March 13 Quaker Cloud Admin Discussion

1. Linda and James from Charlottesville shared their website.

· Their site is set up so that newcomers and old times would both find useful content

· All the information someone would need is located on the front page

· As many things as possible are linked to other places on the site

· Private content on their site are minutes and newsletters and discussions.

· Challenges include how to use pictures, the lack of flexibility, and the directory. Bonnie from Gainesville agreed that her meeting also has an issue with an incomplete directory. Richard from Ft Meyers uses a private pdf to share the directory with site members.

· Richard from Ft Meyers asked the group how to get people interested, and how to get people to share photos.

· Bonnie from Gainesville asked the meeting size. It’s about 100 people.

· James shared that Linda has the help of a communications committee that works on this. There is a separate person to work on the google calendar and another Friend does the Facebook page. The committee also defines how communications flows from the website to the FB page, the newsletter, etc.

· Bonnie from Gainesville shared that her meeting now also has a website committee where different Friends also work on different media.

· A discussion occurred about the importance of being web savvy vs being able to generate content, and which is more important for the person at the helm of the website to understand.

2. Gainesville Presentation

· Homepage has basic introduction in a large font. It is succinct and easy to load by design.

· Using the meeting house is a popular question so it is at the top of the page as a featured item.

· A recurring feature is a new from Quaker Books item

· Quaker Speak videos are rotated by the admin every few weeks.

· All committee info is public, as well as the minutes also being public.

· Linda from Charlottesville shared that deciding what is public has been a discussion at her meeting.

· Richard from Ft Meyers said that their newsletters are public which is where they put the minutes.

· Bob from Durham said they share the newsletter as an email and privately on the site, but this could create a tech divide and they work to figure out how to make things work for everyone.

· Bonnie said that they take care to not use full names in their newsletters

3. Linda from Charlottesville: What do people do with photos?

· Bonnie from Gainesville said her meetings asks individuals for their permission and never uses photos of kids.

· Phil from Chestnut Hill says they photograph kids in groups but don’t use names and get permission from parents

· Richard in Ft Meyers said their photos are all in their newsletters

4. Phil from Chestnut Hill talked about Friends being Content Creators

· There is a challenge making the shift to have member think of themselves as content creators. How could meetings do this better?

5. RSS Feeds

· David from Nashville asked to have his site’s RSS feed information.

· To learn more about what RSS Feeds are, here’s what Wikipedia has to say about them:

6. Committees and Inreach

· Phil from Chesthut Hill asked if Friends are using committees.

· Bob from Durham says that although people have committees, only about two are actually active

· Bonnie from Gainesville said that they are just still at the stage of getting people to use the site.

· Richard from Ft Meyers said that this is mostly a tool for seekers, and their meeting is not doing as much inreach with it

· David in Nashville says that their site is mostly for seekers, and for their google calendar – an important tool in their meeting

7. Sign in Problems

· Phil from Chestnut Hill asked if people have problems with sign ins

· Linda from Charlottesville said that her meeting does and they have created instructions to help people. These are based on ones on the Quaker Cloud admin site.

· David in Nashville said people also struggle with knowing whether or not they have an old account already with FGC

8. User adoption

· Bonnie from Gainesville brought in her own computer and helped people log in.

· Phil from Chestnut Hill thought this was a great idea he could also try at his meeting.

· Linda from Charlottesville also tried a session like that

· James from Charlottesville is looking to bring in youth with things like snapchat. [Note from Erin: Snapchat is great. Google “best nonprofit snapchats” to get an idea of possibilities. I also enjoy DJ Khaled’s snapchat, but he uses a lot of language and imagery that may not align with the values of some Friends]

· David from Nashville asked about mobile responsiveness. The Cloud team is working on implementing this and will announce the next steps in May.

· Phil from Chestnut Hill has a communications person who uses their FB page to drive traffic to the website