Landseer Road Practice
Our aim is to provide the best quality medical services and to encourage patients to take responsibility for their health and illness.
Chesterfield Drive Practice is a training practice and we are involved in training student doctors and medical students from Cambridge University. We also employ general practice GP trainees. / The Chesterfield Drive Practice
29 Chesterfield Drive
Ipswich IP1 6DW
T: 01473 741349 F: 01473 744492
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Landseer Road Surgery
476-478 Landseer Road
Ipswich IP3 9LU
T: 01473 274494 F: 01473 727742
In an emergency out of hours, please telephone 111 for advice
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The Partners
Dr Eunice Ifionu MB BS MRCGP
Our Practice Manager is Gill Lewis
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Opening Hours - Surgery Access
Monday – Friday: 08.00 am – 6.30 pm*
Telephone Access
Monday – Friday: 08.00 am – 6.30 pm
Extended Surgery Access
* Appointments are available for booking Saturday morning (8 – 11am) and Wednesday evening each week (up to 8pm).
For pre-booked appointments only
Suffolk GP +
Suffolk GP+ is for people who urgently need a doctor’s appointment, or can’t see their GP on a weekday. Please note that Suffolk GP+ appointments can only be booked through your own local GP practice. More details on this service can be found on the website
Disabled Access
Both sites have parking and there are two disabled parking spaces in front of the Chesterfield Drive site with easy access for wheelchairs at both sites.
All consultations between a clinician and a patient are confidential. We ask you for information so that you can receive proper care and treatment. Sometimes the law requires us to pass on information, for
example, to notify a birth. Everyone working for the NHS has a legal duty to keep information about you confidential.
If you need this brochure in another format, i.e. larger print, please let the receptionist know.
Welcome to Chesterfield Drive / Our Services
The Practice
Patients are entitled to be treated with courtesy and respect. We will try to answer the telephone promptly and courteously. We will try to see you within 20 minutes of your appointment time. You will be given an explanation if there are unexpected delays.
All patients are allocated to a named GP but can see any GP they wish. If you would like to know the name of your allocated GP please contact the surgery. / Smoking Cessation
If you smoke we offer a stop smoking programme. Our healthcare assistants can advise and support you.
Minor Surgery
Minor surgical procedures can be carried out at the surgery. The following conditions may be suitable for minor surgery.
- Skin growths and lumps
- Cysts
- Moles
- Joint injections (pain relief)
We call in patients with chronic disease for regular review of their treatment and medication. Failure to be reviewed may delay the issue of your prescriptions.
In order to keep well and healthy every person with diabetes needs good and regular healthcare. The control of your diabetes and the early detection and treatment of any possible problems is very important. Our nurses will provide you with the information you need to effectively manage your condition.
Heart Disease Prevention
In order to prevent heart attacks and strokes the practice nurses offer advice, support and treatment to help patients to stop smoking, reduce weight, increase exercise and lower cholesterol levels.
Respiratory Clinics – Asthma, COPD
(Chronic Bronchitis, Emphysema)
Our Respiratory Clinics are for the routine monitoring of patients with Asthma or COPD and to follow up patients after an exacerbation (flare up) of Asthma/COPD to try to prevent another exacerbation. We encourage patients with these conditions to be seen in the clinic at least once a year for routine review. We aim to work with you to find the most appropriate treatment leading to optimum symptom control.
The Patient
Patients are asked to treat our Practice Staff with courtesy. To help us be efficient please try to call after 10am for non-urgent requests. Monday morning is always very busy so avoid if possible.
If you are unable to keep your appointment please let us know at least 30 minutes before your appointment time. Failure to cancel appointments may result in patients being removed from our list. If you are late for an appointment you may be asked to re-book for another time in order to minimise waiting for other patients.
Please try to call between 10.30am and 6.00pm for general enquiries.
It is always the right of the patient to transfer to another Practice if they wish.
We make every effort to give the best service possible to everyone who attends our practice. However, we are aware that things can go wrong resulting in a patient feeling that they have a genuine cause for complaint. To pursue a complaint please contact the Practice Manager who will deal with your concerns appropriately. Further information regarding our complaints procedure is available from reception.
Our Services / Our Staff
Maternity Care
The doctors, with the assistance of the community midwife are available for antenatal and postnatal care. Maternity clinics are held by the midwife on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Health Visitors
Our health visitors can be contacted at Whitton Clinic on 01473 242159. They can help you and your family with worries or problems affecting your child’s health.
Mental Health Link Worker
We have a Mental Health Link worker available by appointment. This will give you the opportunity to talk over issues that may be troubling you, to listen in a way that helps you understand yourself better and to look for solutions.
Medical Students
Periodically we provide important training for Medical Students. You will be informed if a student is to be present during your consultation. Please tell the receptionist if you do not wish for a student to be present.
Child Immunisation
You will be sent letters regarding routine childhood immunisations from Child Health and asked to make an appointment at the surgery.
Family Planning & Contraception
Our nurses are trained in all aspects of family planning. A full range of contraception services are available including prescriptions for oral contraceptives, the contraceptive injection and coil fittings.
If you are aged 13 to 24 you are entitled to free condoms through the C-Card scheme. Contact the surgery to arrange your first appointment.
Cervical Smears
Women are routinely invited to have regular cervical screening tests as part of the National Cancer Screening Programme. Routine screening is offered for women between the ages of 25 to 65. / The GP’s
Our surgery has 4 partners, two associate GP’s and one Registrar, supported by locum GPs as necessary.
The Practice Manager
The Practice Manager is responsible for running the practice. If you have any comments, suggestions or complaints please contact the Practice Manager.
Nurse Practitioners
A Nurse Practitioner is a registered nurse (RGN) with advanced training in diagnosing and treating illness. They work alongside the doctors to provide high quality patient care. NP’s focus on prevention and education and can carry out physical examinations, arrange investigations and prescribe medication.
Clinical Practitioner
Our clinical practitioner is a qualified paramedic who visits acutely unwell patients who are unable to come to the surgery. He also sees patients in ‘On the Day’ clinic.
Practice Nurses
Practice Nurses provide a comprehensive service of nursing, health promotion and preventative medicine. You can book to have Cervical Smears, Vaccinations and a variety of other procedures.
Healthcare Assistants (HCA)
Our Healthcare Assistants have appointments for dressings, suture removal, chronic disease annual reviews, smoking cessation, blood pressure monitoring etc.
Please book all blood tests with our fully trained Phlebotomist.
Reception and Admin Staff
Our surgery could not run smoothly without the invaluable support given by our team. Please treat our staff with courtesy and respect.
Our Services / Our Services
Same Day Appointments
When you have an urgent medical need to see a clinician we can offer ‘On the Day’ appointments. If you have a medical emergency you can telephone the surgery and been seen on that day. Please note this clinic is not for routine matters such as prescription queries, medication reviews and sick certificates.
Telephone Advice
We can offer telephone advice for patients that are unable to get to the surgery or feel that a telephone call would avoid a trip to the surgery.
If you have a general enquiry you should contact the 111 service for advice.
Routine appointments are available to book in advance for non-urgent matters.
Home Visits
A member of the Practice Team will visit you at home if you are housebound or too unwell to be brought to the surgery. Please note facilities for examination and treatment are better at the surgery and the less time a doctor spends travelling the more time is available for patients.
Prescription Requests
Please note we only accept prescription requests in writing, and we do not take requests over the telephone. Please allow 3 working days to process your requests.
Violence or Abuse Against Staff
Any form of violence or abuse against staff will not be tolerated. Violence against a person is a crime and we will press for the maximum possible penalty for anyone who commits an assault against our staff. / On-line Registration
Order repeat medication, book appointments and access your practice online 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Not everyone can access their GP surgery during its normal opening hours. You can now do it online via SystmOnline any time without waiting forthe surgery to open. So, whether it is the middle of the night, your lunch break at work, or even if you’re away on holiday, you can login and request a repeat prescription or book an appointment within seconds.
Interpreter Services
For non-English speakers this practice uses interpretation services provided by Language Line. Please tell the receptionist if you require this when you book your appointment.
There may be times when you would feel more comfortable with a chaperone in the room during your consultation. We have trained staff on site if you request this service.
Private Fees
The NHS does not cover some services provided by the doctors and you may be asked to pay a fee. Examples are insurance claim certificates, medical reports, driving medicals and some travel vaccinations.
Travel Advice & Vaccinations
If you are travelling abroad, you will need to print the Travel Questionnaire available on our website or collect from reception. You will be required to seek advice and information about relevant travel vaccinations by accessing You shouldprint off the information and complete the travel questionnaire. It may take 3 weeks before appointment is offered and if the form has not been completed you will not be given an appointment. Travel consultations should be booked 6-8 weeks prior to your date of travel to ensure optimum cover is achieved.