Computer Fundamentals & Applications


Note: Requirements that are a modification of or an addition to those in the text are shown below in italics and underlined.

Win: Complete the Exploring the Basics of Windows XP and Managing Your Files tutorials at the beginning of the text. The data files specified in Step 1 on pg. FM 11 are located on the Shared Files network drive in our Lab. You should copy these files to your network drive or USB drive before beginning this portion of the tutorial. The copy process will be explained and demonstrated during the second class. There is nothing to turn in for this assignment. Its purpose is to ensure that you are sufficiently familiar with Windows to complete the remainder of the software assignments in this class. The tutorials specify Windows XP, but should work identically with other versions (Win2000, 98, or Me), although the screen displays will be somewhat different from those shown in the illustrations. If you have a new computer with Windows Vista, the procedures will be slightly different, although you should have no problem achieving the same results.

Email: Send an email to the instructor at the address on the syllabus containing your name and the class designation (MW1130, MW1, TR1130 or TR230) in the subject line. The body of the email should consist of the following information about yourself: a) your major, b) how many semesters you've attended Valencia, c) any prior computer classes you've taken (high school, college, or at work), d) any work experience with computers, and e) a brief self-evaluation of your current computer skills, f) any other information about yourself that you’d like to share with me.

WD1A: Complete Word Tutorial 1 beginning on pg. WD1 of your text. At Step 8 on pg. WD17, type your own name instead of “Andrew Suri”. At Step 6 on pg. WD 19, type your own middle initial. Turn in the printout created at Step 4 (second section) on pg. WD35.

WD1B: Complete Case Problem 1 on pgs. WD39-40. At Step 4, type your own name in place of Susanna Trevay. Turn in the printout produced at Step 15.

WD2A: Complete Word Tutorial 2 beginning on pg. WD45 of your text. Turn in the printout (2 sheets) created at Step 3 (second section) on pg. WD84.

WD2B: Complete Case Problem 2 on pgs. WD91-92. Turn in the printout produced at Step 8.

WD3A: Complete Word Tutorial 3 beginning on pg. WD97 of your text. At Step 8 on pg. WD136, replace “Robin Kinsella” with your own name. Turn in the printout (5 pgs) produced at Step 4, pg. WD137.

WD3B: Complete Case Problem 2 on pgs. WD140-141. Turn in the printout produced at Step 13.

WD4A: Complete Word Tutorial 4 beginning on pg. WD147 of your text. Be sure to replace Shawn Kampa with your own name, as directed in step 5, pg WD149. Turn in the printout (1 sheet produced at step 10, pg WD176. At step 6, pg. WD185, print only the first page of the Merged Cover Letters document and turn in. Also turn in the sample blog post printed at step 8, pg. WD187. There will be a total of three sheets for this assignment.

WD4B: Complete Case Problem 2 on pg. WD192. If you wish to be creative, you may replace the Island.jpg file with a suitable picture (.jpg) file of your own choosing. Turn in the printout (2 pgs) produced at Step 12.

EX1A: Complete Excel Tutorial 1 beginning on pg. EX1 of your text. Turn in the printout produced at step 7, pg 43 (2 sheets), and step 7, pg. EX45 (1 sheet).

EX1B: Complete Case Problem 1beginning on pg. EX49. Turn in the printout produced at step 18 (2 sheets). Switch to formula view and print the Income Statement sheet and submit that sheet.

EX2A: Complete Excel Tutorial 2 beginning on pg. EX57 of you text. Before performing step 2, pg. EX59, enter your name in cell B4 and the date in B5. Turn in the printout produced at step 3, pg. EX 100 (3 sheets).

EX2B: Complete Case Problem 1 beginning on pg. EX104. Turn in the printout produced at step 14.

EX3A: Complete Excel Tutorial 3 beginning on pg. EX113 of you text. Before closing the workbook file at step 3, pg. EX150, use Print Preview to make sure that each sheet is in the proper orientation (landscape or portrait), use the Fit to 1 Page option to make sure that each sheet will fit on a single page, then print all sheets (4 sheets). Switch to formula view and print the formulas for all but the Documentation sheet (3 sheets)

EX3B: Complete Case Problem 1 beginning on pg. EX153.At step 13, print the contents of the workbook (3 sheets).

EX4A: Complete Excel Tutorial 4 beginning on pg. EX161 of you text. Before closing the workbook file at step 5, pg. EX205, print the Cover Sheet, Documentation, and Summary Report sheets (3 sheets).Put the cover sheet on top when submitting.

EX4B: Complete Case Problem 2 beginning on pg. EX209. At step 14, print the contents of the workbook (3 sheets).

AC1A: Complete Access Tutorial 1 beginning on pg. AC1. At step 6, pg. AC6, instead of using the specified folder, you should create a new folder on your USB or network drive and save your database there. After completing step 7, pg. AC23, print the first page of the data sheet (1 sheet). After completing step 9, pg AC26, print the first page of the query results (1 sheet). Before completing step 7, pg. AC28, print the first page of forms (1 sheet). At step 1, pg. AC32, instead of choosing Quick Print, choose Print and print only the first page (1 sheet).

AC1B: Complete Case Problem 1 beginning on pg. AC38. After completing step 7, print the first page of the data sheet (1 sheet). After completing step 8, print the first page of the query results (1 sheet). After completing step 9, print the first page of forms (1 sheet). After completing step 10, print the first page of the report (1 sheet).

AC2A: Complete Access Tutorial 2 beginning on pg. AC45.

  • After completing step 7, pg. AC54, print only the first page of the Contract table (1 sheet.)
  • After completing step 2, pg. AC71, print only the first page of the Invoice table(1 sheet.)
  • After completing step 3, pg. AC81, print only the first page of the Customer table (1 sheet.)
  • After completing step 6, pg. 86, print a copy of the Relationships window as follows: In the Relationship Tools|Design tab, click the Relationship Report button on the left side of the Ribbon. The Relationship Report Print Preview window will display. Click the Print button on the Ribbon to print the report (1 sheet), then click the Close Print Preview button on the right side of the Ribbon.Close the Relationships for Belmont window, responding “no” when asked if you wish to save changes to the design of Report1.

You will have a total of 4 sheets to turn in for this assignment.

AC2B: CompleteCase Problem 1 beginning on pg. AC89.

  • Before completing step 6, print only the first page of the Teacher table (1 sheet.)
  • At step 15, before closing the Student table, print only the first page of the table (1 sheet.)
  • At step 20, before closing the Contract table, print only the first page of the table (1 sheet.)
  • After saving the changes to the Relationships window in step 20, print the Relationships report as described above(1 sheet.)

You will have a total of 4 sheets to turn in for this assignment.

AC3A: Complete Access Tutorial 3 beginning on pg. AC99. Print the query results at each of the steps listed below. Use Print Preview to select portrait or landscape as indicated below. If results for any query take more than one page, print only the first page (if 2 pgs. wide, print first 2 pgs.).

  • Pg. AC109, step 7 (landscape)
  • Pg. AC115, step 5 (landscape)
  • Pg. AC125, step 3 (landscape, 2 pgs. wide)
  • Pg. AC128, step 7 (landscape, 2 pgs. wide)
  • Pg. AC132, step 11 (landscape, 2pgs. wide, print only first 2 pgs.)
  • Pg. AC137, step 6 (landscape, 2pgs. wide, print only first 2 pgs.)
  • Pg. AC141, step7 (portrait)

Output submitted in improper sequence and/or unlabelled will not be graded.

AC3B: CompleteCase Problem 1 beginning on pg. AC146.Print the query results at the steps 4, 6, 10, and 12. Use Print Preview to select portrait or landscape as appropriate for each output. If results for any query take more than one page, print only the first page.Output submitted in improper sequence and/or unlabelled will not be graded.

PP: Create a slide presentation on a topic of your choice. The presentation should consist of between 8 and 12 slides, with at least four slides containing images (pictures and/or clip art). Your slide design should be consistent for all slides. This assignment will earn up to 4 points for your lab exercise total. A basic presentation meeting the above requirements will earn 3 points. The fourth point will be awarded for creativity and originality, such as including audio and animation effects (consult the Help system to find out about these). Turn in a diskette containing your presentation, labeled with your name and class time, and a printout in handout format, 3 slides per page.