Skeletal Independent Unit
Whole packet is due at once, staple papers together in order, and place this sheet on the top.
For this unit you must complete all of the following activities and have the appropriate signature to accommodate the activity. At the end of the Unit there will be a comprehensive test that will cover all the topics.
_____ Vocab Define the list of skeletal system vocabin your own words.Spongy Bone
Compact Bone, Bone Marrow, Haversian Canals, Oseocytes, Osteoclasts, Epiphyseal plate,
Periostium, Joint, Tendon, Ligament, Cartilage
_____ Paper Write a 1page paper that explains the effects of sunlightorweight bearingexercise on bones and bone development. Be sure to include the body’s response to the stimulus, and how it specifically affects the skeletal system.
_____Alberta/o Choose a partner to work with and quiz each other using Alberta/o on the bones and
have your partner sign off for you. ______
_____Bone Box Using the Box of bones in the classroom select 3 bones and make a guess as to what bone you think it is, and from what type of animal. Write a short explanation of how the bone is similar and different from the homologous human version of that bone. Then label a
drawing(sketching) of the bone with points you can identify.
______X-Rays Using the given X-Rays on the Anatomy Web site choose 6 to sketch and label the
structures seen. Write a short description of the trauma that can be seen in the X-Ray.
_____Bone study Choose a group of 3-4 to work with and quiz each other using Simon says rules. Switch
off being Simon. Have your partners sign off for you.
_____ Bone diagram Draw a diagram of a single bone, with all the parts labeled. Write a paragraph explaining
the significance of the Growth Plate in childhood, and what problems can occur with it if
a break happens at that point. Use the Owl book page 910-911(and internet) as a reference.
Label and include the function of the bone parts.
_____ Goat Skeleton In a group of 2 or 3 obtain the goat skeleton and make a sketch of the bones. Comparing
the goat skeleton to a human skeleton label the bones on your sketch. Compare the
vertebrae of the goat to the vertebrae of humans. (hypothesize bones you don’t know)
_____ Microscope Using the microscope look at the 3 bone slides on 400x magnification. Using a circle
draw the slide at the high magnification and research each slide to label any parts you
can identify. Write a short description of each slidehow it’s form fits it’s function?
_____ Bone Healing Using the Healing Bones link on my web site create a flip book, or Claymation that
shows the healing process. Be sure to label the parts in the process.
_____Bone Breaks Using Playdoh in the classroom make a model of your choice of three of the following
types of bone fractures. Write a short description of each and how they could be caused,
and their healing possibilities. Show the models to Ms. Brown(at least 15 min before end of class)