The Focke-Wulf 190 G-8
By Andrew Arthy
To do
- Compare Nick Beale Stkz. with known G-8 Stkz.
- I./S.G. 10 losses on CD
- check F & B II./J.G. 300
This article looks at the FW 190 G-8, a ground-attack version of the Focke-Wulf 190 which saw limited Luftwaffe service in 1944 and 1945. Little has been written about this variant, and it is rarely seen in photographs. Additional information about the FW 190 G-8 is very welcome.
Focke-Wulf 190 G-8
The last FW 190 G- variant was the G-8. It entered service in March 1944, but was not built in large numbers. The manufacturer was Focke-Wulf, Marienburg, and all 83 were built in March 1944. Confirmation for Marienburg being the factory location is the data plate of FW 190 G-8/R5 W.Nr 190 086 found at Cravant, which had the letters “nat” on it. Further confirmation comes from the data plate of FW 190 G-8/R5 W.Nr 190 051, which records the manufacturer as “N.A.T.”.[1]
Month Type Factory Planned Taken over Total delivered in programme 225
Planned Actual Difference
03.44 FW 190 G-8/R5 Focke-Wulf 0 83 0 83 + 83
Focke-Wulf, Marienburg
190 001 – 190 … 03.44 – .44 ~ 100 aircraft
Stammkennzeichen Blocks
VF + VS 190 071
VF + VT 190 072
VF + VU 190 073
VF + VV 190 074
VF + VW 190 075
VF + VX 190 076
VF + VY 190 077
VF + VZ 190 078
VR + WA 190 079
VR + WB 190 080
VR + WC 190 081
VR + WD 190 082
VR + WE 190 083
VR + WF 190 084
VR + WG 190 085
VR + WH 190 086
VR + WI 190 087
VR + WJ 190 088
VR + WK 190 089
VR + WL 190 090
VR + WM 190 091
VR + WN 190 092
VR + WO 190 093
VR + WP 190 094
VR + WQ 190 095
VR + WR 190 096
VR + WS 190 097
VR + WT 190 098
VR + WU 190 099
VR + WV 190 100
VR + WW 190 101
VR + WX 190 102
VR + WY 190 103
VR + WZ 190 104
VR + XA 190 105
VR + XB 190 106
VR + XC 190 107
VR + XD 190 108
VR + XE 190 109
VR + XF 190 110
VR + XG 190 111
VR + XH 190 112
VR + XI 190 113
VR + XJ 190 114
VR + XK 190 115
VR + XL 190 116
VR + XM 190 117
VR + XN 190 118
VR + XO 190 119
VR + XP 190 120
VR + XQ 190 121
VR + XR 190 122
VR + XS 190 123
VR + XT 190 124
VR + XU 190 125
VR + XV 190 126
VR + XW 190 127
VR + XX 190 128
VR + XY 190 129
VR + XZ 190 130
VR + YA 190 131
VR + YB 190 132
VR + YC 190 133
VR + YD 190 134
VR + YE 190 135
Stab J.G. 300 II./J.G. 300
Stab S.G. 1 II./S.G. 1 III./S.G. 1
Stab S.G. 2 II./S.G. 2
I./S.G. 3
I./S.G. 4 II./S.G. 4
Stab S.G. 10 I./S.G. 10 II./S.G. 10
II./S.G. 151 12./S.G. 151 13./S.G. 151
S.G. 103
I./S.G. 152
I./S.K.G. 10
FW 190 G-8s taken on strength by Luftwaffe units:
March 1944 17
April 1944 45
May 1944 10
June 1944 5
July 1944 2
Total 79
Month & Unit New from factory
March 1944
III./S.G. 1 14
I./S.G. 152 3
April 1944
Stab S.G. 1 1
III./S.G. 1 24
I./S.G. 4 9
Stab S.G. 10 1
I./S.G. 10 2
II./S.G. 10 1
I./S.G. 152 2
I./S.K.G. 10 5
May 1944
III./S.G. 1 2
II./S.G. 2 4
I./S.G. 10 1
II./S.G. 10 1
I./S.K.G. 10 2
June 1944
Stab J.G. 300 ? [check F & B]
II./J.G. 300 ? [check F & B]
Stab S.G. 2 1
II./S.G. 2 2
I./S.K.G. 10 2
July 1944
I./S.G. 10 2
Figures are missing for II./S.G. 4 in summer 1944.
II./S.G. 1 received some G-8s in June 1944, but the number is not known.
In March 1944 27 FW 190 Gs were sent to Luftflotte 2. In April six FW 190 Gs were sent to Luftflotte 2. In May 45 FW 190 Fs and Gs were sent to Luftflotte 2. In June 23 FW 190 Fs and FW 190 Gs were sent to Luftflotte 2.[2]
W.Nr Stkz. Unit/s Remarks Sources
190 013 [3] ? 12./S.G. 151 80% damaged 25.01.45 Genst.Gen.Qu.6.Abt.
190 021 [4] ? I./S.G. 4 Lost 22.03.45 Genst.Gen.Qu.6.Abt.
190 022 [5] ? I./S.G. 3 Lost 20.02.45 Genst.Gen.Qu.6.Abt.
190 028 ? S.G. 4 Found at Castel di Sangro N. Beale, ‘SG 4 Last Battles in Italy’
190 049 ? 6./S.G. 4 Lost 27.05.44 N. Beale, ‘SG 4 Last Battles in Italy’
190 057 ? 6./S.G. 4 Lost 21.05.44 N. Beale, ‘SG 4 Last Battles in Italy’
190 059 ? S.G. 103 20% damaged 31.12.44 Genst.Gen.Qu.6.Abt.
190 060 ? S.G. 4 Found at Canino No. 7 N. Beale, ‘SG 4 Last Battles in Italy’
190 062 ? 4./S.G. 4 Lost 19.05.44 N. Beale, ‘SG 4 Last Battles in Italy’
190 063 ? 3./S.G. 4 Lost 25.05.44 N. Beale, ‘SG 4 Last Battles in Italy’
190 066 ? II./S.G. 4 Found at Castel di Sangro N. Beale, ‘SG 4 Last Battles in Italy’
190 068 ? 6./S.G. 4 Lost 13.05.44 N. Beale, ‘SG 4 Last Battles in Italy’
190 071 VR + VS 5./J.G. 300 Lost 13.06.44 Wast/Rodeike/Marktscheffe via Otto Burkhard
190 075 ? II./S.G. 2 Lost 22.01.45 Genst.Gen.Qu.6.Abt.
190 076 ? Fl.Ü.G. 1 35% damaged 03.04.44 Genst.Gen.Qu.6.Abt.
190 086 VR + WH ? G-8/R5. To Auxerre repair facility 27.05.44, NA AIR 40/1887
found at Cravant 12.10.44
190 093 ? 3./S.K.G. 10 Lost 22.05.44 via D. Wadman
190 100 ? 9./K.G. 51 Lost 19.08.44 via D. Wadman
190 102 ? 6./J.G. 300 Lost 07.07.44
190 106 VR + XB 4./J.G. 300 Lost 13.06.44
190 109 ? 6./J.G. 300 Lost 16.07.44
190 110 ? 3./S.K.G. 10 Lost 15.06.44 via D. Wadman
190 118 VR + XN 2./S.K.G. 10 Lost 10.06.44, to Auxerre repair facility 13.07.44 NA AIR 40/1887; via D. Wadman
190 119 ? 1./S.K.G. 10 Lost 04.07.44 via D. Wadman
190 135 VR + YE 5./J.G. 300 Lost 21.06.44
190 137 ? 1./S.K.G. 10 Lost 18.06.44 via D. Wadman
190 141 ? 6./J.G. 300 Lost 16.07.44
The Focke-Wulf 190 G-8 in Action
3 April 1944
At Marienburg FW 190 G-8 W.Nr 190 076 crashed due to poor ground conditions, and received 35 per cent damage. The pilot, from transfer unit Fl.Ü.G. 1, was not hurt.[6]
13 May 1944
Lt. Günther Entress of 6./S.G. 4 was shot down and killed by Spitfires in Italy in FW 190 G-8 W.Nr 190 068. This was probably in a combat with 92 Sqdn.[7]
19 May 1944
Lt. Karl-Heinz Ahrens of 4./S.G. 4 was shot down by Spitfires at Montefiascone in the morning. He had to bail out of FW 190 G-8 W.Nr 190 062 ‘White 3 + ’. The opponent in this combat was 145 Sqdn.[8]
21 May 1944
Lt. Horst Kulpa, the Staffelkapitän of 6./S.G. 4, was shot down and killed at Viterbo in FW 190 G-8 W.Nr 190 057. This was in a combat with 145 Sqdn.[9]
22 May 1944
3./S.K.G. 10 pilot Heinrich [details needed] failed to return from a mission to the United Kingdom in FW 190 G-8 W.Nr 190 093 ‘Yellow 4 + ’. He was posted missing.[10]
25 May 1944
During the day Lt. Theodor Petz of 3./S.G. 4 was shot down and killed by Spitfires at Tarquinia in FW 190 G-8 W.Nr 190 063 ‘Black 3 +’.[11]
27 May 1944
At Amelia in Italy Lt. Otto Kallenberger of 6./S.G. 4 was shot down and killed by Spitfires while flying FW 190 G-8 W.Nr 190 049.[12]
10 June 1944
Lt. Dieter Hess of 2./S.K.G. 10 was killed near Dreux in France in FW 190 G-8 W.Nr 190 118 ‘Red 5 + ’.[13]
13 June 1944
On this day Ofw. Albert Bösel of 5./J.G. 300 was killed in a combat at München/Schließheim in FW 190 G-8 W.Nr 190 071.[14]
Uffz. Fritz Krupper of 4./J.G. 300 was shot down near München in FW 190 G-8 W.Nr 190 106. He bailed out wounded.[15]
15 June 1944
In Normandy, Fw. Böhlert of 3./S.K.G. 10 failed to return from a mission in FW 190 G-8 W.Nr 190 110 ‘Yellow 4 + ’. Böhlert was posted missing.[16]
18 June 1944
Oblt. W. Stark of 1./S.K.G. 10 was posted missing in FW 190 G-8 W.Nr 190 137 ‘White 8 + ’. Further details of his loss are not known.[17]
21 June 1944
Oblt. Georg Schaffrath of 5./J.G. 300 was shot down in combat at Luckheide, and had to bail out wounded. He had been flying FW 190 G-8 W.Nr 190 135 on this mission.[18]
4 July 1944
Fw. Nikolaus of 1./S.K.G. 10 was posted missing near Littry/Bayeux in FW 190 G-8 W.Nr 190 119 ‘White 9 + ’.[19]
7 July 1944
On this day Lt. Norbert Graziadei of 6./J.G. 300 was shot down in combat near Leipzig, and was wounded in FW 190 G-8 W.Nr 190 102 ‘Yellow 1 + -’.[20]
16 July 1944
Obfhr. Paul-Ludwig Johannes Huss of 6./J.G. 300 was shot down and killed in combat at Prünnethal/Neiberg in FW 190 G-8 W.Nr 190 141 ‘Yellow 9 + -’.[21]
Obfhr. Hans-Ludwig Haufs of 6./J.G. 300 was also shot down and killed on this day. He had been flying FW 190 G-8 W.Nr 190 109 ‘Yellow 10 + -’, and crashed at Holzkirchen.[22]
19 August 1944
Fw. Stoll of 9./K.G. 51 crashed near Falaise, writing off FW 190 G-8 W.Nr 190 100 ‘Green 8 + ’. Stoll was wounded in the incident.[23]
31 December 1944
Uffz. Klaus Trede of S.G. 103 was injured in a crash-landing in FW 190 G-8 W.Nr 190 059 at Kohlenbissen airfield. This was a non-combat flight.[24]
25 January 1945
Ofw. Alfred Gehringer of 12./S.G. 151 was wounded when he made a forced landing due to engine problems in FW 190 G-8 W.Nr 190 013. The location was not known.[25]
20 February 1945
On this day Fw. Hans Ortner of I./S.G. 3 was posted missing in FW 190 G-8 W.Nr 190 022 after a combat.[26]
22 March 1945
At Leobschütz FW 190 G-8 W.Nr 190 021 of I./S.G. 4 was destroyed in combat with enemy fighters, although the pilot was not wounded.[27]
Primary Sources
NA AIR 40/1887, ‘Air P/W Interrogation Unit Main Headquarters Second T.A.F.: Focke-Wulf Repair Facility, Auxerre’
NA HW 5, Government Code and Cypher School: German Section: Reports of German Army and Air Force High Grade Machine Decrypts
BA-MA RL 2 III/880 – 882, Flugzeugbestand und Bewegungsmeldungen
Data plate of FW 190 G-8 W.Nr 190 051
Secondary Sources
Filley, B. FW 190A, F, and G in Action, Squadron/Signal Publications, Carrollton, 1999.
Griehl, M. & Dressel, J. Focke-Wulf Fw 190/Ta 152 - Jäger, Jagdbomber, Panzerjäger, Motorbuch Verlag, Stuttgart, 1995.
Electronic Sources
Beale, N.
Holm, M.
A. Brekken
M. Jessen
O. Jírovec
J.L. Perry Jr.
D. Peschier
S. Polyak
[1] RLM C-Amt Monatsmeldung; NA AIR 40/1887. A photo of the data plate of W.Nr 190 051 was kindly sent to me by Steve Polyak.
[2] N. Beale, ‘Schlachtgeschwader 4 Last Battles in Italy’
[3] Recorded as FW 190 F-8
[4] Recorded as FW 190 F-8
[5] Recorded as FW 190 F-8
[6] Genst.Gen.Qu.6.Abt.
[7] N. Beale, ‘Schlachtgeschwader 4 Last Battles in Italy’
[8] N. Beale, ‘Schlachtgeschwader 4 Last Battles in Italy’
[9] N. Beale, ‘Schlachtgeschwader 4 Last Battles in Italy’
[10] via D. Wadman
[11] N. Beale, ‘Schlachtgeschwader 4 Last Battles in Italy’
[12] N. Beale, ‘Schlachtgeschwader 4 Last Battles in Italy’
[13] via D. Wadman
[14] Wast/Rodeike/Marktscheffe via Otto Burkhard
[16] via D. Wadman
[17] via D. Wadman
[19] via D. Wadman
[23] via D. Wadman
[24] Genst.Gen.Qu.6.Abt. (mfm #12)
[25] Genst.Gen.Qu.6.Abt.Nr. 150/45 g.Kdos (V), 04.03.1945, Lfd.Nr 126
[26] Genst.Gen.Qu.6.Abt.Nr. 170/45 g.Kdos (V), 06.03.1945, Lfd.Nr 54
[27] Genst.Gen.Qu.6.Abt.Nr. 500/45 g.Kdos (V), 01.04.1945, Lfd.Nr 49