ICT Learning Needs Analysis (Sample)

This short questionnaire has been designed to determine your learning needs in the use of ICT. Please answer the questions below. Your response is important for the school to provide appropriate training to meet your needs. Please return the questionnaire to the General Office by dd/mm/yy.

Thank you very much for your time.

Name: ______Department: ______

Section 1 – Use of ICT (Please indicate your response with a tick )

1.How often do you use a computer?

 Never Occasionally Daily

2.Please rate your frequency in the use of ICT tools for the following activities:

Type of Activities / Very Often
(More than three times in a week) / Often
(Once a week) / Seldom
(A few times in a month) / Never
Teaching subject content, e.g. using simulation, videos, podcast etc
Creating teaching materials, e.g. notes, worksheets, presentations etc
Searching for information and educational materials
Assessing pupils’ performance, e.g. using blog, e-portfolio etc
Monitoring and evaluating pupils’ progress, e.g. spreadsheet
Communicating with pupils, e.g. SMS, MSN, email etc
Communicating with parents, e.g. email
Communication with colleagues, e.g. email
Others, please specify:
  1. Please rate your expertise in the use of the following:

Categories of ICT Tools / Applications / 3
Excellent / 2
Good / 1
Fair / 0
Don’t Know
Word Processing Application / MS Word
Google Docs
Spreadsheet Software / MS Excel
Google Spreadsheet
Organizing and Brainstorming Software / Mindmapping tools, e.g. Inspiration
Online Mindmapping tools, e.g. Bubbl.us, Webspiration
Multimedia / MS PowerPoint Presentation
MS Movie Maker
Adobe Photoshop
Data Collection Tools / Datalogger
Digital Camera
Video Camera
Web Resources / Internet Browsers
Web Page Designing
Communication Software / Blogs

Section 2 – ICT Training Needs (Please indicate your response with a tick )

  1. Please indicate your preferences (maximum of 3) for professional development in the following year:

Word Processing Application / MS Word / Basic Skills
e.g. add and format text, save files and edit content
Advanced Skills
e.g. use commands and tools
Google Docs / Collaboration
e.g. collaborate with others in writing and editing a word document
Spreadsheet Software / MS Excel / Basic Skills
e.g. enter data, work with formulas and functions, create simple charts
Advanced Skills
e.g. use lists to extract and manipulate data, record and edit macros
Google Spreadsheet / Collaboration
e.g. collaborate with others in processing data and creating charts
Multimedia / MS PowerPoint Presentation / Basic Skills
e.g. create presentation
Advanced Skills
e.g. customise presentation
Adobe Photoshop / Basic Skills
e.g. create digital images for print or web, create photo collage
Advanced Skills
e.g. perform photo retouching and colour correction, master various healing tools
MS Windows Movie Maker / Basic Skills
e.g. capture and edit video
Advanced Skills
e.g. add background music, create slideshow
Others, please specify:
  1. Please indicate, if any, the obstacles faced (you can choose more than one) for professional development in ICT:

Lack of time
Current courses are not relevant to my work
I am not aware of courses currently offered
Lack of suitable computer equipment
Others, please specify:

Thank You!

(Adapted from FirstToaPayohPrimary School)

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