitianos en República Dominicana
Shepherd, Verene A. / University of the West Indies, Mona / “We Did Not Think That the King’s Soldiers…Would Fight Against Us”:
Slavery, Resistance and Punishment in 19th Century Jamaica
Smith, Katherine / Howard University / The Roots of African Caribbean Identity: BritishIslands’ Slave Society and the Transformation of African Religion
Teelucksingh, Jerome / University of the West Indies, St. Augustine / Religion and Blacks in Nineteenth Century Canada
Gad Heuman, WarwickUniversity
Kris Lane, College of William and Mary
Joseph C. Miller, University of Virginia
David V. Trotman, York University
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